Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 637: The fastest way to practice!

Hearing Lin Zhen shouting the price, Gu Yunting, who was already holding the winning ticket, was taken aback, and then loudly said: "Impossible! You can't have so much money, host, this person cheated, he should compensate, he should be disqualified!"

The people around are frowning slightly. Gu Yunting is stupid. The host can monitor the status of the guest's bank card. Once the bidding price does not match the balance, there will be a reminder and you need to yell. Reminder?

The host also had a smile on his face: "Mr. Gu, please rest assured, if there is a situation like what you said, I will never sit idly by, but now the situation shows that Mr. Lin Zhen’s bank card balance is absolute Enough."

Gu Yunting also reacted right now, staring at Lin Zhen blankly, "Then why did you give up before?"

"Hehe, this question, you go back and think about it slowly, but I can't guarantee that you can figure it out, Mr. Gu, stop talking nonsense, if you don't increase the price, this cheat book will belong to me."

Gu Yunting wanted to increase the price very much, but he really didn't have any money, so he could only say bitterly: "You just got a cheat book to be proud of, but I got the pill and the sword book, Lin Zhen, you still lost."

"Who loses and who wins, I believe you will know soon, host, can you announce the result?"

The host nodded, and after confirming that no one raised the price, he dropped the hammer decisively.

"Congratulations to Mr. Lin Zhen for getting this ancient cheat book at a price of 18.1 billion. This is also the highest transaction price at today's auction. The world auction house has a rule. This level of auction will get the highest transaction price. People can become a gold card member of the bank and enjoy the VIP treatment of free reminders from the firm in the future. At the same time, Mr. Lin Zhen will also enjoy a 10% discount on the goods purchased by the firm in the future!"

Lin Zhen was also taken aback. He didn't expect such a rule, but it was a good thing, and he readily accepted it.

Gu Yunting almost vomited blood over there, Lin Zhen won the highest turnover of 18.1 billion, but he lost two of 18 billion by 100 million.

"Lin Zhen, what a bastard!"

Gu Yunting gritted his teeth and said, the realm king next to him saw his state and immediately left without saying a word. Gu Yunting gave him five billion yuan. Even if the auction was not in vain, I would like to thank Lin for it. Really, otherwise Gu Yunting would not pay him back.

Lin Zhen received the cheats of the Five Stars and Falling Forms, and also obtained the Gold Membership of the World Auctions.

Gu Yunting also thinks that he won. Whoever won, time will reveal the answer.

Looking at the balance in the bank card, it has changed from 15 billion to 13.8 billion. I earned 171 from selling cheats and 181 to buy cheats, plus Baihu’s blood. Two hundred million, Lin Zhen only spent one billion this time.

It was a gold card member for nothing. This membership status can't be bought for a billion.

In a happy mood, he took Lin Feng back to the Alchemy Master Guild, and asked Lin Feng to go back to rest, while Lin Zhen opened the five star-falling secret book indoors.

This is a secret book of the mind. If you learn it in accordance with the method of exercise in the secret book and practice it with force, you can practice this ancient unique knowledge.

"The first type of meteor fall, at the first level, there is the power of the meteor head-on collision. This trick can be used in my hands and it is enough to defeat some galaxies."

"The second is the fall of the comet, and the star field period is also difficult to resist."

"But the third type of satellite landing is really powerful, enough to help me face the king of the world, but this move consumes too much star power, and it actually needs a million star power!"

Only talented masters in the domain king level can have a million star power. For the galaxy stage, a million is an unattainable goal, I am afraid that there are not many galaxy stages like the Metaverse.

But Lin Zhen still has a chance. His current star power is 970,000. If he can light up the five ghost stars, his star power will exceed one million!

Even if his body star power does not exceed one million, he can still learn this cheat because he still has a clone.

With enough money in his hand, Lin Zhen allowed the clone to continue to refine alchemy here, while the body entered the dimensional arena.

He wants to practice in the Dimensional Arena, and after he has practiced the first three forms of the Star Falling Five Forms, that's when he goes to Gu Yunting to settle accounts.

There is not much difference between the Dimension Arena in the Metaverse and the New Territories. There are not only challenge matches, team battles, and celestial competitions. You can also practice alone.

Lin Zhen came to the arena of the galaxy period, the 825th battle zone, the 7399 small battle zone, where he set up a personal arena.

There are only a few short messages on the personal arena. The amount of the ring will not be withdrawn within three months. Accept all the challenges of the galaxy period!

Lin Zhen’s prize pool has set up a 100 million prize, everyone can challenge the amount at will, whether it is all round or part of the challenge.

