Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 494: 10 billion power

Hearing God's instructions, his subordinates said humanely: "Master, if you offer a reward like this, Lin Zhen can also see it, and he will definitely be guarded."

"It's okay. I can add a block to the bounty post. As long as Lin Zhen’s Dimensional Universe number is added, he will not be able to see this post. This is what my mercenary friend taught me."

"Then it's foolproof, Lin Zhen might not even know how to die, haha!"

"Even if you know it, what can you do? Ten billion cosmic crystals are enough for anyone to think of killing him. He can't believe that anyone can give him a fatal knife at any time, whether it is a Zerg or a Human. Lin Zhen.... Offending my godsend will be your biggest mistake in your life!"

Lin Zhen originally thought that the garbage treatment plant was the kind of smelly place, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Countless damaged spaceships are covered with moss, piled up in all directions, and some broken satellites, orbital guns, and even scrapped fort satellites are piled up like a mountain.

In addition to these mechanical things, there are too many other objects.

For example, plants, broken meteorites, broken star artifacts, sacred artifacts, etc., countless things are messy, covering the entire planet's surface.

"This is the border of multiple high-level cosmic nations. Countless galaxy garbage has been thrown here, forming unique garbage stars, among which resource stars are completely covered by garbage."

"I don't know where the Thunder Crystal Star that Zerg said is, look for it."

The spiritual power spread downward, Lin Zhen's idea is very simple, as long as he penetrates the **** with spiritual power, he can see the bottom of the planet, whether it is a resource star or not.

The mental power drops by 100 meters, 500 meters...1,000 meters...!

"It's actually a trash layer! My god, the trash here has been piled up for so many years, but it can't be seen at all, and too much metal trash has corroded, making it extremely difficult for mental power to advance. I could have seen ten thousand meters Distance, you can’t go down here for kilometers."

Lin Zhen tried to change several places in a row but failed. He could only give up this tricky method and returned to the ground to start digging down.

Lin Zhen shoveled the yin and yang spear on the spot, digging a metal plate on the ground, his strength was great, and it was effortless to dig it.

"A box of expired medicine, rubbish."

"Deteriorated inferior drinks, rubbish."

"The fragments of the high-grade star armor are of no value to me."

"Women's bellyband... uh~! Does anyone else use this stuff?"

"Hmm... what is this?"

After digging several tens of meters, Lin Zhen found a diamond-shaped blue stone.

Holding it in his hand, I feel a little cold.

The mental power was covered, and Lin Zhen felt that this thing seemed to be able to be absorbed. He tried it, and a blue light entered his body, and his eyes seemed to have changed.

"Ah! I see, this is what the Zerg warrior called the cold stone, the necessity to go to the hanging island to watch the stele."

Lin Zhen knows that everyone will definitely go to the Hanging Island in the end, and this kind of cold stone is definitely in demand.

He didn't think that he was the only one who knew the secret of Leng Shi. The Battlefield of Chaos Galaxy has existed for so many years, and countless people have been here before. It is impossible for those brothers of the realm not to know.

With the goal he was looking for, Lin Zhen also had motivation and began to dig in the garbage dump intently.

"A reward of 10 billion cosmic crystals for killing Lin Zhen, it seems that the little guy in this sidereal period is not easy, but I took this transaction. The coordinates are very close to me."

"Coordinates 78263.1223339, isn't this a garbage disposal plant? Godsend this guy really dares to bet, let's go!"

"To kill Lin Zhen, the coordinate position is six hundred stars behind me. I don't know if I can catch up, but for the 10 billion Universe Crystals, I have to put down everything! Let's go!"

"A human race is worth so much money, brothers follow me, don't worry about other people, kill this Lin is really the key." A group of Zerg Hornet warriors quickly moved towards the garbage disposal plant.

Anyone who noticed the news released by Tianci, as long as they are not far away from the garbage treatment plant, have taken action at this moment.

Ten billion cosmic crystals can't be owned by anyone casually. They are only gifted by gods. They are also owned by talents who have also gained huge gains in the world stone.

Lin Zhen received nearly 50 billion in the World Stone, and Godsend led a large number of people to collect it, and also nearly 30 billion. In order to repay the death of the clone, he would get rid of Lin Zhen even if he exhausted his wealth.

This is a wealth that is crazy enough to make people betray their relatives and friends. Moreover, Lin Zhen still looks weak. Although he has won first place briefly, no one has taken Lin Zhen in his eyes.

Even the Zerg took action, and countless people came toward the starry sky from all directions.

At full speed, they are praying for others to slow down.

"Wrong, this planet is not a resource star."

Lin Zhen was holding a cold stone in his hand, and he had probably figured out that something like cold stone was condensed from spar gas, and there should be more resource stars on it.

He found three of these ordinary garbage dumps in a few hours here.

Looking around, there are other planets in the distant universe, and this garbage dump has hundreds of asteroids.

