Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 486: Concentration camp quota

"Brother Hansha, long time no see."

When Lin Zhen appeared in the room reserved by Han Sha in the dimensional universe, Han Sha was stunned.

"Lin Zhen!"

"What's the matter? See me seeing a ghost."

Han Sha rubbed his eyes: "You have actually advanced to the sidereal stage, and you are still at the second level!?"

"Oh, yes, this period of cultivation is relatively hard."

Han Sha has a slap on his forehead, "Which warrior does not practice hard? Could it be that hard work can be so crazy to advance? This is really unreasonable, how old are you."

"Hehe, this may be fate, or what did Hansha brother do looking for me? My sixth sense tells me that you may have good news looking for me."

"Don't tell me, there is really great news."

Han Sha and Lin Zhen sat down, and then Han Sha said sternly: "Lin Zhen, now officially inform you, ready to prepare. On behalf of our Galaxy Behemoth Alliance Sanjiang Star Region Federation Department, you will participate in the under-hundred-year-old concentration camp held by the Fire Kylin Empire. "

"I'm going to participate? Isn't Hong Bo who qualified for our alliance."

"Don't mention the traitor Hongbo, he is not subject to discipline and has been dealt with by us."

Listening to Han Sha calmly uttering these words, Lin Zhen knew that this must be Han Sha and the others deliberately.

At the beginning, Hong Bo was a little bit awkward. After he recognized the line, he didn't need to give Hansha and Jie any more, which caused the two people's dissatisfaction.

And their hope lies in Lin Zhen. Since Hong Bo is so disobedient to discipline, it is reasonable to deal with him.

Even Lin Zhen felt that they might have deliberately put down a set and dealt with Hong Bo just for the first time.

Of course, these things cannot be said clearly. Since Hong Bo is dead, then Lin Zhen, as the 21st, will naturally make up for the order.

Han Sha said: "Because our league has a quota, but Hong Bo is dead. You are in our league and ranked 21st. You are advancing in exactly the same order. There is no objection. So this time I will inform you, hurry up and prepare. This concentration camp represents the Fire Kirin Empire, fighting against the Demon Insect Empire in Luan Xinghe, the mission is not light."

Lin Zhen nodded: "Don't worry, I have also studied many situations of this battle. To tell you the truth, if I can't enter the concentration camp, I will also go to Luan Xinghe as a volunteer."

"Haha~! I know your kid can’t be idle, now I’m sending you a copy of the information in the Dimensional Universe, which is full of information about this war and the masters of this concentration camp. You must Be careful, although your enemy is from the Demon Empire, the same concentration camp is also a competitor. You have to be careful of the sinister heart."

Lin Zhen nodded and accepted the document Han Sha sent him.

"Let's do this, remember to come to the Kylin Sacred Star early, and meet with the contestants from other intermediate cosmic nations by the way. Everyone is familiar with it. Send me a message before you come, and we will leave in a month."

"Understood, I promise that it won't be lost."

Han Sha left the dimensional universe, and Lin Zhen copied the information and left.

The fact that the concentration camp under the age of a hundred went to the battlefield of the Luan Xinghe River was raging throughout the Fire Kirin Empire, which caused great concern.

Basically all those who can participate in this concentration camp are geniuses. It can be said that one can be called out at random, and they are all outstanding in the same level.

For this reason, Emperor Tian Haoyu of the Fire Kylin Empire even declared that as long as a certain number of kills can be completed in the chaotic galaxy, the empire will give a heavy reward. The more kills, the more rewards!

And all the wealth of items obtained by Luanxing Hanoi is owned by the martial artist, and the empire will not charge any point!

Kill the number one contestant and reward a top-grade artifact!

Kill the second-ranked contestant and reward a middle-grade artifact!

Kill the third-placed contestant and reward a low-grade artifact!

In addition to the heavenly weapon rewards, there are also huge wealth rewards and the title of nobleman in the Fire Kylin Empire.

The first place rewards the Duke of the Empire, the second marquis, the third earl, the fourth viscount, the fifth baron, and the sixth to tenth are all knights.

What a noble title is a duke of an advanced civilized cosmic country, and its gold content is at least equivalent to an emperor of an intermediate country!

Even higher!

This generous reward greatly ignited people's enthusiasm. With this kind of encouragement, many contestants have expressed their opinions that they will definitely win the first place in the Battle of the Starry River.

Lin Zhen saw that there were a few warriors who were particularly dazzling in the information.

One of them is even the son of the Realm King. The Realm King is a super master of the Fire Kylin Empire who has been famous for thousands of years. It has been almost three thousand years since he entered the Realm King Realm, and he is known as the Mechanical Realm King.

His son is Ye Hua. He is eighty-two years old this year. He is already in the galaxy stage. This person has a good reputation in the Fire Qilin Empire. He is very handsome and is known as the number one genius of the Fire Qilin Empire. The person in the deep boudoir dream is more attractive than the prince.

