Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 614: Alchemy promotion

Juyuansan is the most circulating medicine on the market.

No matter what realm of the martial artist, you need a lot of convergence, as long as you want to cultivate a little faster than others, then you can't do without it.

It's just that if you take too much medicine, some toxins will accumulate and erysipelas will form, so you can't take the medicine all the time.

There is also a pill called Ningshuang Dan, which is specially used to eliminate side effects and resolve erysipelas, and the sales volume is considered good.

But after all, frequent medication in the middle is also very troublesome, so there are two criteria for the quality of Juyuansan, one is for the accumulation of star power, and the other is that the side effects are small.

Those that meet these two standards are considered good medicines.

There are two main parts in erysipelas, one is fire poison and the other is medicine poison. The poison can be reduced as much as possible, but the fire poison cannot be resolved, because you can't do it without fire.

Unless the alchemist possesses the power of water at the same time as the power of fire, the combination of water and fire can effectively dissolve fire poison.

However, it is almost impossible for an alchemist to have water in the fire and water, and two completely opposite elemental opportunities will not appear in a person's body at the same time.

Lin Zhen had no such worries. He had Dark Star as his foundation, and he possessed any kind of energy.

A deep blue flame shot out and started to burn in the furnace.

After the pill furnace was fully heated, the first medicinal materials were added again, and the alchemy began.

According to Xu Xingyao's alchemy situation in his memory, Lin Zhen executed it meticulously to avoid any mistakes.

Ten minutes later, Lin Zhen shook his hand and made a mistake!

Some of the medicinal materials are very similar, but Lin Zhen is still not skilled enough and took the wrong one.

After carefully identifying the two similar medicinal materials, Lin Zhen started alchemy for the second time.

The temperature of the second flame was not well mastered and it was wrong again.

Go on for the third time......

The third dose of medicinal materials was too large, but it was still wrong...

For the fourth time, Lin Zhen made a mistake again when he innovated according to his own ideas and injected cold air to dissolve erysipelas during alchemy.

Repeatedly, three days passed.

It was not until the early morning of the fourth day that Lin Zhen had his first success!

A cold air entered, and the black air rose from the pill, and those were all toxins.

By the time the black energy in the pill has been consumed most of the time, the fire poison has been dissolved, and there is already a trace of erysipelas inside.


The pill furnace is opened, and a furnace of pill medicine is successful!

Lin Zhenyi raised his hand and put all the pills in his palm.

I saw golden pills the size of peanuts spinning in the palm of the palm, with hundreds of them!

"Chrissy, analyze the ingredients of the pill for me!"

As an intelligent life, Chris can do almost anything except being unable to become a human being. Soon the ingredients of Lin Zhen's pill were analyzed.

"Master, this Juyuan Powder of yours is very effective, with an effective improvement rate of 92%. It is a high-grade pill and can be sold on the market."

"Isn't it a gem?" Lin Zhen was a little unwilling.

"This is already very good. Master, you have to know that pills with an effective rate of less than 60% can't be eaten. They are failed products. 60 to 80 are inferior products. The market price is relatively cheap, 80 to 9. Ten is middle grade, which is the mainstream pill on the market, and ninety-one to ninety-five-ninety top-grade pill can be sold at very good prices. As for over 96%, that’s an absolute must It’s almost impossible to buy on the market, but it’s the first time you become a pill, master, and you have refined the top grade. This is incredible."

Hearing Kris's explanation, Lin really felt better: "Then how much can these pills sell for?"

"Master, there are 1,000 pieces of Juyuan scattered for the lower grade, 3,000 pieces for the middle grade, and 10,000 pieces for the upper grade. You have about one hundred pills of medicine. There is absolutely no problem in selling one million pieces."

"Then I will try."

"Oh, no, master, I suggest that you still get the status of an alchemist first. Without the status of an alchemist, your medicine is a popular commodity. Only by setting a label that belongs to you, your medicine may become famous in the future, so I suggest , You'd better go and get the status first."

"Well, I don't know what status I can obtain for the Juyuansan I refined?"

"This kind of medicine alone won't work. You still need to refining other medicines to prove your ability. However, depending on the quality of your medicine, it should be no problem to get the status of Grade 4 alchemist now."

The status of a fourth-rank alchemist is noble. In the guild, the fourth-rank alchemist is the deacon of the guild, and can even be equipped with a separate alchemy room and special subordinates. If you can get the fifth-rank alchemist status , He is the elder.

The elders of an alchemy guild are qualified to be called masters, and they are more popular than realm kings.

Xu Xingyao was also unlucky. He had just been promoted to the fifth-rank alchemist and was killed by Lin Zhen. Otherwise, if he could survive, he would surely be incomparably beautiful, and even King Mu would treat him as a guest of honor.

It is very likely that he will not continue to stay in Muwangfu, but will go to Xianle County and even Nanliang Kingdom will have a place.

It's a pity that just having the strength of a fifth-rank alchemist, he died in Lin Zhen's hands.

Lin Zhen carefully inquired about the alchemist guild before he knew how huge this guild was.

The group of alchemists is a transcendent group. No one wants to offend a high-level alchemist, because the other party may know a lot of realm kings and even strong people in the longevity realm. If you say anything, someone will chase you to death.

There is basically no exquisite pill in circulation on the market, because those alchemists who occasionally refine them will be immediately purchased privately by the strong, so the strong are willing to make friends with alchemists, resulting in a very high status of alchemists.

"If I can become a Level 5 Alchemist, the Alchemist Guild will even equip me with two realm kings as bodyguards. This is simply too cool!"

"If it is a sixth-rank alchemist, then there will be a strong longevity realm who will be my bodyguard!"

At this moment, Lin Zhen didn't even want to participate in the recruitment of Keqing from the Muwang Palace, so he left alchemy, which was a better way out.

But after thinking about it again and he decided to check it out.

The top few of Ke Qing are rewarded, and it is worth trying.

Since the pill is temporarily not sold, Lin Zhen took it by himself.

Lin Zhen took the Ju Yuan San left by Xu Xingyao and the Ju Yuan San he refined at once.

If someone else eats Juyuansan, it might be eating one by one. As the black hole beast that devours everything, Lin Zhen just eats it hand after hand.

Two hundred Juyuansan gathered powerful star power, which was accumulated crazily in Lin Zhen's dantian!

Originally, it took less than two months for Lin Zhen to be promoted to the fourth level of the galaxy. Under the impetus of this drug, he actually rushed directly to the fifth level of the galaxy!

His star power has also risen from 670,000 to 700,000!

"This is so cool. With this alchemy skill and my talent for devouring, it won't take long for me to be promoted to the domain king smoothly!"