Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 452: River of 3 Ways

These new students headed by Hong Bo had planned to smash Lin Zhen once, but they didn't expect to be smashed by Lin Zhen immediately. When he took the lead, the two sides immediately fought into one place.

Lin Zhen's eyes were cold, and the yin and yang spear in his hand flew up and down, and one person must fall down with every shot.

The people in the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance have activated their talents one after another, and they are the safest to use their talents against the enemy.

Although there were a lot of people in the Green Hornet Gang, the quality was actually not as good as those of Lin Zhen.

Hong Bo's talent is the starry sky violent ape. He swelled in a circle. The weapon in his hand was a long stick, which danced like a windmill. He was very strong. However, several masters besieged him. Not open.

Someone on both sides kept screaming and falling down, Lin Zhen's mental power moved, and the Seven Star Sword lifted into the sky.

In the group battle, the Seven Star Knife is a more fierce killing weapon than the Yin Yang spear.

Seven electric lights criss-crossed, drew a life-threatening arc in the air, and dozens of opponents instantly fell to the ground.

"Wipe! This kid is so fierce!"

"Be careful, this is an azure-level spiritual teacher!"

"His flying knives are all artifacts...Uh!"

Lin Zhen stood on the spot, flying around with knives, and the knives killed their lives. These robbers fell to the ground one after another like cutting grass, and the number of people quickly decreased.

There were dozens of people left in the blink of an eye. These people knew that Lin was really good, and they didn't dare to stay at all, and fled in desperation.

With the seven throwing knives retracted, Lin Zhen's mental power spread out like a spider web. Under the dual effects of gravity and mental power, Lin Zhen took all the space rings.

Seeing that he hadn't watched, he had directly received the Dark Star Space, and Lin Zhen turned his head and left.

Except for Taishan and Cao Yang waving their hands at Lin Zhen, everyone else stood there in a daze, completely unable to accept this scene.

I thought that Lin Zhen was just a rookie, but he didn't expect to be such a killer. At this moment, they all regretted their choice very much.

Baichuanxing is an unknown deep mountain and old forest. On top of the cliff and dangerous peak, there is a towering pagoda.

This is not a stupa, but the headquarters of Tongtian Pagoda of the four major gangs of the Three Rivers Star Federation.

Peripheral members don't even know where the headquarters is, and only some core members are eligible to enter the tower.

On the top of the three-hundred-story skyscraper, the three people are talking at the moment.

"This time the three of us are working together, we must completely wipe out the members of the Qingluan Association. The people from your two families should be in place."

"Yes, for this cooperation, our Qionglou in the center of the Earth sent 10,000 sidereal phases and ten black hole phases, and they were divided into pieces and scattered among other gangs. Many people don't know their identities at all. Hit that group of ladies by surprise."

"We Dragon Totem sent dragon warriors. As you know, it is extremely difficult for us to select talents. Dragon Totem tattoos are not something anyone can use. These 8,000 people are already the most elite force under the age of one hundred, 3,000 people. To form our main team, the remaining five thousand people are also scattered as scattered people, and they can be assembled immediately when it is time to gather."

The representative sitting in the middle, whose clothes are the symbol of Tongtian Tower, nodded in satisfaction when hearing the speeches of Qionglou and Dragon Totem in the center of the earth.

"That's good. Our 13,000 people in the Tongtian Tower are also ready, similar to yours. They dive into the world stone separately and give Qingluan a fatal blow at the critical moment."

The representative of the dragon totem has dense dragon tattoos on his body. The tattoo seems to have a certain power, and he nodded and said at this moment: "Yes, those stinky ladies were originally not popular, but the girl Feng Qingluan was strong twenty years ago. Rising, he just lays down the sky in the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation. Our dragon totem is her deadly enemy, and she does not miss us."

"Our geocentric Qionglou is also the same. Our mining industry was originally the main business, but she got involved. After several battles, we didn't take advantage of it and lost a lot of resource star mining rights. This continues. Our brothers are running out of food."

"It's the same with our Tongtian Pagoda, Feng Qingluan, a viper-like woman who has stirred up our slave trade. At the beginning of the Tianhua Star battle, our 400,000 brothers were killed by her, and they all said that our gangs were in trouble. , But she killed more than 100,000 people with her own hands. I can't wait to eat her alive!"

"Hey, don't be impatient, this is not an opportunity. Feng Qingluan has been to the Fire Qilin Empire for several years. The Qingluan Society she built by herself is no longer so powerful. The four beauty of Qingluan is also unsuccessful. With embroidered pillows, we will take advantage of this opportunity to break her roots!"

"Yes, this time the Qingluan Association has produced five thousand people, all of whom are women's soldiers. These people are the elite of the Qingluan Association. After they are killed, the Qingluan Association can basically say goodbye."

