Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 624: Smooth promotion

The first thing that Lin Zhen wanted to refine was to gather the origins and disperse, which was also something every alchemist must know.

Grasp the medicine skillfully, ignite and start the furnace.

Lin Zhen is almost impeccable in everything, and he does not seem to be a novice at all.

It is difficult for Meng Fei to imagine how such a person who has never passed the qualifications of an alchemy master would possess such a skillful skill. He even felt that the Ju Yuan San refined by Lin Zhen might be even better than the one he refined himself. Better.


The Dan furnace shook, and it succeeded once!

After a furnace of Ju Yuan scattered, Lin Zhen took it out and said to the two alchemists, "Can the pill become my own?"

"Yes, but you have to pay for the medicine."

Lin Zhen collected the pill and took out one to the two alchemists to watch.

"Tsk tusk! The color, the smell! The shape! The purity! It's definitely the top grade!"

The fifth-rank alchemist kept praised, and Meng Fei also analyzed the intelligent life of the Dimensional Universe, and concluded that the side effects of this Juyuansan were very small, and the fire poison was almost non-existent.

"How did you get rid of the fire poison?"

When Lin Zhen was dispelling the fire poison, they quietly let out a bit of cold air, but they didn't notice it, so they didn't know the mystery of Lin Zhen dispelling the fire poison.

"Haha! Every alchemist has his unique secret, this is my secret."

Meng Fei heard Lin Zhen's refusal to say, and his face sank slightly: "Young man, don't think that you can be disrespectful to me if you pass the third-rank assessment. There is a huge gap between the third-rank and the fourth-rank. You'd better keep a low profile. some."

"In this case, I will directly assess the fourth rank, is it just like you?"

"What? You want to assess the fourth grade? I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not, but please avoid it now. According to the assessment rules for alchemists, alchemists at the same level are not eligible for invigilation."

The five-rank alchemist is also unbelievable, but Lin Zhen's request is reasonable and reasonable. He said to Meng Fei: "Then you can avoid it. I will record his assessment to ensure that it is true and effective."

Meng Fei's expression was extremely ugly, and he bowed his head and left the examination room.

The fifth-rank alchemy master said, "Lin Zhen, before your assessment, I want to tell you that if you succeed in the fourth-rank alchemy assessment, then you belong to the guild, and the fourth-rank alchemist is considered to be in the guild. Deacon, this identity is universal everywhere in Metaverse, so I will not do any favoritism in your assessment."

"Please rest assured, elders, I know this very well."

"Well, if you are being tested, two fifth-rank elders are required to be present. I will connect a video and let a friend of mine in Xianle County proctor the test with me."

The elder pressed a few buttons and a big screen appeared on the wall.

The dimensional universe was connected, and soon two people appeared over there.

"Oh roar! Dear Lao Zhuang, why are you so in the mood to find me? I'm talking about Dan Dao with Mr. Vice President."

"That's it. There has been a young man with very good qualifications in our Muwangfu. He was just a thousand years old this year. He came to assess the qualifications of alchemists. He has passed the assessment of the first three ranks and is now ready to assess the fourth rank. And here is only me for the fifth grade, so I have to find you to invigilate the exam. I didn't expect the vice chairman to be there, so let's go together."

The vice president is the vice president of the Xianle County Alchemist Guild. He is a sixth-rank alchemist, and he nodded slightly, indicating that he could start.

Facing the invigilation of two fifth-rank elders and a sixth-rank vice chairman, Lin Zhen did not have any stage fright, and started Baihuawan step by step....

Ten minutes later, the elixir came out!

Today's luck is also very good, both alchemy is a success.

On the big screen, the vice president named Thomas applauded gently.

"Wizard! Lin Zhen, you are a pill refining wizard. I just checked your information. You got the first place in a virtual space in the Muwangfu. You are about to come to Xianle County Alchemist Guild to receive special training. Don't you mind, I am very happy to discuss the techniques of alchemy with you, and I am very interested in your method of using ice and fire..."

Lin Zhen is also very happy. If Thomas is really willing to teach himself, then he will definitely benefit a lot, and Xianle County must go.

Elder Zhuang awarded Lin Zhen the Deacon Medal of the Alchemy Master Guild, and also signed a contract with Lin Zhen.

The contract states that Lin Zhen has become a deacon of the Alchemy Master’s Guild. He can purchase medicinal materials in the guild and enjoy a 10% discount. When his medicine is refined, the guild will have the right to buy first when he wants to sell it. Below market price etc.

Lin Zhen glanced, took a pen to sign, entered the genetic data, and joined the guild ever since.

On the big screen, Thomas said to Lin Zhen: "Deacon Lin, your name has been entered into the alchemy guild system. You are already a member of the alchemy guild. According to the guild regulations, the deacon can have exclusive alchemy in the guild. The guild can equip you with room and two bodyguards in the star field period or give you cash."

"Oh, two options?"

