Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 644: Crown Princess of Nanliang

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In fact, the imperial child Lin Zhen imagined was not that he didn't want to come, but that he didn't have enough money!

According to the rules of the arena, one person is not allowed to challenge repeatedly. They are all time-limited, so when Liang Chen saw that Lin Zhen's prize pool was 32 billion in prize money, this person was moved.

Twenty-two billion is not a small sum, even if he is the little emperor grandson of the Nanliang Empire, he does not have that much money.

He had won a few before, but he bought a lot of things, and the money came and went quickly, and he was always tight.

Without money, it is naturally impossible to wrap up the 32 billion yuan. He is unwilling to win without it. It seems that Lin Zhen is also capable. Most people don't want to win money from him, so he has been raising money during this period of time. Money, ready to do a big vote.

Liang Chen has quite a few pig friends and dog friends, such as this little prince and that little princess, who are basically looking at him.

First Liang Chen's strength is the strongest, the ninth level of the galaxy, 1.03 million star power, in the Southern Liang Empire are all outrageous.

Furthermore, Liang Chen's identity, Nanliang's only young emperor's grandson, is of course extremely noble.

Although his prince's father usually ignores him at all, but he has no choice but to have a good mother, or a good stepmother.

Ning Qingxuan, the number one beauty in Nanliang, has been the first beauty for more than a thousand years, and no one has ever shaken her status.

Not only looks, but Ning Qingxuan is also a martial arts wizard, a hero of the female middle school. The Aoba Party where she is where she is trained vigorously, and her cultivation path is extremely smooth. At less than two thousand years old, she is already a master of longevity.

Therefore, she is not only the number one beauty in Nanliang, but also the number one miracle woman in Nanliang, a role model for women in the world. Even if someone secretly took a bath, the royal family did not dare to say that she had retired from Ning Qingxuan.

Such a stepmother dotes on Liang Chen, which is one of the important reasons why Liang Chen can be aggressive.

But domineering and domineering. When there is no money, there is still no money. Liang Chen has searched for his friends during this period, but these prodigal sons spend money like water, and there is no inventory in their hands. Seeing the 32 billion yuan There, he couldn't get his hands, but Liang Chen was anxious.

In desperation, Liang Chen finally decided to go to his mother to see if she could give herself some money.


The Qingye Sect is the largest school in Nanliang. The internal head and elders are all for longevity. What is the habit of royal marriages? Ning Qingxuan, as the core disciple of the school, has shown talents since childhood, and she is also older than her. The more than 1,000-year-old prince Liang Zhihuan is married.

Now Ning Qingxuan can stand on her own. Except for sometimes going back to the martial arts, most of the time she lives in Qinyin Xiaozhu in Nanliang City.

Qinyin Xiaozhu is a very huge yard, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. It is located in the prosperous area of ​​Nanliang and is a paradise in the busy city.

Liang Chen staggered back, pushed open the door of Qin Yin Xiaozhu, and immediately someone came over and prepared the crane mount to ride.

"My mother is here?" Liang Chen's biological mother died early, and she had been with Ning Qingxuan for hundreds of years, so she was used to calling her mother.

"His Royal Highness, the prince is here."

Although Ning Qingxuan never married the prince, the subordinates are also used to such a name.

"Then my mother is in a good mood today?"

"It looks pretty good. Play the piano in the backyard."

"Okay, if you are in a good mood, at least you can talk easily."

Liang Chen casually threw a few coins to the servants, one coin is one million, and he spends so much money, otherwise there won't be much money left.

Ride the crane straight to the backyard, a hundred kilometers away in no time.

From the top of the crane, Liang Chen tiptoed to the front of the backyard. Inside, there was a string of melodious piano sounds, like high mountains and running water, beads falling on a jade plate.

Waiting patiently for the end of the piano sound, Liang Chen was about to come in by the opportunity of applauding, complimenting his mother, and then asking for money, but before he applauded, Ning Qingxuan's voice was already heard.

"Come in Chen'er, won't you be tired outside holding your breath?"

With a look of embarrassment, Liang Chen poked his head out of the door, and then ran in.

"My mother is in a good mood today?"

"How about good? How about bad? Isn't it all the same?"

Ning Qingxuan stood up, a long lotus-colored dress swaying in the wind, and Liang Chen was in a trance looking at her mother's face that could eclipse the world.

No wonder her father is so obsessed with her, in fact Liang Chen also has a very serious Oedipus complex in her heart.

If you can't find a beautiful woman at the level of a mother in this life, Liang Chen would rather not get married.

However, there is only one Ning Qingxuan in the world, and she is so easy to find a woman who looks and martial arts character.

It seems that people have heard that there are saints in the Phoenix clan, with stunning looks, beautiful and graceful, not losing their mothers, and I don't know whether it is true or not. Most of Liang Chen didn't believe it in his heart.

"Mother, I don't see any fresh flowers in your garden recently. Is it because you don't have a lot of money? If so, my son still has more than one billion yuan here, so I can buy flowers for my mother."

