Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 507: Lin Zhen made a choice

Looking at the starry sky outside, Lin Zhen stood up and stretched his waist: "Finally, it's almost here. It will be the Hanging Island in a while, baby, you will follow me in a while, and you will go wherever I go."


Little Phoenix called a few times, and then patted the door of the spaceship lightly with his wings.


how? Feeling bored, want to go out and have a look? "

Little Phoenix nodded, and Lin Zhenyi thought it was a galaxy beast after all. It is not easy to be able to stay with him so patiently for so long, so there is no harm in going out to have a look.

Opening the cabin door, Lin Zhen walked out of the spaceship with the little Phoenix.

After leaving the spaceship, the little phoenix flapped its wings, hovered in the void for a few times, and uttered a crisp and sweet cry.

Lin really said to it: "Don't fly too far, let's go to the hanging island."

The little phoenix flew back into Lin Zhen's arms, and dragged his little furry head in Lin Zhen's arms for a few times.

Lin really enjoyed the rare intimacy of Little Phoenix, and smiled and said, "Why are you so behaved today? Is there something you want to eat again?"

Fingers lightly stroked Little Phoenix’s feathers. During this period of time, the healing effect was very good. Little Phoenix’s injuries were completely healed, and the feathers were bright in color. Lin Zhen wanted to choose the world.

The most beautiful bird in the world, his little phoenix must win the prize.


A bright red bead slipped from Little Phoenix’s eyes and landed on Lin Zhen’s palm.

"what is this?"

Lin Shin was taken aback, took the bead and took a look. It was blood-red, blood-red, like a ruby, but in the shape of a drop.

Little Phoenix broke free from Lin Zhen's embrace, flapping his wings and hovering in the air.

Suddenly, Lin really had a bad feeling.

After circling a few times, the little phoenix let out a melodious sound. Fengming for nine days seems to be bidding farewell to Lin Zhen.

"Little Phoenix, where are you going?" Lin Zhen was a little worried.

After    several calls, the little Phoenix glanced at Lin Zhen in the air.

At this glance, Little Phoenix seems to have changed.

is no longer the cute and pleasant bird just now, but the divine bird that is high above, despising everything.

is a beautiful, unforgettable one!


With a long cry, the little phoenix flapped its wings, turning into a fiery red light, and went straight to the depths of the starry sky.

The speed was unprecedented by Lin Zhen, even faster than this spaceship, and soon disappeared from Lin Zhen's sight.

Holding this drop-shaped ruby ​​in his hand, Lin Zhen felt lost.

It is not ordinary after all, and it is impossible to stay with humans for a long time. As the top super galaxy among the galaxy beasts, the vast starry sky is its destination.

It's just that Lin Zhen and Little Phoenix have been together for so long, and Lin Zhen is very unaccustomed to it leaving so suddenly.

Lin Zhen took a deep breath as he looked at the direction the little Phoenix was leaving.

"I'm still a little unsure, it feels like I have lost a loved one, it's not good, it's a taboo for warriors."

With strong willpower, Lin Zhen suppressed the uncomfortable feeling.

"Little Phoenix, if it is destined, we will see you in the future, I wish you all the best."

turned on the spaceship, Lin Zhen also calmed down quickly, since the starry sky is its home, giving it freedom is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Start, go ahead at full speed, to the floating island!"

The spacecraft accelerated and quickly rushed to the meteorite belt that was slowly moving ahead.

In front of the spiritual power monument of the hanging island.

The Scorpio commander from the Zerg stood up, jumped up, and jumped onto the higher stone pillar above the second row.

He is not the first person to successfully pass the first row of stone pillars. During this period of time, dozens of people have completed the postgraduate entrance examination for the first stone pillar and successfully advanced.

Even the Yehua of the Fire Qilin, the mantis commander of the Zerg, the Lanka of Lantis, and the Kinara of Raksha have advanced to the third stone pillar.

A warrior from the Landis Empire, his eyes flushed, looking at the abstract line of text.

"No way! I can't understand the meaning of these words at all, and even I felt the spiritual pressure from above, and I almost couldn't breathe!"

"Are I going to be eliminated? It's impossible! I don't believe it! I am in our galaxy, but the first master of the younger generation, how can I even include the content of the first stone pillar

can't comprehend it! "

His heart is very anxious, because by his side, few people are still enlightening.

The promotion of other people one after another has caused a considerable impact on his psychology. Under anxiety, some of the eyebrows that were originally understood are also unclear.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I failed!"

This warrior was in a daze, a coercion fell from the sky and shot it down directly from the stone pillar!

The first genius in a galaxy failed to understand the writing on the first stone pillar.

fell from the top of the stone pillar, and this person left in despair, simply unable to accept such a cruel reality.

But he can't change anything, natural selection, this is the world of warriors.

