Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 426: Black hole beauty slave

"Master! Found the whereabouts of the lightspeed spacecraft!"

"Where?" Old Anderson, who was devoting himself to practice, asked hurriedly.

"A minute ago, the radio wave from the light-speed spacecraft was received from the earth, but it was interrupted soon."

"The earth is Lin Zhen's home planet."

Old Anderson took a deep breath: "It seems that we have all been tricked. Lin Zhen must have known a certain wormhole, ran out and intercepted the lightspeed spacecraft, and then returned through the wormhole, creating the illusion of being absent from the scene. Good intentions."

"Master, even so, we don't have a light-speed spacecraft now, and we can't do it in a short time if we want to go to Earth."

"That's going to go too. The light-speed spacecraft must not be lost. Although there is no light-speed spacecraft, we still have a sub-light-speed spacecraft. Half a year is enough."

"But sir, you are now at a critical period of breakthrough, and your ability to break through the realm of the black hole is the top priority of the family!"

Old Anderson was very resolute: "Breakthrough does not necessarily have to be locked in a certain place. Anywhere is cultivation. The light-speed spacecraft is lost. My mind is restless. Breaking through the black hole is too dangerous. And I feel that I can successfully enter the galaxy. Period, it depends on this trip to the earth!"

"Get ready, bring all the elite power of the family, we will set off today, and strive to reach the earth within half a year!"

The Anderson family took action. In addition to the late black hole, Old Anderson, there were also two early black holes, three hundred sidereal masters, three thousand weeks!

A group of people took a sub-light speed spacecraft, starting from the Sanjiang Star Federation, and heading straight for the earth!

"Sir, you have all the slaves you want."

Lin Zhen stood in the slave market, with more than a thousand slaves crushed in front of him.

One hundred sidereal period, one thousand travel weeks, these slaves cost Lin Zhen more than 10 billion Sanjiang coins.

After paying the money, the slave trader said to Lin Zhen: "Sir, there are some elite slaves here, would you like to see?"

"What kind of elite?"

"There are three slaves here. Among them are two ninth-level spiritual masters of the Black Wing tribe. If you want, take 10 billion away."

The slave trader brought two slaves with black wings behind him.

Looking at these two tall slaves, Lin Zhen could feel the surging power in them.

You get what you pay for, these two ninth-level stellar spiritual teachers are more than the price of all the slaves Lin Zhen bought, but the strength is indeed good.

But the price of 20 billion is a bit expensive. Lin Zhen wants to bargain. Although he is rich, Lin Zhen doesn't want to be taken advantage of. These two stellar 9th-level spiritual teachers are about the same as 15 billion. As for the slave trader Of the three slaves mentioned, the other one must have little strength.

Before he could speak, the slave trader said: "Sir, you'd better not bargain, because there is still a slave but a black hole period. The value is still above the ninth level of these two stars. You can earn 20 billion by winning. It’s a big deal. If it weren’t for the recent downturn in the slave market, I wouldn’t want to sell it for 50 billion. It would be a loss."

Lin Zhen was stunned for a moment. Then he noticed that there was a young girl wrapped in wings in the corner. She was obviously in the same family as the ninth stars of the two stars. She closed her eyes slightly, her aura converged, but when she took a closer look, she was actually The middle of a black hole!

Buying slaves, the ninth-level stellar spiritual teacher is almost at the peak, and no matter how high it is, it is the black hole period.

As for slaves in the black hole period, few people are willing to buy them.

Because the slave in the black hole period will have two results, one is that the breakthrough fails and the purchaser loses his money, and the other is the successful breakthrough in the black hole period. After becoming the galaxy period, the slave chip will be automatically unblocked, which is likely to reverse the master.

Unless it is an urgent need for combat power, the early stage of the black hole can be considered, but the middle stage of the black hole is likely to enter the late stage at any time.

There is a chance when the black hole breaks through. It may break through within a few days, and break through with an epiphany. It's impossible to say that this girl will be promoted to the galaxy someday, so buying the middle stage of the black hole is too risky.

Lin Zhen glanced at the slave trader. This guy was obviously taking himself as a victim.

"Then if I don't buy this Black Wing Clan girl, can I buy two ninth stars separately, can it be cheaper?"

The slave trader didn't hear it well, but still insisted: "Hey, sir, you see that the girl is beautiful and beautiful. That is the princess of the Blackwing tribe, with the most noble blood of the Blackwing tribe. We took her back but it cost a lot. With strength, she will be from the ninth degree of the star to the middle of the black hole within two months. If you buy it back, she will be promoted to the galaxy if you don't know, and then you can make a lot of money."

Lin Zhen sneered: "You think of me as a fool? Can you still be a slave in the galaxy period? If she doesn't kill me, it will be my fate. My little shrimp in the satellite period can't help her breathe. ."

"If you influence her, let her fall in love with you desperately." The slave trader still wanted to quibble.

