Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 396: Identity issuance

Facing Diana's questioning, Lin Zhen just sneered, and then called out his family.

After father and mother, two girlfriends, and four of them appeared, Diana was stunned.

Because these four people are actually wearing imperial aristocratic costumes. Although they are only the lowest jazz costumes, they are real aristocrats.

"How is it? Is Miss Diana going to the Dimensional Universe to verify their identities, to see if this jazz identity is fake?"

"No need!"

Diana's face was cold, knowing that she had lost the game.

Lin Zhen came here prepared, not only was promoted to earl, he also promoted his family to knight, so the reason is on his side.

If she goes through normal channels, she will definitely lose!

"Earl Lin Zhen, I really did not expect that there is a figure like you on the earth. As a lowly civilized person, you surprised me."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Zhen said with a smile.

"But don't be too happy too early. You and your family are safe now, but can you save the rest of the earth? I will sell all the captured warriors into slaves, and you, Lin Zhen, just take care of The behavior of your own home will definitely be spurned by other people on the earth. At that time, your friends will leave you, and the earth will no longer have a place for you. You will take your family and this A group of pirates go far away!"

"There is no need to worry about Miss Diana. You should take care of your people. Maybe one day, you will have to leave in despair."

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he was about to leave in the Black Pearl. Now it is not appropriate for him to have a direct conflict with Diana.

"Don't go, you want to release Baron Yaxuan, he is a nobleman, you have no right to execute him!"

"I will send Baron Yaxuan back to China, so you don't have to worry about it."

The Black Pearl went so fast and disappeared from sight in an instant.

Diana believed that Lin Zhen didn't dare to treat Yaxuan. Now she has a headache. Lin Zhen's appearance has disrupted her plan.

"You must sell the captives as soon as possible, and then go to the city of ancient gods to find the treasure, otherwise this trip to the earth will be a waste of time."

She gave orders to various fleet commanders through the Dimensional Universe, including Yaxuan.

"Master, this is Diana's order, asking me to immediately beat the captives into slaves." Yaxuan said to Lin Zhen.

"Bring me all those who captured you."


An hour later, something happened that made Diana vomit blood. The prisoners in Huaxia's POW camp escaped collectively, and the cause was actually that the guard was drunk.

Although Yaxuan reported in time that the drunk guard had been executed, Diana knew that there was probably something wrong with Yaxuan.

But there was no evidence for this, and Diana was helpless.

After these prisoners left, they immediately transformed into imperial citizens or poor people.

Those who can be captured by the army are all important figures in China, either important or senior warriors.

And the Lin Zhen Black Pearl is based in the base city of Beijing and began to issue identities to people.

He currently has two hundred citizenships and 20,000 poor people in his hands. As long as he is a Chinese warrior and has the strength of the God of War, Lin Zhen will immediately issue the poor people status.

Those above the stars, or Lin Zhen’s acquaintances, are considering granting citizenship.

Both parents and two girlfriends are responsible for issuing poor status. Lin Zhen personally controls citizenship. After all, citizenship is very precious and cannot be given to everyone.

As for the ordinary people who will not give the distribution for the time being, ordinary people are of no value to the army. They are not even qualified to be slaves. No one will use such short-lived and fragile people as slaves. It is not worth it. .

"Lin Zhen, this is a request from the European Union. They are requesting 30 citizenships and 5,000 poor people's quotas, and they are willing to support you to become the lord of the earth."

On the Black Pearl, Su Mingyue snuggled next to Lin Zhen, holding her mobile phone to read the received information.

Some eagerly rubbed Yue'er's hair, Lin Zhen took the phone and glanced at it.

"Where there are so many places for them, I want to give priority to China’s supply and tell them that there are ten citizenships and 1,000 poor people. At present, every country except China has this share. If I get more The chip will consider giving more. As for me as the lord of the earth...that is not what they say."

"The U.S. currently has no high-level executives. Those who come are selected temporarily and are not hostile to you. However, the management of Tsarist Russia and India seem to have some opinions on you. They are now sending people to receive the quota, but their attitude is It seems a little arrogant."

"Huh! A group of people who do not know how to live or die, do not look at what the situation is now, and they are still holding a stale air. Well, these two countries no longer grant citizenship quotas, only five hundred poor people.

"Okay, I think so too." Su Mingyue nestled in Lin Zhen's arms and responded happily.

"Yue'er's skin becomes thicker, you know that He Lin is really crooked."

An Ning came over from the console and teased Su Mingyue. Although she also loves Lin Zhen deeply, she is also very interested in business matters. Since becoming a jazz, through intelligent life, she is also very familiar with the outside world. She has a strong interest and was born in a business family, which makes her willing to pay attention to making money.

