Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 5: Add 1, 1 million and 9! Black soil challenge book!

Book friends who are familiar with me may know that Hei Tu is a state-type writer.

When the state is good, the black soil can explode a lot in a day, and when the state is not good, it is a long time to write a word.

Today, the black soil is in a good state, and it has begun to pay off the debt. It has already paid three chapters and has also updated a chapter guarantee, which is enough for 19,000 words!

At present, there are still two chapters owed, and they must be paid off tomorrow.

And tomorrow's plot will enter a big climax stage, Lin Zhen will break out completely, sweeping everything.

The double monthly pass is also the last day, my dear book friends, see if you can use the monthly pass to smash the black soil down? Or did the black earth explode and emptied your monthly pass, and the climax has not been finished?

Come on! Black soil challenged everyone, dare to make a round?

The content of this chapter is being updated...