Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 445: Lin Zhen privilege

Holly felt his hair dizzy for a while, and walked towards Lin Zhen and his throat with blood flowing out continuously.

But when Ling'er saw him coming over, she showed a look of disgust and hid directly behind Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen sneered even more, protecting Ling'er and saying to him: "Holly, if I were you, I shouldn't think about how to approach the girls at this time, but about how to face Hansha Jerry after returning. They, as a member of the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance, you were slapped by the gang and you didn't dare to fight back. It's a loss of our alliance!"


Holly was still unwilling to win Ling'er's favor, but it was a pity that he was incomplete.

Lin Zhen waved his hand: "Don't say it, what's even more embarrassing is that you still lost. If it weren't for me, Linger's fate can be imagined. You are embarrassed to approach her, you don't even have your face!"

Holly covered his throat, his mouth made a string of inaudible notes, his head dizzy by Lin Zhen's words and Linger's disgusting attitude.

The blood from his fingers flowed out, and he could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion, so he died like this.

When he died, he was a little more sober, looking at Lin Zhen viciously, but there was also a hint of excitement in his heart.

In the battle in the dimensional universe, Lin Zhen took the lead in this battle, and killed all the people in the Tongtian Tower, so the money for drinks and food, as well as the loss of the bar, must be compensated by them.

They spent 100 million Sanjiang coins on this meal, and the loss caused to the bar reached tens of billions. It is important to know that the number of people dining in the hall had reached thousands of tables at that time, and the consumption of each table was how much They ranged from one million to hundreds of millions, and they were all shattered by them, and the natural accounts must also be calculated by them.

In addition to all the facilities in the bar, it is normal to accumulate tens of billions of dollars. He can't take out the money at once, and the poor boy Lin Zhen certainly can't take it out.

The operation of the dimensional universe is maintained by a kind of spar called the cosmic crystal, and the consumption of these spars requires money.

All the items generated in the dimensional universe are not virtual out of thin air, they also require energy and cost, so here it is not unscrupulous to smash them.

For example, when the Fairy Forest serves them a dish, it needs to consume a little energy, remove the cost of consumption, the remaining money is earned by the bar, other tables, and those facilities, all need energy.

Ordinarily, he should pay the money because he was the person who ordered the meal, but now he is dead and cannot log in to the Dimension Universe for a month. If he wants to pay, he must directly activate his bank card to pay.

Forcibly swiping the card, the Baichuanxing branch of the Universe First Bank has this right. As long as the member level is higher than his, all the information in the Dimension Universe is provided to the bank and an application is issued, the bank can forcibly activate it and directly transfer the information in his card The money is swiped away, which is also to prevent someone from spending in the dimensional universe and then refusing to pay.

But he is confident now. The card he used was given to him by his father. There was a fund of hundreds of billions in it, but he was not allowed to use it. It was the family's reserve fund, so his card reached the gold membership. level.

If he wants to force him to swipe his card, only platinum membership can do it. He doesn't believe that there will be platinum members in Baichuanxing.

One trillion in deposits is eligible to become a platinum member, and none of their mining groups has reached the level of platinum membership.

Therefore, there is no other way, the money can only be paid by Lin Zhen and others. If not, they are fighting the Dimensional Universe Group!

The Dimensional Universe Group is a huge organization that spans the universe. It is countless times stronger than the Galaxy Giant Beasts Alliance. No one dares to fight them. Lin Zhen and the others can only pay for it obediently.

Die once, save tens of billions, and it is worth the death.

"Lin Zhen, you bastards, when you can't get the money, how can you be a hero? When you come to ask Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will humiliate you severely and not give you any money!"

With this thought, Holly closed his eyes.

Lin Zhen didn't care about Holly. After killing Jin Haonan, there were not many people left in the Tongtian Tower. He simply rushed into the crowd again and cooperated with his teammates to fight. In the fierce battle, he finally cleared the people from the Tongtian Tower.

This time, he completely offended the Tongtian Tower, but Lin Zhen didn't care. Sooner or later, he would offend it, so it would be better to simply offend it.

The battle was over, there were about seven people left on Lin Zhen's side, and the Tongtian Tower was destroyed.

When Lin Zhen killed the last tower tower, Ling'er yelled nervously: "Brother Lin, don't..."

The body fell, Lin Zhen looked at Ling'er: "What's the matter?"

"You killed them all, you have to cover the loss of the bar."

Ling'er was crying in a hurry. The bar was most afraid of being beaten up. Although she didn't need to pay the money, she didn't want Lin Zhen to pay.

Lin Zhen smiled: "Ling'er don't worry, I have a solution. You leave the dimensional universe now and come to Fairy Forest in the real world two hours later. I will find you there."

Ling'er gritted his teeth and nodded, "Then you must be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't do things that are uncertain."

Linger left the dimension universe, and the owner of the bar came over.

This time he was very confident, Linger was not his property, he could not stop the chaos of the Tongtian Tower, but the bar was his property, protected by the Dimensional Universe Group, and no one could smash it for nothing.

