Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 399: Soaring strength, Galaxy Realm!

"Master, this is the charging training place of the Dimensional Universe. The charging standard here is based on the strength of the person. You are now entering the clone, and Huizhou charges 10 million Tianhe coins per hour."

"What if my ontology comes in?"

"You can't use the toll field below the star realm, but at your dark star realm, it is equivalent to a week, charging one million per hour."

It turned out that each realm was ten times different. Lin Zhen hesitated. The body was comprehending the elemental energy. The wind atom and thunder atom had been resonating in the past two days, and the earth atom was currently resonating. He really didn't want to interrupt at this time.

"Can any situation be simulated?"

"It's basically like this. As long as you have seen it with your own eyes, you can simulate it. You can't imagine it."

"Okay, let's try it for an hour."

The bank card automatically deducted a fee of 10 million yuan, and Lin Zhen entered the virtual space. What he thought in his mind was the evolutionary destruction of the planet.

Soon, an endless void appeared, and before his eyes was a huge planet, which was changing rapidly.

"It really works! This is much more intuitive than remembering in my mind."

Lin Zhen quickly immersed himself in this training ground, and his process of simulating the planet was much easier.

Even his time accelerated, much faster in this focused situation.

"I want to shorten the evolutionary process of each era as much as possible. If I want to give full play to the characteristics of the starburst, I have to make the whole process as short as possible. The first goal is to complete it within ten seconds!"

Sitting in the void, starlight elements wandering around, quickly condensing the star core, and time and space change...

Eighteen seconds later, the small planet that Lin Zhen transformed into exploded ahead!

A huge shock wave passed by, Lin Zhen's closed eyes did not open, but his fingers moved slightly.

"It's really feasible! With time power, space power and all elemental power, I have seen the whole process of planetary changes, and I can actually simulate planetary explosions!"

"Although this time has taken a little longer, its power is really comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb."

"If a starburst is emitted during a battle, it might really break the general domain."

"Of course, although I gradually become proficient, this power will also increase. When it is really comparable to a nuclear bomb or even a hydrogen bomb, I am afraid that there are few areas that can threaten me!"

"But this starburst is not without flaws. It is the space that needs to be released. The attack is relatively single. If I can have a domain, I can release continuous starbursts in the domain. That is the truly powerful attack method."

"But this kind of thing can't be rushed, just a little bit, shortening the time is the kingly way."

Lin Zhen, whose theory was verified, was immediately motivated, and unknowingly, it ended in one hour. This time he directly covered five hours, and 50 million was spent.

"Miss Diana, please rest assured that you are also a mercenary. You know our rules. As long as the opponent's strength does not reach the black hole period, I can take all business."

"I don't doubt that you can kill Lin Zhen, but as far as I know, there is a slave next to him. He is a stellar one, and that person has a domain. You must pay attention when you do it."

"Don't worry, the target I accept to kill is Lin Zhen, not his slave. I will naturally have a way to distract his slave and do it alone without paying me. I will not kill one more person."

"Okay, I will remit 15 million Sanjiang coins to you. How long will you be able to reach the earth?"

"I will leave as soon as your money arrives. According to the coordinates and routes you provided, I should be able to arrive within seven days. You can wait for my good news."

"OK, then I will wait for Lin Zhen's death."

Diana withdrew from the dimensional universe with a smile on her mouth.

"Lin Zhen, Lin Zhen, my original purpose of coming to the earth is not to deal with the people on the earth, I am here for the treasure of red roses, but you just want to fight me, then I'm sorry."

"I hope you can be assassinated smoothly, so that we don’t have to tear our faces too much. If the assassination is not successful, then there is no need for life on this planet to exist. You will definitely not be able to bear my anger. Bear the anger of the Sky City..."

"Miss Anning, someone is making trouble outside again." Stephen reported to Anning.

"Are they from Tsarist Russia and India again?"

"Yes, these people said that they got too few quotas, and they were not divided enough. They asked to meet Lin Zhen to discuss quota allocation. If they didn't meet their requirements, they would go to the Tianhe Empire army."

"Let them go. Since they don't want to be humans or dogs, then they should be given this opportunity. Seeing Lin Zhen is not necessary. These two days are critical moments for cultivation and cannot be disturbed."

"What if those people want to break through?"

"Steven, what did you do before? Don't you forget all of them? Are you afraid of those people?"

"Hey! I understand. I used to worry about the master's hometown people. It is not easy to do it. Since there is this sentence from Miss An Ning, I will let them understand what the authority of the nobility cannot be offended."

