Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 610: The talent of the black hole beast

Lin Zhen still had 100,000 yuan left in his hand. He left the firm, walked to a hotel, and opened a room to live in.

The currency of Metaverse seems to be relatively strong, and you can buy a lot of good things with tens of millions.

Such a high-rise room costs only 300 yuan a night.

After opening the room, Lin Zhen first entered the dark star space.

After the dark star space is stable, Lin Zhen can use the world teleport to enter his own space.

After entering, Lin Zhen appeared under the star fruit tree.

The star fruit trees obscured the sky, blocking the light from the moon and the shining stars above the zenith.

This fruit tree is growing day by day, and if it is placed on the earth, it can even cover a small country.

Looking through the gaps between the branches and leaves, you can see a little bit of starlight floating in the lush greenery, which is the brilliance from the star crystals.

It is a pity that these star crystals can support a person's cultivation to the sidereal stage at most, and there will be no star crystals to use further up.

The huge Morenteng winds up along the fruit trees. Thanks to this vine, the infinite growth of the fruit trees is restricted, so that the dark star will one day be absorbed by the fruit trees.

Lin Zhen searched for a while. The valley where the star fruit tree was located was full of aura, and he found a stone pit in the valley.

Pouring the spiritual spring of space into a depression of spring water.

The spiritual energy around him was attracted by the spring water, and the water vapor gathered in all directions, and the spring water even grew slowly.

Maybe one day, this place will become a pool, a lake.

But it will never become the sea, because Lin really needs spring water here to water the plants.

Near the valley again, plants were planted.

In the dark star space, Lin Zhen's will is above all else. All this does not even need to be done by himself. With one thought, the soil will automatically turn over to bury the seeds, and the spring water will automatically water.

Even the leaves of star fruit trees will actively expose a little gap to let the sun shine and promote plant growth.

At the same time, a planted heart of the planet was placed to make the dark star more vigorous.

Lin Zhen could even feel that the seeds began to take root under the soil, and maybe a day later, the place would be covered with verdant green.

"These herbs will mature after a short period of time. What I lack most now is the experience and skills in alchemy."

Lin Zhen sighed. He has an advantage if he refines the pill. In addition to Dark Star, he also has the power of the deep blue flame, which is the strongest pill fire.

But Lin Zhen still doesn't have such things as experience and skills. I am afraid that the pill refining will not be successful at all at the beginning. With his current financial resources, he cannot withstand such a consumption.

However, Lin Zhen didn't think too much. The boat went straight to the bridge head. He still had a long time in Yuanjie, so he was not in a hurry for this period of time.

Leaving from the dark star space, Lin Zhen returned to the hotel bed.

Leaning against the bed, Lin Zhen opened the book he got from the spring water seller.

The book is a long time and the paper has turned yellow. I don't know how many years have passed. And most importantly, this book is hand-painted, not printed, which shows that this is an orphan.

This kind of thing is said to be nice, it may be just graffiti. The dimensional universe will not include such unreasonable things, so it is likely that this is a unique book in the entire universe.

Open the first page of the book, there is a lifelike black hole beast on it.

"I remember when I joined the Galaxy Raise Hands Alliance, Hansha once told me that in the entire history of the universe, there was only one record of the appearance of a black hole beast, but that should be a matter in the New Territories."

"And here in Metaverse, someone must have seen a black hole beast, otherwise I can't draw such a vivid portrait, I don't know if this one is the one in the New World."

Above the pattern, there is a huge black hole vortex on top of the black hole beast, with a body as high as several hundred meters, like a hill. This is an adult black hole beast, at least at the level of a realm king.

There are notes on the book.

"The black hole beast, a variant of the unicorn beast, has no specific attributes. It can also be called full attribute. It can emit a black hole to swallow everything. It is the most powerful and mysterious galaxy beast in the entire universe, and its number is extremely rare."

Lin Zhen flipped his fingers across the pages of the book carefully.

"The black hole beast has three magical powers, one is the black hole storm used in battle, which is its strongest means, and the other is the swallowing method when it grows up. The black hole beast will find something suitable for it to swallow it, thereby enhancing its strength. , Is one of the fastest-evolving galaxies."

"In addition to these two, the black hole beast has another method, searching for souls!"

Seeing this, Lin Zhen was shocked, with a weird feeling in his heart.

"Black hole beasts or human beings with the blood of black hole beasts are natural spiritual teachers. They use spiritual power more than ordinary people. It is very likely that they have mastered soul skills at a young age and possessed powerful soul power."

"Soul search is a way for the Black Hole Beast to deprive others of their memories, kill the other person, and master all of the other's memories, and to absorb useful parts from it for their own use. This is the powerful ability of the Black Hole Beast. The specific method of use is as follows. ...."

