Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 441: Meet the gang again

The speed of serving dishes in the Dimensional Universe is super fast, even dishes like roasted mammoths are served in a few minutes.

The huge mammoth does not cause any hindrance to dining. The huge dish space under the single room seems to be magnified. The mammoth is a huge dish. You can still pick it up wherever you want to eat. This is the wonder of the dimensional universe.

The dishes came, and the wine came. This time, Holly ordered the wine, the newly brewed daughter red, which is expensive and worth millions of dollars.

"Come on, everyone enjoy. Here you can also enjoy the singing and dancing below. I tell you, look down at those elven beauties from a height, but you have a special flavor!"

These warriors had discovered it a long time ago. Looking down from here, there is a white snow below, and the peaks and mountains where the elven beauties are jumping are almost in sight. Some people even look intently.

At this time, a particularly beautiful elven girl came on stage.

As soon as this beauty appeared, a shout broke out in the bar.

"Ling'er! Ling'er!"

"Ling'er, I love you! You are a goddess!"

Lin Zhen and the others were also attracted by this shout, and looked down.

This elf girl is really beautiful. Every woman in this fairy forest bar is a beautiful woman, but only this Linger is the real stunning posture. The weak wind will help the willow-like figure, the country is all over the city. Appearance makes men involuntarily aroused to protect themselves.

Lin Zhen even saw Holly's eyes shining out, obviously he was also a fan of Linger.

Many people picked up the petals on the table and sprinkled them out. A single petal represents one hundred thousand, and they are all rewarded to this spirit.

Ling'er picked up a microphone and waved to someone she knew well, and even waved to Holly on the second floor, obviously she knew him.

Holly immediately grabbed hundreds of petals and spilled them out, then said loudly, "Ling'er! I love you! Marry me!"

Ling'er showed a charming smile, did not say anything, but sang a song gently.

The singing is light and subtle, like an empty mountain and flowing spring, it seems that there is a kind of magical power, people can't help but think of some beautiful things like birds, sunshine, and flowers.

Everyone's face was drunk.

"This Linger is so beautiful, who is she?" A warrior whispered.

"Shhh! Don't talk, this is the top card of the fairy forest, the first beauty of the holy magic star and the elf clan, and her beautiful voice is sweet. Seven or eight of the people here come to see her. She comes out to sing a few songs every week. , You can earn more than one billion!"

People closed their eyes and were immersed in Ling'er's beautiful singing. Even Taishan, a fellow of the Titan tribe, shook his head slightly with the singing. It can be seen that music knows no borders, regardless of race.

Lin Zhen also liked her singing, but he didn't stop, waved his knife and fork, and cut out a large piece of roasted golden mammoth meat. He ate it as he listened and ate with relish.

Lin Zhen found that his appetite was surprisingly big right now. This large piece of meat was as if he hadn't eaten it, so he immediately cut off another large piece and gobbled it up.

Others did not have the appetite of Lin Zhen, and were immersed in singing and Ling'er's beauty.

Until the end of the song, there was enthusiastic applause, and the petals of people rewarding Ling'er fell like rain.

Linger needs to take a break after singing a song, and go to prepare later.

During this interval, Bai Di proposed to choose a leader. When he entered the world stone, everyone would obey the command and strive for more cohesion.

But no one responded to Bai Di's suggestion. Although Holly is now performing better than others, none of these people are martial arts wizards. It is not enough to buy them off as simple as that.

Seeing no response from anyone, Bai Di's face changed, put down his knife and fork and said he was going to the bathroom, and went out.

After a while, there was a quarrel outside.

Soon the quarreling person arrived nearby, and it was Bai Di.

Lin Zhen looked back and saw that Bai Di was surrounded by seven or eight people, some of them were humans, elves and wing tribes, all of whom were dressed in colorful, seemingly about to do something to Bai Di.

"Smelly boy! Dare to be wild here, don't put us Sanying in your eyes!"

"Quickly kneel down and apologize, otherwise we will find your Dimensional Universe number, go to reality and annihilate you and make your whole clan die!"

"You dare to be so rampant when you come to Saint Demon Star, you really use yourself as an onion!"

Taishan frowned slightly: "No, Baidi has gotten into a gangster. The Sanying Club is the gangster power of the Holy Demon Star. It was established by a human race, an elf, and a wing race, and the power is not small."

A few warriors next to him became nervous: "What should we do? Are we going to help Bai Di? Is it okay to fight in the dimensional universe?"

Holly snorted coldly: "Does this still need to be considered? We came out together, representing the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. Of course, we have to advance and retreat together. What about the gangs? Can you bully us unscrupulously? A joke! Look at how rampant this gang is."

As he said, Holly came up against the crime: "Baidy! Come over here, let me see who dares to move your finger!"

Bai Di was being pushed by a group of gangsters, extremely embarrassed, but did not dare to take the initiative to go back, afraid of bringing disaster to Holly and the others. Hearing Holly's shout, he seemed to have grabbed the straw and ran away. come back.