The representative of the Tongtian Pagoda looked at the other two people: "You have all explained, where should you start."

"That's it. We've decided on the location of the ambush in advance, so we're guaranteed to be foolproof."

"Then I hope that we will succeed. When this is done, the four big gangs of Baichuanxing will become three big gangs. By then, all the business of the Qingluan will be divided equally among the three."

"Of course, but don’t forget the treasures of King Yan Junjie. It is said that when King Yan Junjie was alive, he was also a strong one among the world kings. After his death, none of the books of inheritance memory have been spread. They should all be in the world stone. within."

"I have also heard that before death, many powerful people will burn their life learning on a gold book. That is the book of inheritance and memory. If anyone gets the memory of the realm king, wouldn't he have learned him This is the most precious treasure for all of the exercises, and we must obtain it anyway."

"Definitely, all three of us will have real masters to enter this time. Our Profound Pearl from the Sky Tower, your Dragon Totem Apollo, and the Heavenly Gift from Qionglou in the center of the earth. They are all the rare talents of the Sanjiang Star Region Federation in a century. I definitely won't come home empty-handed."

"Sure victory!"

"Sure victory!"

The hands of the three representatives are put together, full of confidence.

Two flying knives flashed past in the darkness, two approaching Qingsha ghosts were cut off silently, and Lin Zhen's figure flashed past the mist.

The fog in the front gradually faded, and there was a splash of water.

"It's finally here, the Three Way River."

When Lin Zhen walked out of the misty area, the terrain in front of him suddenly became clear.

The Three Ways River, a blood-red river reaching dozens of miles wide, the red waves tumbling throughout the river, you can't see the end at a glance.

It is said that this river is entirely made up of blood, which is made up of the blood of people killed by King Yan Junjie in his lifetime.

I don't know how many people he killed, and he actually formed an endless river, which is really creepy when I think about it.

Perhaps people did not believe this legend before, but when they came to the river bank, they saw that this tumbling **** river was full of wailing ghosts and ghosts, struggling desperately in the river, trying to swallow the humans on the shore, but couldn’t. Get out of the shackles of the Three Ways River.

Those terrifyingly distorted ghosts have been here for thousands of years, and they have formed fierce ghosts. The strong fierce aura makes them extremely terrifying and powerful. At least they have the strength of the satellite phase, and a disgusting aura spreads over them. The timid people backed away in shock at a glance.

Lin Zhen put on his metal mask and quickly approached the river bank, which was spanned by a long bridge.

"Naihe Bridge, the entrance to Huangquan's ghostly land"

There were already many people on the bridge advancing quickly, and Lin Zhen immediately joined the advancing crowd and rushed to the other side.

Halfway through, the ghosts in the river below started howling frantically, rolling up the **** waves, seeming to be able to pounce on people at any time.

A slight sting hit Lin Zhen's mind.

"This is... mental shock!"

Lin Zhen could feel a wave of force assault, and some vague illusions rose in his mind.

Those illusions contain negative emotions such as hatred, killing, etc., and if they are affected, they may become crazy.

With the azure mental power running, Lin Zhen easily removed these illusions with his powerful mental power.

"It turns out that the River of Three Ways is a test of mental strength, but this level is too easy for me, it is not difficult at all."

Many people around him stopped, standing still, seemingly affected.

Some stood there for a while and danced, screamed frantically, and even plunged into the river to be killed by ghosts.

There was wind under his feet, and Lin Zhen flew all the way, quickly throwing away most of the people, and came to the front of the river crossing team.

When he was about to get off the bridge, Lin Zhen saw the two groups fighting.

The clothes on a group of people are the Qionglou in the heart of the Sanjiang four gangs, and the other group is an all-girl group, another gang, the Qingluanhui.

Those women did not lose to the men at all when they moved their hands. Among the warriors, there are more men and fewer But any woman who can advance to a higher level is a genius.

There were more than a dozen people on both sides, and the fighting was relatively hot. From time to time, someone was broken under the bridge and fell into the river of three ways.

Lin Zhen had no interest in seeing these gangsters and didn't want to care about it, so he just rushed over.

But when he was about to get off the bridge, he saw three people from Tongtian Tower join forces to attack a beautiful Tsing Yi woman.

Lin Zhen didn't care whether the woman was beautiful or not, but he saw that one of the demons was the one who was with Jin Haoran when he was in the Fairy Forest.

Now that he had encountered an enemy, Lin Zhen was not polite, and directly attacked with three flying knives to kill the three Tongtian Towers in a sneak attack.

The Tsing Yi woman was in a precarious situation, but after being saved by Lin Zhen, she let out a sigh of relief and stared at Lin Zhen's back for a while.

"Qing'er! Cross the river!"

These women were victorious and rushed all the way through the Three Ways River.