Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 469: The last 3 minutes!

When the world stone was about to collapse, the whole world was shaking.

The earth is cracking, and the water of the Three Ways River rushes to the shore frantically, the dark clouds in the sky are spinning like a whirl, lightning and thunder, a doomsday scene!

The underground palace temple also began to sway. Large chunks of rocks fell from the sky. The rocks here are not ordinary rocks, they are extremely dense, and under the blessing of gravity, they fall like a meteor. dead.

But many people still rushed towards the Universe Crystal crazy, making up their minds to get one piece and running away, but often when they got the first piece, they wanted to take another piece easily. After taking two pieces, they thought it should be too late to get three pieces. .

Being stoned and killed by people around, the scene was extremely chaotic at this moment, and casualties increased suddenly.

Seeing the people around him rushing out with a hail, Lin Zhen stood there without moving.

"Chrissy, calculate how long it will take to go out without a loop?"

"Master, no loop is a long and slender passage. You can pass in five minutes if you are moving forward at full speed and there is no obstruction. But there are so many people here, and it’s fast to get out in ten minutes in a crowded situation."

Lin Zhen nodded, "It seems that I only have ten minutes to compete."

Dwarf Nicole's face was extremely ugly at this time: "Lin Zhen, I seem to be finished. Speed ​​is my weakness. My intelligent life just calculated it for me. Even if I move forward at the fastest speed, it will take 25 minutes to get out of nothing. Loop, I’m too late."

With that said, the dwarf regretted it, regretting why he didn't leave earlier.

People die for money, and birds die for food. He has always been cautious, but he finally lost here.

Lin Zhen glanced at the dwarf and took a deep breath: "Nicole, if you want to live, then close your eyes now, and I promise to take you away."

The dwarf's eyes lit up: "Can you really do it?"

"You can try, but you can't have memory during this time."

Nicole nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I understand, you can do it."

Lin Zhen raised his hand and cut a hand knife on the back of his neck. The dwarf fell down with a snorting and fell into a coma.

He threw the dwarf into the dark star space. The dark star was Lin Zhen's secret, and he could not let anyone know.

Then Lin Zhen mentioned the Yin-Yang spear, and his thoughts moved, and the clone appeared at the same time.

"The last ten minutes, take it well!"

After shaking his body, Lin Zhen rushed towards the cosmic crystal boulder.

At this time, the universe crystal is already dropping small pieces continuously, and the people below are almost crazy. Any universe crystal is like a big rock, even if it is the size of a small rock, there are thousands of them. Cheng Qilin coins are hundreds of millions and billions, and Sanjiang coins are hundreds of billions, or even trillions!

If you take it out, you can buy small galaxies. Faced with such wealth, who can stop!

When Lin Zhen came up, he focused on one piece, which was as tall as one person, and this piece of cosmic crystal definitely exceeded two million!

"This is Lao Tzu's!"

"Whoever robs me will kill whoever!"

"Fuck! I discovered it first, so come here if I don't want to blew up!"

Seven or eight warriors rushed to this universe crystal at the same time, and the battle became fierce in the air.

In an instant, the swords and swords were shadowed, murderous in all directions, from time to time someone fell to the ground and died on the spot!


Lin Zhen raised his hand at a distance of 100 meters from the Universe Crystal, and the powerful gravitational force came first, enveloped this large area, and directly received the dark star space!

"Kill this guy!"

"He grabbed a big chunk and killed him!"

Six or seven people rushed in from all directions, and Lin Zhen stabbed without saying anything!

Meteor falls! !

This kind of mass destruction combat technique is infinitely powerful at this moment, and the meteorite exploded in the air, killing several people easily.

There was only one person who didn't die in the initial stage of the black hole. Lin Zhen's clone quietly concealed himself from behind, and stabbed him with a gun in the corner of his hand, stabbing him who had escaped by chance.

Lin Zhen's body drew an arc in the air, and the gravity of both hands was activated at the same time, pulling a large piece of broken cosmic crystals on the left and right sides directly into the dark star space.

From a distance, Lin Zhen's situation was like a long whale absorbing water, a large number of cosmic crystals grew eyes and went straight to the palm of his hand. The collection speed was unparalleled.

He was among the scattered martial artists, and the people around him did not form an organization, so there was really no big threat to Lin Zhen.

On the other side, when the women of the Blue Luan Club were fighting for the universe crystal, Qionglou at the center of the earth suddenly came over from behind.

Tianci led several black hole masters under him, and suddenly attacked, and immediately killed the three black hole masters of Lu'er, Qing'er and Zi'er in the Four Beauty of the Blue Luan Club!

The ordinary female warriors of the Qingluan Association suffered even more heavy losses. They were massively killed when they were attacked by the enemy. There were originally more than 200 people and a dozen people left in a minute.

One by one, the beautiful women lost their fragrance and fell into the world stone.