Seven or eight gang members behind him also staggered to follow.

An arrogant look appeared on the face of a human race who took the lead: "Who is this here to be the big head? Dare to take care of our Sanying Association. Are you impatient?"

Holly stood up and snorted coldly: "When will Sanying be so prestigious? Is even the feng shui treasure of Fairy Forest your sphere of influence? Why don't we Huo family know?"

"Huo Family? Which Huo Family?" The Human Race was a little startled.

"Huo's family of Apocalypse Mining." Holly said these words very contentedly, it seems that their family power is not small.

At this time, Cao Yang said in Lin Zhen's ear: "Their family has shares in the Tianqixing Mining Group, but they are not a major shareholder. What they do is participate in the mining of some resource planets."

Lin Zhen nodded, Apocalypse is a big planet, and mining companies are rich in oil. If you can develop resource stars everywhere, the power behind it can’t be too weak. Both black and white must have a certain degree. power.

Although Huo's family is only a minority shareholder, it should not be underestimated.

Sure enough, the human race warrior of the Sanyinghui suddenly changed his face when he heard it.

"Are you the young master of the Huo family?"

"Yes, my name is Holly. You can go and inquire about it. The mining group where our Huo family is located is in contact with the senior leaders of your Sanying Club, so you'd better be a little more disciplined, or be careful not to eat. Go around!"

Hearing Holly's righteous reprimand, the people in the Sanying Club were a little scared.

"I'm so sorry, Master Huo, we didn't know you were there. If we knew that it was your friend, we wouldn't dare to give us some courage."

"Okay, those who don't know are not guilty, let's go, and have a little more eyes later."

"Hey! Thank you, Master Huo, for not blaming us, then we will leave."

This warrior took the people back a few steps, then yelled to the maid, and added a few good dishes to their table, which cost millions.

When the people from the Sanying Club retreated, Holly's face smiled again: "Everyone, eat, don't disturb our drinking mood for a little thing."

The meal started again, but there was a trace of awe in the eyes of some warriors looking at Holly.

With strength and talent, and there is a huge force behind him, even the gang members have to let him three points. Such a person should be their leader, there should be no problem.

Even Cao Yang and Tai Shan showed thoughtful expressions.

Only Lin Zhen basically didn't stop here, and he didn't forget to eat when he was watching the movie. The huge mammoth had already been eaten by him to reveal its skeleton.

Bai Di glanced at Lin Zhen, and then said to everyone: "Now, do you have any opinions on Holly being our leader?"

Most of the warriors agreed, but Lin Zhen, Cao Yang and Tai Shan did not speak.

After all, Cao Yang is from Lin Zhen's territory, so it still depends on Lin Zhen's opinion.

Lin Zhen ate a large piece of mammoth meat again, then put down his knife and fork, and drank a glass of wine: "Entering the world stone must have a lot of battles. The final decision is their respective strengths, not family history."

Hearing Lin Zhen's words, Holly's face changed. He didn't expect that Lin Zhen's oily salt would not enter, and he would suddenly have an attack.

But at this time, the melodious singing and piano in the room sounded again.

It turned out that Linger had finished resting, took out a guqin, and began to play and sing on the stage.

At this time, making a loud noise is about to offend the public. Holly glared at Lin Zhen fiercely: "If my future wife wasn't here, I would want you to look good today!"

Lin Zhen didn't care about his threat at all, smiled and took a sip from his wine glass. Ling'er's piano and singing were indeed a must, and should be appreciated.

Moreover, Lin Zhen felt that Ling'er's voice was a bit like his wife Yue'er, which made him feel more intimacy for no reason.

The sound of the piano is fascinating...

Suddenly a discordant sound interrupted the piano sound.

A group of people walked to the stage noisily, and immediately made everyone cast angry eyes at them to see who disturbed their interest.

But when I saw it, many people immediately retracted their gazes in shock.

There are thirty or forty people in this group, including half-orcs, lion, tiger, wolf...

There are also some demons with purple hair and green skin ~ everyone is born with extremely vicious faces, and the realm is almost sidereal.

Above the Saint Demon Star, the Demon Race and the Orcs are two super militant races. They have provoked almost countless years of wars on the entire planet, so no one dares to offend them.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that their chest clothes are embroidered with a high tower pattern.

People from Tongtian Tower!

The Tongtian Pagoda is different from the small local gangs of the Saint Demon Stars of the Sanying Association. The Sanying Association is just a small snake, and the Tongtian Pagoda is one of the four major gangs of the Sanjiang Star Federation, and it is a real dragon!

Among these demons and half-orcs, there is also a blond young man wearing a silver knight costume with a haughty face. He is obviously the leader of these people.

Lin Zhen was taken aback, wasn't this the person from the Tongtian Tower he saw when he first came to Baichuan Star?

The blond young man waved to Ling'er on the stage at this time: "You don't need to continue singing, come down and drink with me!"