The meaning of no retracement is that within three months, no matter how much money is in this ring prize pool, he will leave as much money here and never take away a penny.

Even if there are 100 billion in the prize pool, you can win at once if you have the ability!

Although there are only two simple sentences, they are extremely arrogant!

As soon as Lin Zhen took the ring, someone challenged him.

The challenge is a barbarian warrior who is full of metal texture. His skin is as hard as metal, which is obviously a practice.

"I think the person who puts on such a big-talking ring is a great person. It turns out to be just a hairy boy in his early years. Your 100 million grandfather is all covered. You should go back and practice for a few years before you come back and talk about it!"

"Just come as much as you want, stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Zhen directly and outrageously made use of the five star-falling poses learned these days.

A lightning punch slammed the opponent's chest, and the meteor fell!

The barbarian warrior straightened his chest unconcernedly: "I don't know what I can, I take a step back if you can fight, even if you win...Ah!"

Boom~! !

A meteor seemed to slide down in the sky.

Meteors are huge meteorites. What kind of power will a huge meteorite impact on the planet?

The extinction of the dinosaurs on the earth is said to have originated from the impact of meteorites!

It was as if a small nuclear bomb exploded in front of the chest, and the ninth-level warrior of this galaxy was directly blasted out of the virtual space by Lin Zhen.

Kill with a punch!

He clenched his fist with one hand, making a clicking sound, Lin Zhen shook his head slightly.

"No, it's too weak, and I don't know how to live or die, and I actually use my body to resist it. It can't have the effect of exercise at all."

However, the 100 million in cash is a real deal, and Lin Zhen's prize pool has almost reached 200 million.

The battlefield of the galaxy period is very rare when billions of cash can appear, and 200 million is already a great reward.

The warriors who came to challenge immediately lined up. Lin Zhen checked in the Dimensional Universe. In such a short period of time, there were more than 10,000 people in line!

Next, challenge the 10 million bonus.

"This should be a more cautious person, but that's fine, at least fighting won't be so boring."

The picture flashed, and a thin middle-aged man appeared.

This person was really cautious, and after he appeared, he took a posture and confronted Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen didn't have any words at all. With a bang, people already blasted past like cannonballs, and didn't take out weapons, but only confronted the enemy with five fists.

The battle was not particularly easy. It was possible to see Lin Zhen put down this slogan and still challenge, at least there were two tricks, not to mention that Lin Zhen was mainly practicing.

The two men split up in the air and attacked back and forth. One minute later, Lin Zhen hit the man in the back with a punch and blasted him out of the field.

"My meteors have not fallen to the point where I can come easily. It may take thousands of battles to get familiar with, but this is not a problem at all. With the attraction of cash, the most important thing I lack is fighting."

The prize money became 210 million, and the third challenger appeared.

This person is more cautious, and the challenge amount is only one million, which is also the minimum set by Lin Zhen. It may be that Lin Zhen has won two games in a row, and he feels a little confused.

Lin Zhen is not too small, there will be many situations like this in the future.

The battle started without a word, and after thirty seconds, the third person was eliminated!

Then there was the fourth and fifth, but there were no more people who came up like the first.

Lin Zhen sometimes gets injured in battle, not because he is not strong enough, but because he is not proficient in using the five star-falling forms, and if he is a little jerky, he will give people a chance to succeed.

But it is precisely because of this that after some warriors are eliminated, they will show others the impact of the battle, which proves that Lin Zhen is not so difficult to defeat. As long as someone with strong strength arrives, he will definitely earn these two billion yuan in his pocket. .

The result is that more people come to challenge.

There are more people coming, and there will be warriors who are confident enough in themselves.

When the fifteenth challenger appeared, Lin Zhen's 250 million bonus was directly rounded up.

"Haha~! I'm really worried, worried that someone would win these bonuses before me, but God still took care of me. Those who came before were all rookies, and I made it today."

"Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Lin Zhen rushed forward again The two started fighting.

This opponent is really strong enough, and the star power has reached 550,000!

But that's all. Compared to Lin Zhen's 970,000 star power, it is not at the same level. After five minutes of persistence, Lin Zhen was replaced by injury, and a somewhat awkward meteor fell out. .

From beginning to end, Lin Zhen didn't even use his mental power.

Two hundred fifty million, it became five hundred million!

Five hundred million is already a huge amount, but those who dare to challenge are already masters.

Looking at the queuing of nearly 50,000 people in the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen smiled bitterly, this time some of them fought, but when the battle was over, his first three forms of star fall had basically been practiced.

This is simply the fastest way to practice!