There are still many princes in the royal family, but he is the only son of the king of the machine world. Not surprisingly, Ye Hua will definitely become the king of the world in the future.

In addition to Ye Hua, there are several disciples of the Realm King who also have a particularly loud voice.

For example, Nan Lie, the disciple of the Skyfire Realm King, is also a strong man in the galactic stage.

Zhang Zhidong, the disciple of the Thunder Realm King, is a master of thunder control, and his strength is super strong.

There is even a strong man who has stepped out of the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation. Feng Qingluan, the former president of the Qingluan Association, is also in the galaxy period and is known as the strongest genius in the history of the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation.

In addition, there are more than a dozen new galaxy powerhouses like Godsend.

In addition to the nearly twenty galaxy periods, there are 30,000 strong people in the black hole period!

The remaining 270,000 are all sidereal, there is no one going for a week!

On this battlefield, in people's eyes, all the sidereal periods are cannon fodder, and the strong in the black hole period can be mixed on the battlefield. What is really interesting is the galaxy period.

People even open handicap in major casinos to bet on who can get first and second.

In short, during this period of time, almost the entire Fire Qilin Empire's eyes were drawn to this matter.


Amidst the starburst of Tianhe, a real-life galaxy-level powerhouse fell.

Lin Zhen retired from the immersive environment sweating profusely, still feeling the fierce fighting situation in his mind.

"Finally passed, half an hour of fierce battle, with the body clone's strength and all the means, finally defeated the strong at the first level of the galaxy!"

"This is the third time I have won in the simulation field. I have failed hundreds of thousands of times. Now I am finally able to win the battle against the galactic powers."

Lin Zhen let out a long sigh: "Chrissy, calculate my current star power."

"Master, your current total star power is 410, of which dark star power accounts for 38%."

Lin Zhen nodded: "It's not bad. My dark star is currently in the late Phanerozoic, and its proportion of star power is gradually increasing. After being superimposed with the Dantian star power, it is already comparable to the average galaxy."

He silently calculated in his heart that the star power of a general galaxy at the first level is about five hundred, and more than three hundred belong to the weak, such as Searank.

Moreover, Lin Zhen didn't intend to take Sealank, the underworld warrior, when he entered the Chaos River this time. He wanted Sealank to stay at home.

The family Lin Zhen always felt that it was not safe enough, so that Searank stayed, it was not an enemy from the late stage of the galaxy, and the sun collar was just to sit back and relax.

As for Lin Zhen himself, he has stellar crystals to absorb, and he is about to advance to the Hengwei level, and Dark Star is also progressing towards the Mesozoic, so there is nothing to worry about for the time being.

Withdrawing from the dimensional universe, the family is ready to eat.

More than half a month has passed since I talked with Han Sha, Lin Zhen is going to leave today, and his family is ready to see him off.

At the table, the parents and children, and the beauties at the table looked at Lin Zhen eagerly.

"Hey, isn't it okay to stay at home? You have to participate in that chaotic galaxy battle. There is a battlefield and there is no guarantee of safety. Why does this kid like to go to such a place?"

Li Qin was complaining, but Lin Liye didn't say anything, but his wife was comforting and persuading him, and he was more supportive of Lin Zhen's decision.

"Parents, you don't have to worry about me. My son has always done things with a sense of measure. Besides, this time I went to Luan Xinghe. I am just a soldier, and I will never advance to dangerous It’s good to understand. I heard that the people in the Demon Insect Empire are inhumane. Don’t forget your identity, don’t forget that there is a big family here."

"Don't worry, if I forget, I will not forget you myself, let's eat, come to the children, come to Dad."

With Lin Zhen's thoughts, several children floated in front of him with mental strength. The children also liked to play this kind of suspended game the most, clapping their hands cheerfully.

The wives also watched Lin Zhen silently, watching his interaction with his children.

At night, after the children were asleep, Lin Zhen walked to the peaceful room.

Both wives were waiting for him in the room, beautiful women, even after several years, seeing their coquettish appearance still made Lin really very impulsive.

"Lin Zhen, will you leave for a long time this time?"

"The time will certainly not be too short. According to past experience, the war between advanced civilized cosmic nations will be short for a few more than ten years, and it is likely to be fought for decades or even hundreds of years."

He took the two wives in his arms: "Now the star crystals of the star fruit tree can be preserved. I will pluck all the ones I can take off and leave them behind. When I come back, I hope you will all enter Heng Week, can it be done?"

Su Mingyue raised her small face: "As long as you come back safely, let us do everything."

Lin Zhen smiled and pressed the two wives under him together.

After a night of passion, Lin Zhen left home before dawn.

Seanke was left by Lin Zhen on the top floor of Sky City, where he protected his home.

After boarding the Eternal Crystal battleship, Lin Zhen took no one with him. He let the battleship lift off, flew two times around the earth, and then suddenly accelerated into a parallel universe.

"Fire Kylin Empire, concentration camp, Chaos Galaxy, here I am!"