Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 436: Galaxy Behemoth Alliance

"Master, it is close to Baichuanxing."

"Slow down and get out of the parallel universe."

The constant crystal spacecraft decelerated, and decelerated slightly, and after falling below the speed of light, it immediately left the parallel universe.

With the appearance of a huge planet, Lin Zhen's spacecraft gradually reached ten times the speed of sound, and it was still slowly falling.

"It's Baichuanxing, and a new challenge is coming."

Lin Zhen stood in front of the console, thinking about the way forward.

Hiss~~~! !

The radio wave flickered, and someone on the console asked for contact.

Lin Zhen was stunned. He used to come to Baichuanxing to buy some things. It can be said that he didn't know anyone. If Hansha found himself, it should be through the dimensional universe. How could they communicate through spacecraft?

When the other party's radio wave was connected, a young man with blond hair appeared on the screen.

This is a sidereal period, with a silver knight costume on his body, slender eyes, slightly squinted, and he is also carefully looking at Lin Zhen.

"Who are you?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Hey! You are not from Baichuanxing? I have never seen you before."

"I am not, I just came here too."

"Well then, foreign boy, are you interested in racing?"

"Motor racing?" Lin Zhen didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Yes, drag racing, I think your spacecraft is good. It is to go to the asteroid belt three hundred stars away and drive the spacecraft through below the speed of light. The person who passes first wins. Are you interested in betting a few?

Lin Zhen also saw the opponent's spacecraft clearly at this time. It was made of a constant crystal and crystal stone, and it was also a lightspeed spacecraft.

This spacecraft is really slightly worse than Lin, because the number of constant crystals is relatively small, but it is protected by constant crystals in a few key places, but it can also fly at the speed of light.

Lin Zhen was not good at this kind of drag racing, nor did he like it, so he refused.

"Sorry, not interested."

"You may not know that crossing the asteroid belt is very exciting. A solid spacecraft is very important. If your spacecraft is willing to sell, I can give you a suitable price."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "I am not short of money."

After being rejected continuously, the blond youth looked a little ugly.

"If you have heard of the organization of Tongtian Tower, I believe you would not dare to reject me like that, outsider."

Lin Zhen was taken aback for a moment, he had really heard of Tongtian Tower.

There is a saying on the earth that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This sentence is also applicable to the interstellar, but the rivers and lakes are bigger and more dangerous.

The so-called Tongtian Pagoda is actually a gang, the gang organization of the Three Rivers Star Federation.

This huge planet with trillions of people is full of gangs inside, they are doing various businesses, interstellar freight, slave trade, monopoly business, assassination, employment, and even the dimensional universe has also opened up many businesses.

In fact, there are also many gangsters in each elementary universe, but Lin Zhen has never been in contact.

However, the gangs in the primary universe are completely incomparable with the gangs in the intermediate universe. Regardless of human, material and financial resources, they are far from the same level.

Lin Zhen had heard in his previous life that a lord with a huge territory fifty light years in diameter had offended a gang called Dragon Totem, and the two sides clashed.

As a result, Dragon Totem sent 10,000 sidereal phases and a hundred black hole phases. Under the leadership of a galaxy-level master, he piloted the spacecraft to directly destroy this territory!

Hundreds of billions of people have been trafficked into slaves, the resources in the territory have been wiped out, and a prosperous territory has been drowned in a long river of time.

And the primary civilized cosmic country, there is no way to take advantage of this middle-level civilized gang.

They can't eliminate the gangs, and the gangs have inextricable relationships with the high-level people of the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation, so the gangs are simply rampant.

In the Sanjiang Star Region Federation, the biggest gangs are the Tower of Heaven, Qionglou, Dragon Totem, and Qingluanhui.

These four big gangs are numerous, with members all over the Three Rivers Star Territory Federation, even in the Tianhe Empire.

Lin Zhen also didn't expect to meet the gang when he first came to Baichuan Star, which was really annoying.

But Lin Zhen wouldn't be frightened by a few words. He smiled at the blond young man: "It turns out that it is from the Tongtian Tower. That is really disrespectful, but my spaceship is still not for sale."

"So you don't give us the face of Tongtian Tower."

"If you must say that, then count it!"

Lin Zhen directly hung up the communication, what about the gang, he will not be stepped on by anyone in his life.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Lin Zhenheng's crystal spacecraft, the blond youth looked ugly on a crystal stone spacecraft.

"Things that do not live or die, toast and not eat or drink fine wine, please check with me and find out the origin of this foreign kid?"