"Sir, look at..."

"how much is the total?"

"It has been counted, 12.2.5 billion, and here is the bill."

The bill generated in the dimensional universe came out, and everything was listed, a very long bill.

The expressions of the other warriors have changed drastically. If the money is to be paid by them, even if it is shared among everyone, it will be a big burden.

Lin Zhen smiled at the others: "Don't worry, I will be responsible for this. Don't worry, someone will pay for it."

Asking the bar owner to wait, Lin Zhen asked Cao Yang next to him: "Should Holley pay this money?"

"Yes, but he can't enter the Dimensional Universe to pay now. He can only use the bank to force his card, but he can only apply if his level is higher than Holly's. I know he seems to have a gold membership card. This can't be done."

Lin Zhen turned his head to the bar and said, "I will give you the Dimensional Universe number. Now go out to make money and wait for me."

There is a dimensional universe number, so I am not afraid of Lin Zhen running. Lin Zhen and the others have all left the dimensional universe.

After leaving the Dimensional Universe, Lin Zhen returned to the room he was in.

Walking out of the door of the room, these companions are here, including Holly.

Holly looked at Lin Zhen, with a hint of arrogance in his face: "Lin Zhen, don't be wishful thinking. I won't pay the fee. You can pay by yourself if you have the ability."

Lin Zhen snorted, "Do you think I'm here to beg you to pay?"

"Isn't it? I've heard about it, more than 10 billion, Lin Zhen, I have written down what you did today, and our account will be settled later."

"Haha! This is my idea, but it's still a bit different from yours. Our account cannot be settled slowly, but it must be settled today and now."

"What do you mean?" Holly was on guard.

"You will know soon."

Lin Zhen knew Holly's dimensional universe number, and immediately entered the dimensional universe again, saved all the screenshot data of the Fairy Forest event, and then came to the branch of the First Bank of the Universe in Baichuanxing.

Through Holly’s number, the bank account number of the other party can be found.

Lin Zhen's account was a platinum account, and he immediately looked at Holly to pay for the loss of the Fairy Forest Bar.

Facing the request of platinum customers, the bank did not dare to neglect the slightest, and immediately began to verify, the evidence was conclusive, and the speed was very fast. In less than five minutes, Holly's card had been transferred 12.5 billion!

Lin Zhen exited the Dimensional Universe just in time to see Holly staring at the notification dumbfounded.

More than 10 billion is so gone!

"What's going on? Why is my money being forcibly swiped away?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "Is it still unclear? I submitted an application to the bank to make you compensation for the loss of Fairy Forest, and then your money is gone."

"You... do you have a platinum account?" Holly's eyes widened in disbelief.

Lin Zhen didn't answer Holly's mentally retarded question, turned and left the villa room.

There was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning behind him.

Wealth is also a kind of power. Many people who are present can afford this compensation, but they are definitely burdened. They all know what a platinum account means.

A platinum account can only be obtained by depositing one trillion in the account.

One trillion Sanjiang coins, what a fortune is that!

The little-known Lin Zhen in front of him is actually the owner of a platinum account. What kind of identity does he have?

It is said that he is a small lord of the Tianhe Empire, but the lord of the primary civilized universe can actually be rich to this level?

The warriors on the scene looked at Holly again, and only felt that this person was very different from Lin Zhen, and he did not deserve to be their leader.

Holly even rattled his teeth and lost more than 10 billion. He couldn't enter the dimensional universe for a month, and Linger completely disgusted himself. He was really unlucky today.

"Lin Zhen! You have a kind, but don't forget, the martial artist still decides victory or defeat. If you humiliate me today, I will repay it to you. See you in the world stone!"

Holly gritted his teeth and burst out these words from between his teeth, thinking about how to retaliate against Lin Zhen when suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Hawley, what happened to the bar fight today?"

The voice was cold, it was Jerry's voice. Although Hansha and Jerry were not particularly strong, they represented the Galaxy Behemoth no one dared to offend them.

Holly couldn't help shivering, and hurriedly explained: "It's Lin Zhen...he was the first to make the shot, otherwise such a thing would never happen, he still..."


Han Sha roared: "If it hadn't been for Lin Zhen to take action, you would lose the face of our Galaxy Behemoth Alliance today. The dignified trans-cosmic organization was actually suppressed by a gang. I think you don't want to participate in a concentration camp under 100 Up!"

"It's not like that, I..."

"Needless to say, you can pack up your things and leave now, our Galaxy Behemoth Alliance doesn't need a cousin!"

Han Sha and Jerry were ruthless. The incident itself was Holly's mistake. Besides, he had a conflict with Lin Zhen. Who is Lin Zhen?

That is the person who has obtained the supergalactic beast gene. Hansha and Jerry are obliged to ensure his safety. It can be said that their future will share the honor of Lin Zhen. Intermediate gene fluid winners like Holly, and Lin Zhenyi It's no **** than that, and if you dare to offend Lin Zhen, it's just killing yourself!