He was not the only one who failed. The total number of people who climbed the stone pillars was almost 300. Now one in ten has been eliminated in the first level.

There are two warriors from the Fire Qilin Empire, one is Lan Yuer, a member of the Qingluan Association of Feng Qingluan.

The other is Duanmu, a firm admirer of Yehua.

After their failure, they did not leave immediately, but stayed on the Hanging Island to see how other people were enlightened.

"Lan Yuer, this time the Hanging Island Tianbei is enlightened, and there is also the championship battle in the concentration camp, who do you prefer?" Duanmu asked.

"If our boss is here, I think our boss will be able to win the championship, and her talents are extremely high, she must not be troubled by things like seeing the monument."

"You said Feng Qingluan, even if she is here, she might not be as good as Ye Hua. Ye Hua is the first person to climb the third row of the sky stele."

"Huh! So what? In my heart, our boss is the strongest, but she seems to have been conspired, injured and left. It would be nice if she could come back now."

Duanmu nodded: "Don't think too much. I don't recognize the strength of your boss. She is indeed the only person in the empire who can be compared with Ye Hua. Even Nan Lie is a little bit worse, but even at this time It's useless for her to come back. Yehua and the others have formed the first group. It is estimated that they will be able to reach the fourth floor within these two days. With such a big lead and similar qualifications, it is impossible to catch up."

Lan Yuer didn't make a sound, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Huh~! Someone is coming, but someone else is coming at this time."

Duanmu said, Lan Yuer's eyes lit up suddenly: "Could it be our boss is here?"

Looking back, I saw a person in the distance moving fast.

A pair of wings spread out behind him, and the lightning and brilliance on it flickered extremely fast.

"Not the boss, but a man."

When this person came closer, Lan Yuer suddenly frowned slightly.

"It's you! Lin Zhen!"

Lin really saw Lan Yu'er recognize her, wasn't this the most savage woman at the gate of the city, in front of Feng Qingluan's gang team that day.

Although he didn't like this person very much, after all, everyone belonged to the same camp, and Lin Zhen still greeted her.

"Hello Lan Yuer."

"Huh~! You want to call my name, Lin Zhen, I'm very surprised how people like you have the courage to come to Xuankong Island? Don't you think that you are worthy of this day monument? "

"Hehe, don't I even have the qualifications to try?"

"It's a white test, Lin Zhen, here is a floating island, you can't use force to calculate you cheap, but I heard Feng Hong'er say that you rejected the deal our boss proposed, this thing is endless!"

Lin Zhen did not answer her. Although Lan Yu'er is also at the first level of the galaxy, it is nothing in Lin Zhen's eyes. If Feng Qingluan said this, Lin Zhen would have to consider it, she didn't care.

slowly walked towards the monument, Lin Zhen checked one by one.

After reading   , Lin Zhen felt a little undecided for a while.

It can be said that these three sky steles are very useful to Lin Zhen. Whether it is the power of time, space, or spiritual power, Lin Zhen urgently needs these three things and must use them.

"I need to make a choice now. I need it all, but it is impossible to comprehend it. There must be a choice."

"For me, the mental power has reached a bottleneck at the moment, but I am confident that there will be a breakthrough sooner or later, and the current mental power is enough. If I enlighten it now, I am afraid it would be a waste of opportunity."

"The law of time and the law of space are undoubtedly the law of time more difficult to comprehend. After all, the time I came is relatively late. If you go to the Jingzi I am afraid that time will not be enough. If you fail in a little time, this time it will be in vain."

"So the one that suits me best at the moment, and the only one that I hope will be completed within a year, is the boundary word monument."

Lin Zhen raised his head and looked up, just in time to see Ye Hua of the Fire Kylin Empire stood up and climbed from the third row of stone pillars to the fourth row.

"Wow! Yehua is so handsome! Less than a month after he came here, he was on the fourth row of stone pillars. He is the real genius!"

"There is no hope, there is no hope, everyone else has no hope. Every sky stele climbs to the top. There is no doubt that Yehua is about to reach the top of the boundary monument. At this time, other people may have regrets. Well, it’s really not long-sighted. Why do you want to participate in the enlightenment with Ye Hua? Isn’t that looking for abuse?

The people around were amazed, apparently thinking that the champion of Jiezi Monument had already been produced.

Lin really took a deep breath. He would take a risk in doing so.

I'm on the fourth row. He wants to catch up, but he doesn't have much hope.

But Lin Zhen has never been afraid of challenges. What about Ye Hua, is nothing more than a genius in an advanced civilized universe. If you can't even climb this hill, what else can you talk about peaking!

"That's it, I have to see who is the first!"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, this newcomer, who is only the seventh-level star, actually boarded the first row of stone pillars of the Boundary Character Monument!