Stephen is gone, Anning is a little worried about Lin Zhen, he has been practicing for almost a week, and he doesn't know how the progress is.

Lin Zhen's promotion to the star realm was a bit slow. In the past few years, many genius war gods had already been promoted, but Lin Zhen said that his true realm had not yet reached the star realm.

Hope this time, Lin Zhen can succeed.

This is an iron mine near the base city of Beijing.

Scrap metal utensils are everywhere. Thousands of years have left the metal with moss, but it can't hide the rich metallic atmosphere here.

Lin Zhen was sitting on the top of the mine, with gold qi surging in his body.

After many days of cultivation, he only had the last gold gas atom that did not resonate. As long as this was completed, he would resonate all the elemental atoms and he could advance to the star realm.

With his hands closed slightly, sharp auras from all directions poured in, condensed in his palm, and then disappeared in his dantian.

The gold gas atoms in the dark star are gathered by the atoms of various other elements, and they are on the verge of resonance.

Phoo~~~~! ! !

A breath was sprayed out of Lin Zhen's mouth, exhaled and condensed the sword, and straightly punched an iron plate three meters away in front of him!

"It's done!"

Among them, the elemental atoms fluctuated violently in the body, all the atoms jumped wildly, the dark star accelerated, and the world in the body shook!

The surging elemental power is raging, and there seems to be some signs of out of control.

"No, this elemental power is too strong, and an elemental storm has actually formed. If this continues, the Dark Star World may not be able to bear it."

With a thought of Lin Zhen's heart, the Seven Star Sword flew out.

The Seven Star Knife appeared, and all the excess and violent elemental power seemed to have found a catharsis, and it was madly injected into the Seven Star Knife.

The seven knives reflected each other in the dark star space, undergoing a qualitative change.

From the low-grade holy artifacts all the way up, the middle-grade holy artifacts...the top-grade holy artifacts...the best holy artifacts!

The seven-color light flickers, and the Seven-Star Knife is upgraded to an artifact!

But despite this, it was still not enough to calm this powerful force. Lin Zhennian moved again, and the two spears of the body and the clone, Yin and Yang, and Yajiao, both appeared in the Dark Star World.

The two long spears containing purple gas revolved in the air, and the elemental storm was immediately absorbed, causing the streamer to flash on the long spears.

The fusion of elemental power and purple air made the spear covered with a simple atmosphere.

The quality of the two spears has also been improved again, and they have been directly promoted to top-grade artifacts!

Rumble~~~! ! !

A breath was spit out from Lin Zhen's mouth, the light was shining, ice and fire coexisted, all elemental powers spread out from Lin Zhen's body, and the huge wave of aura razed the iron mine below him to the ground!

Thirty meters, fifty meters, one hundred meters... three hundred meters!

With a diameter of 300 meters, a huge circle is formed. Lin Zhen is the core of the circle, surrounded by a horse Pingchuan.

Within this range, elemental storms roar, keep no strangers near!

Dark Star mountains and rivers move, the sea is formed, and the planet that has been ravaged by elemental storms is completely new. Although it has been baptized by the storm, a new world has taken shape.


The third stage of the dark star, the Proterozoic equivalent to the comet week, was formed!

Powerful forces converge from the Dark Star World. As long as Lin Zhen is willing, if this force enters the Dantian, his Dantian Cyclone will immediately soar, and he can go straight to the star realm!

He knew that this force could not only support him to enter the star realm, but could even make him take a big step forward on the path of the star realm.

Dantian and Dark Star complement each other.

But Lin Zhen's attention at the moment was not focused on the changes in the Dark Star World, nor did he immediately enter the Star Realm.

Because he felt that within 300 meters in diameter, it was his own world!

"This is the realm!"

"The expansion of Elemental Storm actually allowed me to form a realm when I was about to advance to the Star Realm!"

"Great! I'm worrying about the starburst, and my domain is formed. In this way, my starburst will have room for release."

With Lin Zhen's thoughts moving, the realm he had just formed changed.

Within 300 meters, it became a deep night sky!

"This is my domain, my galaxy domain, within this range, my speed and strength will be improved, but the enemy's power will be suppressed."

"But these are not killer features. When my starburst is trained, I can perform a series of starbursts within the scope of this field."

"Just give me enough time, as my domain gradually expands, theoretically, I can even release an attack similar to the galactic big bang within the domain!"

Before putting his hands together in his dantian, Lin Zhen was like the core of this field, and small planets were gradually released by him.