"Brother Jin, you are going to participate in a concentration camp under a hundred years old. The leader said that your group should be more stable during this time..."

"Cleaning up an outsider doesn't affect much. Check it."


The Constant Crystal spacecraft came to the sky above a street, and Lin Zhen put the spacecraft away and landed on the street.

This is a villa area. Each villa is sold for more than 100 million yuan. Hansha and Jerry live here.

Lin Zhen came to the door according to the address Han Sha gave him.

A scanner at the door started, a red light flashed, and the door opened with a beep.

"Welcome to Mr. Lin Zhen, the two gentlemen are waiting for you in the reception room."

Lin Zhenmai stepped through the door, walked through a garden path, and came to the reception room on the first floor of the villa.

"Hey, you are here Lin Zhen, come and sit down."

Han Sha greeted Lin Zhen enthusiastically. There was a huge round table with a circle of seats around.

Lin Zhen nodded, found a place to sit down, and looked at the people in the living room.

There are more than a dozen people in the living room, Hansha and Jerry.

Except for Lin Zhen, almost all people here are sidereal, and only two people are in the ninth grade.

Lin Zhen even saw Cao Yang of Blue Bay Star among them, and Cao Yang nodded to Lin Zhen with a smile. The dispute at the time had already passed. Lin Zhen is now the lord who convinced him.

Han Sha clapped his hands at this time: "Well, we are all here, now let Mr. Jerry talk to everyone."

Jerry cleared his throat: "Everyone, to be able to come here, I believe everyone knows our purpose this time, yes, we are going to participate in the concentration camp under 100 years old."

"Concentration camps under the age of one hundred are a major event of the Huoqilin Empire. They are held every hundred years to select true geniuses and focus on training."

"Everyone here is selected by our Galaxy Behemoth Alliance in the Sanjiang Star Territory Federation. The real geniuses, from the moment you enter this gate, you will be members of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. On behalf of our Galaxy Behemoth Alliance, we compete with the people of the Three Rivers Star Alliance."

At this time, a grim-looking young man said: "Mr. Jerry, who are we going to compete with?"

Lin Zhen glanced at this person. The young man had fair skin and a golden fine line on his forehead, like a vertical eye, with a ninth star, and he felt very powerful.

"Hawley, the Three Rivers Star Federation is far more than just one of our Galaxy Behemoths Alliance. All major forces will send their hands to participate in the competition. Not only is there a competition, but the competition will be very fierce!"

Holly snorted coldly: "It's okay to be fierce, just because the opponent is too bad, that's really boring."

Jerry said: "According to the news, the selection of the Three Rivers Star Federation will be held in a world stone. At that time, no matter what we are, there will be people participating in forces such as Tongtianlou and Dragon Totem. There will be a large number of masters in the family, as well as the Federal Army, Shura Field, etc., so you can't be too careless."

Holly didn’t seem to take Jerry’s words to heart either. Instead, he looked around and scanned the people present. When his eyes fell on Lin Zhen, he couldn’t help but sneered: "Mr. Jerry, you I’m still worried about other people. Some people are so poor that they won’t be eliminated by a single blow. That would be a shame for the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance."

"Don't worry about this. There are still eleven months before the selection battle of the Sanjiang Star Region Federation. During this time, we will conduct a comprehensive test for you."

"How to test?"

"Test your bloodline genes, and distribute gene fluids according to the level of each person's bloodline genes, strengths and weaknesses, then you can see clearly."

Hansha stood up at this time and said to everyone: "We will sign a contract with you now. After you sign the contract, you will always be a member of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. I will read out the rules for you."

"One: Obey the alliance's orders and never betray."

"Two: The Alliance will provide you with gene fluid for free..."

"Three: Members need to fulfill Sha said a series of agreements. After signing this contract, these people will become a member of the Galaxy Behemoth Alliance. The obligation is not too much, but the income is really good. A lot.

Everyone read the contract carefully. This contract is of great significance. After it is signed, it will take effect forever. You must read it clearly.

Lin Zhen glanced over the contract and thought it was not bad. He picked up the pen and wrote his name in a hurry.

All this is recorded in the dimensional universe, it is impossible to fake it, and it will not make people regret it.

Holly, Cao Yang and others also signed contracts one after another.

Han Sha took all the contracts and kept them, and his attitude immediately became much more cordial.

"Okay! Now everyone is a family. Next, I will give you a ten-minute break. After that, please turn off the communication system and portable electronic tools of the Dimensional Universe. The time you most look forward to is coming. We will soon To start testing the gene bloodline, distribute gene fluid according to each person's situation!"