Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 628: Arm the **** baby, success!

Lin Zhen successfully refined the Ju Yuan San used in the Star Territory Phase and was promoted to the fifth rank alchemist, which made Thomas overjoyed.

You should know that Lin Zhen was only one thousand and three years old, and he was promoted to the fifth-rank alchemist. With such talents, it is not impossible to advance to the seventh-rank in the future.

Thomas and Huangfuqi announced on the spot that Lin Zhen was promoted to the elder of the Alchemist Guild!

In addition, the guild can equip Lin Zhen with two world king-level bodyguards. Lin Zhen said that he already has a world king bodyguard, that is Lin Feng.

Although Lin Feng is currently only the second level of the realm king, his star power has reached 1.7 million, which is considered a good master, and the guild can pay the bodyguards, which also happens to give Lin Feng, who is busy with the shop.

Lin Feng really became a follower now, and he was a bit resistant to his status, but when the handsome salary was in front of him, this unscrupulous guy immediately resigned.

As for the other bodyguard, Lin Zhen is not in a hurry.

The original small alchemy room was also changed, replaced by a separate courtyard, with all kinds of facilities in it, and the treatment of the elders was different from that of the deacons.

However, these are not important to Lin Zhen, what is important is that he can finally deploy the mental power potion, so that Cui Mang's perfect mental power can nurture the **** baby!

In the past three years, he has been studying materials about the **** infant all the time, and he has become a master of the birth of the **** infant.

Other people can mentally transform the gods, that is, they can be bred normally, but Lin Zhen is not reconciled.

His divine infant is to be used by masters of the world king of seizures. When choosing the object of seizures, he must choose a strong one.

And those truly powerful, each have a **** infant, and when the fire of their life is not extinguished, the **** infant still has a strong power.

Therefore, Lin Zhen's figure must be stronger than other people's **** infants.

For this matter, Lin Zhen specially asked Lin Feng to consult his father and asked if there was any way to make the god-baby stronger.

Although Lin Feng was with Lin Zhen, he knew every move he made. Knowing that Lin Zhen wanted to inquire, he told Lin Zhen a piece of news he had heard.

This matter is also uncertain. It is just a legend. It is said that when the heavens and the earth are opened up, if the essence of the energy elements can be gathered, it can be condensed into the weapon of the **** infant. But this process is extremely painful, but once it succeeds, the **** infant will fight Much stronger than other **** infants.

After all, the knife is much better than the empty-handed.

Lin Zhen also specialized in this matter for a long time, and he really made a name for it.

The energy essence opened up by heaven and earth is actually the purple gas in Lin Zhen's dark star space.

Moreover, Lin Zhen has gathered all the energy elements to form a new world with a complete ecosystem. This is not difficult for Lin Zhen.

Within three years, he has been mobilizing the essence of energy elements to condense them outside the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

These energy elements can change shapes at will, Lin Zhen has been preparing for a long time, and now it's finally time to harvest.


"Teacher, do you see how this mental potion is deployed?"

Lin Zhen asked Thomas. The teacher Lin Zhen shouted willingly. Although it may take a while, Thomas will have nothing to teach himself, but Lin Zhen will never forget his three years of teaching.

Without Thomas's pharmacy, Lin Zhen would not have the possibility of giving birth to a divine baby.

Thomas took the potion, carefully looked, smelled, tasted, and finally gave Lin Zhen a thumbs up.

"Lin Zhen, today I know what blue is better than blue. Your talent surprised me. I now announce that you can become a teacher. With regard to pharmacy, especially mental medicine, your level of understanding is better than mine. Up."

"Through the teacher's careful guidance, Lin Zhen will never forget."

"Go, I know you are going to give birth to a **** baby. Remember, the color of the **** baby is the same as the color of the spiritual power promotion. Starting from the bronze level, the silver level, the gold level, the dark strength level, the diamond level, and the azure Level, Cuimang level, the higher the color level of God Infant, the stronger your mental power."

"What is the level of the teacher's **** baby?"

Thomas himself was also the ninth-level realm king, Lin Zhen wanted to ask.

"Haha, ashamed, my main energy is on alchemy, and the realm is stuck in the ninth-level realm king. Not to mention, the **** infant is only the late bronze stage."

With that, Thomas thought, and a little man appeared out of thin air.

I can see vaguely the appearance of a little boy, looking like a baby about one year old, with bronze skin all over his body, yet to enter the silver stage.

But just such a small person made Lin Zhen's Cuimang level mental power feel fluctuating.

If Thomas wants to use this **** baby against himself, Lin Zhen has no resistance right now.

After seeing Thomas' baby god, Lin Zhen yearned for the **** baby even more.