"The places are too big, look for them one by one."

Lin Zhen stood up and suddenly heard a delicate groan in front of him, as if a woman was injured.

Following the sound, at the turn of a spaceship, a woman in the costume of the Qingluan Society was **** by a vine-like plant. The top of the vine had a huge open mouth, which seemed to be about to This woman swallowed.

"Help me! There are cannibal vines here!"

Piranha vines are similar to piranhas, they are both mutant plants, but such a huge cannibal vine is really rare, and it can actually bind a female warrior in the early stage of the black hole.

The woman has a charming face, although she is embarrassed, she is still graceful. She is wrapped in a plain white dress and looks pitiful.

Lin Zhen walked over and came to the woman's side, "Do you want to help?"

"Yes, please help me, the vines will eat me!"

The sound of Su Mei is so deep that the man can't help but develop a desire for protection.

As soon as Lin Zhen raised his hand, the Golden Qi Seven-Star Knife swept through the air several times, cutting the vine into several segments.

"Thank you little brother, ah...!"

The woman seemed to have a numb leg, her body slammed forward, and she threw herself directly into Lin Zhen's arms.

Leaning first on Lin Zhen's shoulder, a cold light flashed in the woman's eyes from an angle that Lin Zhen could not see.

A cold dagger appeared silently in her palm, and went straight to Lin Zhen's heart to insert it!

Click~! !

There was a crisp fracture sound, and the woman only felt black in front of her eyes, a pain in her neck, a scream, and the sky turned and fell.

" can ignore me...!"

Lin Zhen was condescending and looked at the woman with cold eyes: "A black hole master can be entangled in vines, do you think I am so stupid? Or do you think that a man who is long and beautiful and can seduce easily gets the bait? , When I saw that you were a member of the Qingluan Society, I was a little more alert to you, your performance failed!"

When he lifted his finger, a golden air shot through the center of the woman's forehead.

Just as Lin Zhen said, after seeing Feng Qingluan's ruthless and ruthless style, Lin Zhen took care of this gangster. The woman's charming tricks were good, but it was a pity that he couldn't confuse Lin Zhen.

Just after killing this woman, a small spaceship hummed in the distance and came quickly.

When the spaceship landed, there were a few people on it, but Tony and the others.

"Brother Lin Zhen, what a coincidence, why are you here?"

"It's a coincidence indeed. I thought I was separated from you." Lin Zhen smiled. He didn't want to go with Tony and the others, but he did not expect to meet again.

"What's the matter with this woman?"

"I don't know what's going on. I tried to plot against me here, but I killed it."

Tony gave Lin Zhen a thumbs up: "I knew you weren't so prone to accidents. You were greeted to go with you, but you defeated the three hundred Zergs alone. Brother, did you hide your strength?"

Lin Zhen laughed and said, "Who hasn't scored his hole cards yet, are you right."

"That's right, you can't mix up without any means of pressing the bottom of the box if you cultivate to our level."

As Tony said, several people also chatted with Lin Zhen casually.

After walking a few steps, Tony stopped suddenly, and pulled Lin's arm: "Be careful, brother, someone is coming!"

The arm pulling is very The seemingly unintentional action prevents Lin Zhen from making a move.

Lin Zhenyiyan looked into the air, and an unexpected change suddenly appeared behind him!

The three sidereal warriors slammed their hands, and several light nets suddenly bound Lin Zhen's hands and feet!

"This... What are you going to do, Tony?" Lin Zhen struggled hard, but Tony sneered and grabbed Lin Zhen firmly.

"Hahaha~! What are you doing, Lin Zhen, don't dying to struggle, this light is made by the silk thread of the giant silkworm galaxy beast. Without the strength of the galaxy phase, you can't get rid of it. You can't teleport, you don't need to know too Many, now that you stay in Luan Xinghe is superfluous. Why don't you make a contribution to our brother? If you die, be a fool!"

Before he finished his words, Tony drew out the sword with his other hand and slashed it!

Puff puff~!

Continuous screams came from behind, the three sidereal warriors have died!

Tony knew that something had changed, and there was no time to look back, so he swung the sword in his hand quickly.


Lin Zhen lifted his hand and grabbed his wrist directly.

"How can you break free of the light?"

"Don't you know this? Of course I already have the strength of the galaxy phase, Tony, go to hell!"

Lin Zhen was very annoyed. He even regarded them as friends for a time. He didn't expect that these people wanted to count him, so I was sorry.

Spiritual evil spirit shock~!

Without the slightest impact of leaving his hands, it directly stirred Tony's spiritual consciousness and made him experience what it means to die in fear!

The clone behind him silently dragged all the corpses into the dark star space, as if they had never appeared before.

"Chrissy, it seems that something is wrong, what is going on?" Lin Zhen has realized that the problem is not good after the successive attacks.