Female warriors are not easy to practice, and the number is much smaller than that of men. Most of these women have cultivated to the sidereal stage, and they are still under a hundred years old. It can be said that they are just one out of ten thousand, one out of a million, and hundreds of millions. One of the best female heroes!

But within this world stone, being almost completely slaughtered easily, I have to say it is a tragedy.

"God gift! You despicable villain, kill my sister, aren't you afraid that we will go out and tell Sister Qingluan?"

Hong'er was full of tears and yelled at Godsend in anger.

"Hey! Since you have done it, you are not afraid. Feng Qingluan wants to come to us to settle the account. Of course, some of us will deal with her. As for you, you should go down with your sister at ease!"

"Sister Hong'er, go quickly, our things are all with you, you can't do anything!"

The remaining dozen or so women of the Qingluan Club came from around, madly attacking a group of godsends, and did not hesitate to blew up to protect their last leader.

Hong'er bit her lip fiercely and turned and rushed towards Wuhuan.

"Want to go, it's not so easy!"

The godsend hand swung the long sword several times in a row, easily beheading the four women, and then went to chase Hong'er.

The speed of Godsend was so fast that he was close to Hong'er almost in an instant. The difference between the middle of the black hole and the late stage of the black hole was still not small, and Hong'er couldn't escape it.

"It's over! Sister Qingluan, I'm sorry for you." Hong'er turned desperately, wanting to blew herself up. She would rather blew herself up instead of sending all the gains this time to God's hands.

At this moment, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed!

A dark starry sky shrouded a space of one hundred meters in radius, and dozens of planets were rapidly formed.

"This is the domain! Who is opening the domain?" Godsend turned his head in horror.

Standing in the starry sky, Lin Zhen beckoned to Hong'er, "Thank you for saving me once, but now it's back to you. When will I not leave at this time?"

"Ah! It's you."

Hong'er only had time to say such a sentence, and Lin Zhen's clone was shrouded in a gravitational force in the distance, and directly threw Hong'er far out of the underground palace temple.

Hong'er was not a fool either. Knowing that he could not say any more at this time, he immediately plunged into Wuhuan.

"Chasing me!" Tianci yelled, before the voice fell, dozens of surrounding planets began to explode.

Anyone who approached this area was almost immediately blasted to pieces by Lin Zhen's Tianhe Star.

For a time, no one can approach Wuhuan.

"Lin Zhen, you bastard!"

Tianci's eyes spit fire out, avoiding and twisting left and right, and he was considered to be saved under Lin Zhen's starburst.

At this time, there are already more than one hundred people in the entire world rock!

There are still fifteen minutes before the world collapses.

The remaining people are still madly competing for the universe crystal, but some people already want to leave.

The God-given plan was disrupted at the last moment, making him hate Lin Zhen to his bones. At this time, he completely ignored the raindrops of the surrounding universe crystals, but went straight to Lin Zhen with his sword!

"Lin Zhen, you dare to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds, then you can stay here and die for that woman!"

Lin Zhen is not afraid of him. After he was promoted to the seventh satellite level, his strength has improved a lot compared to the time of the Xuanzhu Apollo battle. He has been able to resist the late stage of the black hole without relying on the clone, relying solely on the strength of the body!

Although this godsend seemed to be stronger than Xuanzhu and Apollo, it was still impossible to defeat his body in a short time.

The two people fought fiercely in the air, full of vigor and energy, and the surrounding area was a hundred meters away. It became the exclusive battlefield for the two.

The collapse of the world stone has become more and more serious. The stone pillars in the underground palace temple have begun to collapse, and a corner of the temple has completely collapsed.

And a huge ground fissure spread directly into the temple from a distance, the lava from the ground surged crazily, the smell of gunpowder and sulfur filled the temple, and the temple had become a **** on earth!

The people from the Dimensional Universe Company packed up their things and quickly left the underground palace temple.

They came here to do business, and now they can’t do business, so naturally they should leave.

However, they did not count the rankings, and did not dare to embarrass them.

With the retreat of the Dimensional Universe Company, the warriors on the scene finally couldn't hold it anymore.

"Retreat! Are there any breathers in the Tongtian Tower? If you have any, follow Lao Tzu!"

"Brothers of Dragon Totem, turn on the talent of Shenlong, the gravity field here has disappeared, there is no more forbidden air, fly!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, no matter how slow you can go!"

"Don't stop me, no one!"

Some people were killed during the retreat, the space ring was snatched away, and the scene was chaotic to the extreme.

People flocked to Wuhuan, and in this underground palace temple that was about to completely collapse, beneath the huge cosmic crystal, Godsend was still fighting Lin Zhen!

"Jiejie! Lin Zhen, do you want to go? Unfortunately, you can't go anymore. Every cosmic crystal around here is worth at least tens of millions of Kylin Coins, but unfortunately it doesn't belong to you. You now regret your stupidity. Did you act recklessly?"

At this time, there are still thirteen minutes before the world stone completely collapsed!