Ning Qingxuan walked slowly among the flowers, gently brushing a few flower bones with her fingers. It was strange to say that the flowers were blooming after she slid her fingertips.

Such a spectacle made the eyes of people including Liang Chen a little straight. It's true that the longevity martial artist has vast magical powers, but Ning Qingxuan's ability is something that no one else can learn.

Standing in front of a tulip, Ning Qingxuan turned her head and glanced at Liang Chen: "Will you give me money? My mother is really touched by this, but you shouldn’t show off your pretentiousness, just say it if you have any Right."

"Hey, my mother's eyes are like torches, and nothing can escape your eyes."

Ning Qingxuan walked back from among the flowers, sat on a beautiful woman, looked at it with a simple book in her hand, and said to Liang Chen: "You can have money, but you must have a legitimate reason to persuade. If I can get the money, if I can’t persuade me, you should hurry up and practice.”

Liang Chen was stern and coughed: "That's it, there is a fanatic in the dimensional universe, who set up a ring to challenge others, and does not collect bonuses. I have troubled him several times and won about dozens. It’s like tens of billions."

Ning Qingxuan did not speak, flipping the pages of the book gently, her black hair and snow-skinned skin looked as beautiful as a painting.

"Well... this time, the fanatic has put down the ring again. The boy wanted to challenge to earn some pocket money, but he didn't expect that the fanatic's prize pool had risen to 32 billion. The boy is now I am weak, I have the ability to challenge, but I have no capital to challenge. The money I want to buy for my mother has not yet been paid."

"32 billion... You treat your mother as a bank, where do I have so many."

Ning Qingxuan gently shook her head and rejected Liang Chen's proposal.

Liang Chen's face suddenly collapsed: "Well, then, the boy can only let the madman clamor in front of me."

"What's the name of the madman you are talking about?" Seeing Liang Chen's expression, Ning Qingxuan couldn't bear it and asked.

"It's Lin Zhen! I've beaten him several times, so don't worry, mother, as long as I go, the 30 billion yuan will definitely be available immediately!" When Ning Qingxuan asked, Liang Chen regained his spirit.

Ning Qingxuan thought slightly, always feeling that something was wrong with this matter.

It's not a small amount to put more than 30 billion in any place, the galaxy martial artist named Lin Zhen dare to just throw it there and not take it, which shows that this person has absolute confidence.

But looking at Liang Chen's confident look, Ning Qingxuan also knew that his strength was definitely difficult to meet opponents in the galaxy stage, maybe this was really an opportunity.

Moreover, Ning Qingxuan felt that since Lin was really strong, she should have the pride of being a strong man.

"Are you sure that person is not a liar?"

"Absolutely not! This man has been in the arena for several years in the galaxy stage. My friends have all challenged. He has won and lost. He is really strong, only a little worse than me. It wasn't for me. Basically no one could challenge him in his ring."


Ning Qingxuan nodded: "I'll transfer the money to you now, but you must remember that after the challenge is over, you must take my capital back, and put another 20 billion in my custody, otherwise you will spend too fast. Up."

"Yes! I promise not to let my mother down!" It is also good to have 12 billion, and Liang Chen immediately agreed, anyway, he can still ask for it if he has no money.

Ning Qingxuan transferred 32 billion to Liang Chen, and Liang Chen immediately went happily.

Watching Liang Chen leave, the maid beside Ning Qingxuan said, "Miss, do you think that Lin really is a liar?"

"It's hard to tell? Listening to Chen'er's description, this Lin Zhen should also be a strong man, as a strong man has the strength of a strong man, there shouldn't be a strong man as a liar, how could there be such a shameless person in the world. "

Ning Qingxuan said, she continued to hold up her book and looked at it, but the maid next to her was a bit disagreeable. The lady thought of people too well. I don’t know how many profit-seeking **** are in the outside world. Then Lin Zhen might be such a person. .

"Boss, shall we enter the city today?"

" ready to go now."

Lin Zhen looked at Lin Feng, who was packing up his things and couldn't wait to go to the big city to see and see, and felt a little regretful.

Today is the last day of his three months in the ring. When it was set, it was set to recover the principal every three months. If the challenged royal family does not come today, all his efforts will be wasted.

"Time is also fate! It's not that I won't get it after all!"

Lin Zhen followed Lin Feng out. In order to enter the city, this guy specially changed into a new suit. He made a slapstick look like he was going out for a blind date.

Outside the door, the snow-white unicorn and the gorgeous carriage were bought by Lin Feng at his own expense. According to him, it doesn’t seem to be regarded as an earth leopard, but in Lin Zhen’s view, such a style is a poor man. rich.

The two left the inn room and got on the bus. Just as they were about to set off, suddenly a message came from the Dimensional Universe.

"Master, someone in your ring in the Dimensional Universe wants to challenge you, do you accept the challenge?"