Seeing here, Lin Zhen closed his eyes.

He has mastered the soul lock very early, and he has a much faster understanding of spiritual power than others, and he also possesses powerful soul power.

And he is a person with the blood of a black hole beast. As for why this is the case, Lin Zhen now has a guess. It may be because his soul has passed through the black hole. What happened during the rebirth?

Why after crossing the black hole, he will have the blood of the black hole beast, all this is still unknown.

But now it seems that Soul Lock is the basic version of Soul Search, because if you lock Soul alone, the other party will tell you everything without reservation, but you always have to ask the same questions, which is not particularly convenient for practical use. .

The real black hole beast technique is soul searching!

What a tempting thing to kill an enemy and completely deprive him of his memory!

After arriving in the Metaverse, Lin Zhen felt that there was too much to learn, but if he wanted to get ahead in this world of strong men, he would definitely not be able to move forward step by step.

This black hole beast's soul-searching skills, if used well, will help him a lot!

I just don’t know if soul search has any side effects on me. There are restrictions on soul search without restriction. Even if there are restrictions, it is very easy to use.

Following the method on the book page, Lin Zhen carefully studied the soul search skills of the black hole beast.

After repeated deduction and research, a full night has passed before Lin Zhen has completely mastered the soul search skills.

"Huh! Great, soul search, hahaha! All the people in this world, as long as they are my enemies, can be my knowledge base. What if I don’t understand the world? I search the soul once, and it will be enough for you to learn For a lifetime!"

It's just that Lin Zhen discovered that searching for souls is not an infinite search for souls. When searching for a soul once, the new soul power will have a period of running-in with his own soul. If the other's soul power is weak, it may take one month. For those with strong soul power, it may take several years or even ten years to fully recover.

"It's okay, I search other people's memories, and only choose the right ones, and choose the ones that are useful to me."

Lin Zhen made up his mind to choose carefully, after all, this is not an infinite soul search.

After learning soul search, Lin Zhen meditated in the hotel room and practiced for seven days.

The Yuan Realm is full of spiritual energy, and the speed of cultivation is ten times that of the New Realm.

And Lin Zhen used the time to decelerate the force field. These seven days are equivalent to more than 500 days of ordinary cultivation in the New Territories!

Lin Zhen is definitely a genius in this life, a genius among geniuses, and seven days of hard work has made him take another big step on the path of the fourth level of the galaxy, reaching the middle of the fourth level.

The dark star space in the body has also been further expanded, but there is still a long way to go before lighting up the five ghost stars.

On the eighth day, someone from Lin Zhen's Dimensional Universe called him.

There is really no one else who can call Lin at this time. He only knows Ge Yunjie in Metaverse.

"Brother Lin, our New Territories Association is holding a party. You haven't officially met you. Come and meet you. Everyone wants to see you."

"Okay I'll be there soon, you can send me the address."

Ge Yunjie sent Lin Zhen an address and asked Lin Zhen to come over as soon as possible.

For Ge Yunjie, Lin Zhen has a grateful heart. Without his one million, Lin Zhen would still be worried about money now, not to mention that the two people meet together, this friendship is even more precious.

So Ge Yunjie had a request, and Lin Zhen didn't want to refuse as long as he could do it.

He got up and left the hotel. The seven days spent more than two thousand yuan. Lin Zhen only had more than seven thousand yuan in his hand.

The diameter of Muwangfu's palace city is also tens of thousands of kilometers, and the terrain is complicated, so it is a bit tiring to rely on one's own driving.

Walking on the street, Lin Zhen sees that many people are driving the beasts, unicorns, dragon horses, and even birds.

There are countless species of beasts native to the Metaverse, which can be tamed, which is convenient and exciting.

For example, the dragon horse that Lin Zhen saw was able to run through the Metaverse at a speed close to sub-light speed, which Lin Zhen couldn't do now.

"When my medicinal materials grow up, it is best to make alchemy, otherwise I will buy and sell medicinal materials. I believe that the speed of making money will be very fast. I will also get a mount to try it out, so as not to have such a hard journey."

It took nearly an hour before Lin Zhen arrived at the place Ge Yunjie said.

In an alley, in front of a vermillion gate, the characters "New Territories Association" were dancing in big characters.

Lin Zhen knocked on the door, and someone immediately opened the door.

Entering the courtyard, I found that many people had gathered here.

Lin Zhen heard Ge Yunjie say loudly: "Look, our little brother is here, Lin Zhen, a genius from Metaverse, everyone should know him, hahaha! Welcome!"

There were sparse applause, countless eyes looked at Lin Zhen.

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