"Yes, you can go to the slave market to buy it. If it is equipped from the guild, then it will be two star-level five bodyguards. If you give up the guild equipment, you can give you 50 million in cash."

Lin Zhen thought for a while, and decided to get the money first. He didn't really need the bodyguard of Star Phase: "I'll look for it by myself. The guild only needs to give me cash."

"OK, Elder Zhuang, you can give out cash to Deacon Lin."

The 50 million cash arrived quickly, and Lin Zhen said goodbye to a few people, and then left the guild.

On his chest, there are already four gold stars that symbolize the identity of the fourth-rank alchemist.

This Venus can be revealed or hidden.

Lin Zhen didn't hide, but walked out directly.

Shui Feng was waiting there. After seeing Lin Zhen, he immediately smiled and said, "How? I know how difficult it is to assess alchemists...huh? What?"

Seeing the four gold stars on Lin Zhen's chest, all swallowed back into his stomach when the water seal was sealed.

Lin Zhen walked over and patted the other person on the shoulder: "Brother, sometimes I'm too full of words, but I will throw a rock in the foot."

Shui Feng's face rose to the color of pig liver, and it took a long time to speak, "I really didn't expect you..."

"Wait a minute, what should you call me?"

"Big...Big...Brother." Shui Feng's hesitation was softer than a mosquito.


Lin Zhen smiled and hugged the water seal: "Call me Lin Zhen from now on, everyone is brothers."

Shui Feng laughed too. Although he lost, Lin Zhen was also more to his liking.

"No, if you lose, you lose. What's more, you really surpass me in alchemy. I will confuse with you in the future. You can teach me alchemy."

"Okay, but you must listen to me for anything."

"Understand the boss!"

Shui Feng stood attentively offering a salute, and he didn't know what the etiquette was, as if he was selling cuteness.

"What are your plans in the future?"

"My father taught me to come out and practice, first let me get a third-rank alchemist, and then go to the Xianle County Alchemist Guild, where I can cultivate to the fourth-rank before returning home. Alas! I just reached the third-rank and want to become a fourth-rank alchemist. I am afraid that there is no hope for hundreds of years."

Lin Zhen glanced at Shui Feng: "If I didn't guess wrong, your father should be Mr. Shui Jing, the strongest man who went out of the Muwangfu, a super warrior in the longevity realm."


Shui Feng looked around for a long time like a thief, "Boss, how did you guess it? My father wouldn't let me tell others."

"Does this still have to be guessed? I have been to the Temple of Longevity. That is your house. Look at the statue of your father. It looks like you and you were taken out of the same mold, let alone your surname Shui."

The water sealed it up: "That's right, I should use a pseudonym, it's too easy to be spotted."

"Then your name is Lin Feng. If you change your surname, no one will doubt it."

"Okay, it's called Lin Feng."

Lin Feng's mount was a whistling beast, not as fast as Lin Zhen's Dapeng Bird.

"Your father should be very rich, don't he say to get you a better mount?"

"He has money and he doesn't give it to me. He only gave 100,000 yuan when I left home. I saved up and bought it."

Lin Feng murmured, and then said to Lin Zhen: "Boss, I think you should find a place to Both of us now know how to alchemy. It's better to get a shop, you alchemy and I will help you. , And then I can usually teach you some martial arts. After all, I am also a realm king. My father said, my martial arts talent is still higher than him, and I will definitely be able to advance to the longevity in the future."

Lin Zhen nodded slightly, this is also his current thinking.

He had even planned a place to go to Xianle County to practice alchemy while learning, and he could also learn from the vice-chairman of the Alchemist Guild without delay in making money.

Besides, there is Lin Feng, a martial arts instructor, who can also teach him many things.

At this time, Lin Zhen missed his clone. If he had a clone, he could do a lot of help. Maybe he should get another clone to make money and practice both.

"Well, I don't have a fixed place now, so I just have to go to the Alchemy Master Guild in Xianle County to study. You can go with me."

"Okay! Let's go! I was kept at home and practiced by my father since I was a child, and I can finally get out of the Wooden Palace!"

Lin Feng seemed even more excited than Lin Zhen, this was a child who had been living in the shadow of his father, and his father did not release him until he had cultivated to the realm king.

However, Lin Zhen had no doubt about Lin Feng's actual combat ability, even though he was the first-level realm king, he was definitely the strongest among realm kings.

It is precisely because of him that Lin Zhen does not need a bodyguard.

"Go! Target Xianle County!"

As soon as Lin Zhen took off, Lin Feng abandoned his whistling wind beast and ran on the back of Dapeng Bird.

"You are the boss, you are obligated to take the little brother. My screaming beast is slow like an old lady, so I'm going with the big brother."

Looking at this poor, white and thick-skinned Realm King, Lin Zhen was also speechless. Fortunately, Dapeng Bird didn't care about bringing another person, flapped its wings and lifted into the air, heading towards Xianle County.