To be precise, Anning is a bit of a strong man, and Su Mingyue is a bit of a woman.

"His light element is the same as mine. This is a natural attraction. It is comfortable to stay together." Su Mingyue and An Ning are very familiar, and blushed to retort.

"Okay, well, would that give me some space too?" An Ning squeezed over with a smile, and snuggled to the other side of Lin Zhen.

Embracing left and right, the fragrance fragrant, Lin Zhen thought in his heart whether he should get married.

But think about it, you should wait until everything settles down.

The two girlfriends were nestled in their arms, and they all fell asleep for a short while. It can be seen that they were too tired during this period. They were relieved to see themselves, and they really needed a good rest.

"Master, someone in the Dimensional Universe is calling you. It is your friend Chen Fenglie. He invited you to meet at the Emerald Starfire Dragon Mountain Bar. Are you going to go?" Chris called Lin Zhen.

Now here is Lin Zhen's ontology. Regarding things like lingering with his girlfriend, even the clone Lin Zhen doesn't want to do that.

The intelligent life Kris in the body was cloned from the clone. Both intelligent life have the same authority, except that they cannot land in the dimensional universe at the same time.

After Chen Fenglie and the others were rescued, Lin Zhen immediately gave them citizenship.

Not only he and An Bihuai, but also a person named Qingxu, who was ranked fifth on the Star Ranking, was also captured in the battle with the Yaxuan group.

After these three people got their identities, they all went to study the dimensional universe, but they didn't expect to find a place to drink in two days.

"Well, go and see."

Lin Zhen didn't need to get up. The body hugged the two girlfriends and entered a light sleep state, enjoying this rare rest time, while the clone entered the dimensional universe.

Soon, Lin Zhen appeared in front of the fire dragon mountain bar.

The Dimensional Universe is also a world. This bar is definitely a high-end bar with superb service environment and a high-consumption place.

Chen Fenglie and the others, Lin Zhen was really worried that they couldn't afford his guests.

Consumption here requires Tianhe coins. A few of them are a bit wealthy on the earth, but the exchange rate of one thousand to one with Tianhe coins is not enough.

Lin Zhen walked in and came directly to Chen Fenglie's position.

"Brother Lin, come and sit down. The three of us have been shopping in Emerald Star for a whole day today, but it is an eye-opener. When I want to drink, I think of you, so I found such a place. Is it okay?"

The speaker was Chen Fenglie. Although An Bihuai and Lin Zhen were closer, Chen Fenglie and Lin Zhen had the best talk.

According to the age difference of several people, the two of them are considered to be similar in age. After all, they are less than 100 years old, and Qing Xu and An Bihuai are both hundreds of years old.

"It's good to drink It's a bit expensive here," Lin Zhen reminded.

"Hey! It's not expensive, it's not expensive. If you can't afford a drink, it would be too embarrassing for a few of us." Chen Fenglie said.

Qing Xu is a Taoist robe. He looks about five hundred years old and is about fifty years old. At this time, he also said: "One coin is enough."

"What coin?" Lin Zhen asked curiously.

An Bihuai endured a smile at this time: "A few of us went to the bank to make deposits, but the assets of Qingxu were not enough to open an account. In the end, he only exchanged more than a dozen coins. He complained and lived for more than five hundred years. , The little money I saved actually changed a few coins."

Lin Zhen laughed dumbly. The Tianhe Empire had three currencies, one yuan for silver coins, one hundred yuan for gold coins, and ten thousand yuan for crystal coins.

A dozen crystal coins are hundreds of thousands, and the exchange for earth currency is 100 million tens of millions. Qingxu is a small fortune on the earth, but when he arrives here, it has become a few coins. I am afraid that I am a little lost.

This meal seems to be a Qingxu treat. He didn’t know Lin Zhen before, but he got a citizenship. He didn’t take it seriously at first, but when he came to the Dimensional Universe, the more he knew, the more he knew. What does a citizenship mean.

After the planets of general low-level civilizations are conquered, the entire planet may even be beaten into slaves, and even those who become poor people burn incense, but citizens are simply rare.

Only then did he realize that he owed Lin Zhen an adult, so he asked for a treat and asked Chen Fenglie and the others to invite Lin Zhen over.

When the people arrived, Qingxu immediately greeted the dishes. The Huolongshan bar was named after a civilized planet. There were wine and dishes. When Qingxu came here, he ordered a table of food. In his opinion, eating a meal can How much money he spent, his coin converted into earth currency is 10 million, which is enough to ask Lin Zhen once.