"Enough! I don't want this black hole period, I need two stars at ninth level! You can make a price." Lin Zhen is not talking nonsense with him.

Seeing Lin Zhen's resolute attitude, the slave trader suddenly cried and said, "Sir! If I could buy it alone, I would have sold it alone. These two ninth-level stellar spiritual masters are the girl's guards, and they must protect themselves when they become slaves. Princess’s, I’m going to die if I break it apart. I can’t do anything. Who knows that the girl will break into the black hole in an instant. If she doesn’t make any move, we will be in trouble if she breaks into the galaxy."

"Then you want to throw the trouble to me!" Lin Zhen said with a cold face.

"This is not really troublesome. After all, these three people are strong enough. You are kinder to the girl, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Lin Zhen's gaze fell on the black-winged girl. The girl was pale, but her appearance was indeed beautiful, not inferior to her two girlfriends.

Of course, Lin Zhen didn't like her appearance, he did like this woman's strength.

Slaves in the black hole period, if used well, they can solve big problems!

What's more, those two stars at ninth level were obviously desperate for her. For these two people, Lin Zhen was also worth taking a risk.

The big deal is to let her go or get rid of it on the eve of her breakthrough.

Now that he was fancy, Lin Zhen stopped bargaining, and sold 20 billion Sanjiang coins.

After paying the money, the chip was handed over, and Lin Zhen became the master of the three slaves.

He slowly came to the three of them: "What are your names?"

The two black-winged spiritual teachers said: "Zi 13, Zi 17".

"Is this your number?"

"Yes, we are both the princess's guards, and there are only two of us in the 30 guards."

"Where are you from? What is your princess's name?"

The two looked at each other, and Zi Shisan said: "The princess is called Zi Qianxia. We are from the Andromeda Nebula, Shenhua Star."

Lin Zhen nodded. The Andromeda Nebula does not belong to the Tianhe Empire, but it also belongs to the Three Rivers Star Territory Federation. This Zi Qianxia must have a not low status there, and can have a ninth-level spiritual teacher as a guardian, which is conceivable. not simple.

"Now you go with me, you don't have to wait for someone to choose in the slave market in the future."

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, the girl named Zi Qianxia suddenly opened her eyes: "You kill me! Otherwise, when I break into the galaxy stage, I must kill you vampires!"

Seeing the hatred look in the girl's eyes, Lin Zhen glared at the slave trader.

The slave trader looked innocent, but couldn't help snickering.

Lin Zhen is a little depressed, but after all, this girl is his own slave, and he has to count on her to do a lot of effort, so he can only whisper in a low voice, "You don't have to worry about anything. Although your status is a slave, I am not a slave to me. People, I can make you and your subordinates my knights, and give you enough respect."

Zi Shisan and Zi Shiqi were originally standing next to Zi Qianxia, ​​when they heard Lin Zhen's words, they suddenly moved.

Being able to give them knighthood as soon as he came, this Lin Zhen was the first to do so.

As someone else, he would never accept the three of them. After all, Zi Qianxia was a hot potato.

Zi Qianxia also froze for a moment, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

But she did not sway because of Lin Zhen's words: "You are nothing more than thinking that I will work for you. When I reach the end of the black hole, you will kill me?"

Originally, Lin really had this kind of thought, but looking at the girl's eyes at the moment, he couldn't say such a thing.

This is a poor girl, from the princess to the slave, her life calculation is rough, and she actually wants to play with the grind and kill the donkey.

Originally this kind of thing was being done by countless people in the interstellar, Lin Zhen didn't feel anything, but facing the girl's eyes, he felt a little ashamed.

Walking slowly in front of the girl, Lin Zhen squatted down.

"Maybe I have a little thought like this, but now I apologize to you, I won't think so in the future, I can promise you now, as long as you don't want to harm me, when you break through to the late stage of the black hole, I will give you Unlock your status as a slave, set you free, and let you go back for revenge, okay?"

Zi Qianxia's bright eyes flickered as if to see Lin Zhen's heart.

The two people looked at each other, and finally Zi Qianxia nodded slightly: "I can see that what you say is sincere. I can be your knight, but I will not be someone else's slave. You have to guarantee this, except you. Besides, none of your relatives and family members have the right to instigate me."

"Of course." Lin Zhen knew that the strong should be respected. If it weren't for the status of a slave, I'm afraid this Zi Qianxia wouldn't even look at herself with straight eyes.

"Which is the final word!"

"A word is settled!"

Zi Qianxia's long hair suddenly flew up, hooked Lin Zhen's long hair in the air, tied it, and then pulled it back and loosened it.

"What does this mean?" Lin Zhen said blankly.

At this time, Zi Shisan smiled openly next to him: "In our Shenhuaxing, this is the meaning of the agreement, a guarantee, a word is a deal, no one can go back!"

Lin Zhen suddenly realized that it was the meaning of retraction.