Saying goodbye to Thomas, Lin Zhen returned to his yard, closed the door, and forbid anyone to disturb, he was about to break through.

Sitting on the bed, there was a table in front of him on which was the mental potion prepared by Lin Zhen.

In the past three years, he has practiced in his heart countless times on the breakthrough method of Shen Ying, and he can basically be foolproof.

Probably the only difficulty is that the energy element transforms the gods into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

The so-called magic weapon is the weapon of the **** infant.

Closing his eyes slightly, his mind hovered in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Within the Spiritual Consciousness Sea, the Cuimang-level mental power is full, and the conditions for gestating a divine infant are completely sufficient.

But before that, Lin Zhen wanted to plant magical soldiers within the spirit of consciousness. This might be painful, but Lin Zhen was least afraid of pain.

As long as you die without pain, Lin Zhen can bear it.

He believes that Shui Jing should not talk about it, after all, his son is with him, he should be able to say that with great confidence.

First, the energy elements that have been condensed for many years are merged together, and then transformed into the shape of a long spear.

Under the mobilization of mental power, the spear slowly pierced the Cuimang-level mental power group!


When the spear pierced the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Lin Zhen couldn't help howling in his throat. This pain was almost as much as the soul passing through a black hole!

If 100 million people do this action at the same time, 90 million may faint on the spot, and the remaining 10 million will give up on the spot, and none of them can persist.

But Lin Zhen is not among the 100 million people. Among the one trillion people, there may not be one that can exceed Lin Zhen's endurance.

This process was so painful that Lin Zhen gritted his teeth and pierced his spear fiercely!

With a bang, the muscles all over his body twitched, Lin Zhen fainted on the spot in pain, then immediately woke up again, and fainted again!

I don't know how many times after doing this, Lin Zhen just gritted his teeth and didn't give up, allowing his mental power to fuse with this spear. He even forgot the passage of time, and he died indoors alone.

On the first day, he passed out three hundred times!

On the third day, he passed out a hundred times!

On the fifth day, he passed out seven times!

On the tenth day, there was only one syncope!

He was gradually able to adapt to this kind of pain. If his soul hadn't passed through the black hole, then the pain was enough to make him die, because his soul was tough enough to persist in this hellish ten days.

On the eleventh day, the pain in my mind disappeared.

A long spear transformed by energy elements is finally fully integrated into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness!

"It's time! His grandma's, this kind of pain is really unbearable, but fortunately I finally persisted!"

"But everything is worth it. After my **** baby is born, he brings his own weapon, and he will have a very big advantage in the face of other **** babies."

The clothes on his body were wet and dry, dry and wet, Lin Zhen almost shivered, picked up a bottle of mental potion on the table, and drank it!

The powerful medicinal power rushes into the mind and injects the spiritual force!

A breath of life rose in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, and Lin Zhen felt that a young life seemed about to be born.

"The second bottle!"

Touched the second bottle of potion and poured it again, the breath of life finally became clear again.

Lin Zhen didn’t care about anything. He grabbed the potion that had been prepared on the table and poured it one after another, washing Lin Zhen's spirit and knowing the sea with the breath of Wait until the tenth bottle of potion At that time, the breath of life finally stopped increasing and was saturated.

Lin Zhen stopped pouring the potion and began to concentrate on cultivation and wait.

At this time, the spiritual consciousness of the sea is like an egg, and an embryo in the center of the egg is slowly forming, and the mental power of the emerald level is beginning to be continuously injected into the embryo, giving birth to life.

Gradually, the mental power of the Cuimang level began to decline, turning into sky blue.

From azure to diamond, then to dark gold.

The dark gold fell again and turned into the color of gold, and then fell the color of silver.

When it became bronze, Lin Zhen's embryo was about to become a baby.

In the end, the bronze spiritual power also disappeared. These spiritual powers became the nourishment for nurturing the gods and babies, and finally the color simply became a white transparent color, which was the initial stage of spiritual power.

Time also passed day by day in this process, ten months in a blink of an eye!

Breeding a divine infant is not a simple matter. Spiritual power is nourishment. This is a very important step for warriors. It basically takes ten months to successfully conceive.

After ten months of hard cultivation, Lin Zhen's body was already in an extremely exhausted state, but his mental power was extremely excited.

Because just when the tenth month came, the last trace of bronze in his consciousness disappeared.

The embryo in the sea of ​​knowledge finally emerged at this moment!

A gap finally cracked in the egg-shaped spiritual force.

Spying with mental power, Lin Zhen could clearly see a white and fat little boy sitting in the middle of the egg, holding a seven-colored spear in his arms, and slowly opening his eyes.

The moment the God-Infant opened his eyes, it was as if the spirit of the heaven and the earth were all in one, stunning the world!