Entertainment Industry's Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 80:

In the second afternoon, Mo Shaoqing and Mo Shaohong went to the furniture store to purchase furniture.

Due to the decoration of Mo\'s private kitchen, Mo Shaoqing knew a lot of furniture stores. The two big men were also very good and provocative. Anyway, they were not bad, and they saw the furniture that fits the decoration style.

The next step is a series of moving matters, which are handed over to the moving company anyway. Just pack some clothes and daily necessities at home.

As night fell, the Mohs were also discussing the new house.

Mo father put down the books in his hand and asked Momo: "You said that we should relocate our new house, do you want to do the housewarming banquet?"

"Of course, we have to do it. It’s just that our own restaurant is good, the troubles of the province, and the old neighbors and old friends are all invited to have fun."

As he spoke, Mo Mo was like thinking of something, taking out a velvet box from the safe under the dresser.

"What do you do with this suddenly?" Mo father was a little panicked, got up from the bed and locked the door.

Momu is somewhat worried. "This is not to say the old neighbor. I thought that the old Li family had entered the thief a while ago. The thief is also savvy. He can steal a necklace from his wife for more than 30 years. This necklace is so strict. I was also stolen, and I always felt worried in my heart. Think about it too, we have a mixed community, everyone, and security is not good."

"Yeah." Mo father sighed, "Do you think?"

"This is not Shaoqing bought a new house for Shaohong. The community security is one of the best in China. It is also a rich man..." After that, Momu opened the velvet box. "I think. Put this thing in Shaohong, and I have a bottom in my heart."

"Yes, yes, my wife has a vision!" Mo father praised.

Mummu was not happy, but she said with emotion: "This is swaying, twenty years have passed, how is time so fast, and we are going to become a family in the blink of an eye..."

Mo’s father “snapped” two times. “Who said no?”

Both of them fell into meditation.

"Hey--" the door knocked at the door.

Mo mother was shocked, his hand was loose, and the whole box fell to the ground.

"Oh, you care, this thing is expensive, what to do if it breaks!" Mo father quickly got out of bed to pick.

While commanding, "Hurry and open the door!"

Momo put on slippers, went to the door to open the door, and found the person outside the door is Mo Shaoqing.

Mo Shaoqing just went to the kitchen to cut a little fruit and wanted to send it to her parents. After knocking a few doors but no response, she increased her voice. She was curious: "What are you doing? I didn\'t respond when I knocked on the door. ”

Momu just remembered the past, and suddenly saw Mo Shaoqing at the door, and her heart was a little confused. "So late, haven\'t you slept yet?"

Mo Shaoqing looked at her mother\'s face a little bit too, and she was very strange. "Oh, I just went to the kitchen to get some food and dinner. I saw the lights in your room are still on, and I will give you some fruit."

Mo Mu took the fruit and looked at the size of the man in front of him. He couldn’t help but say a few words: "Thank you, time is not early, you have to come back, go to bed early, don\'t stay up late!"

"I know Mom, you and Dad go to bed early, good night!"

"good night!"

Mo Mu closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. He explained to Mo’s father: “It’s Shaoqing, this child, I’m not sleeping so late!”

She put the fruit on the cupboard and found her husband groping on the floor and groping: "What are you doing?"

Mo\'s father removed his head from under the bed. "It was gone. Just the box fell out and things rolled away..."

"What?" Momu was surprised and didn\'t care about any fruit. He quickly turned on the headlights and kneel down and explored with the father at the bedside.

It’s a pity that two people have been looking for a long time and have not found it.

The last two people can only give up.

"Wait tomorrow morning, the day is brighter, I will come back."

"It can only be like this." Mo Father looked for a while, and the waist was too much to eat. At this time, he could only go back to bed to rest.

I slept a good night last night, and Mo Shaoqing woke up early in the morning and got up early.

When passing by the parents\' room, he found that Momu was kneeling on the floor and looking for something under the bed.

"Mom, what are you looking for?"

Momu was shocked and quickly climbed up from the floor and took a fear of the chest. "Bad boy, no sound when walking, I was shocked by you."

Mo Shaoqing spit out his tongue. "Hey, would you like me to help you?"

"Don\'t go, go back to your company!" After that, Momu began to catch people.

Mo Shaoqing was so "sweeped out".

He went to the company and found that the company was still sparsely populated yesterday. Most of the employees today have started working.

Yesterday was only a small meeting with Mo Shaoqing and Reese, and today it is indeed a meeting of all employees.

Although you can see the grace of Mr. Ling’s speech, Mo Shaoqing still feels bored and can only interact with fans on Weibo.

Mon_少卿: A boring meeting! /Funny face / [picture] [picture]

Once Weibo was sent, it immediately forwarded hundreds of times and praised thousands. Mo Shaoqing had the feeling of being an artist at this time. It seemed to be a bit too much!

He opened the comment and found that the style of the painting was abrupt.

1st floor: I finally grabbed the sofa!

2nd floor: Shaoqing, Happy New Year!

3rd floor: My Qing is still beautiful, hahaha!


50th floor: Only I noticed the handsome guy in the speech? So handsome!

51st floor: Upstairs, you are not alone!

52nd floor: Hey, the company\'s new artist, isn\'t it like?

53rd floor: Unfortunately, it is a bit confusing, but definitely a handsome guy is no doubt! ! !

54th floor: Ai Qing, please give me a high-definition photo!

55th floor: Ai Qing, please give me a high-definition photo!

56th floor: Ai Qing, please give me a high-definition photo!


Mo Shaoqing glanced at him, and the man who still spoke again, he did not pay attention, secretly turned a blind eye, oh, dazzled! ! !

Lingsen: "..." My fault?

After the big meeting, Renesa summoned several assistants and other staff members to open a small meeting and gave the latest itinerary to Mo Shaoqing.

Mo Shaoqing looked at the schedule for a year without a break. "Is this true? Is it open all year round? My schedule is all in accordance with the form? Can\'t it be accommodating?" Then he wants to live with Ans. Doesn\'t the world of two people do it?

"Accurately not!"

"That\'s good." Mo Shaoqing just breathed a sigh of relief and raised it again the next moment.

Ressa smiled and said: "Your journey can only be changed, can not be canceled!"


"Do you know how many artists want to not be idle?" Reshua hated iron.

Mo Shaoqing did focus on the career of acting in the past, but now he wants to develop Mohs private kitchens, so for some unnecessary work, I feel that it is dispensable!

"I want to go to several international film festivals?"

Reshua: "What do you think? Last year, you debuted, and there are no works. I don\'t want you to go to the red carpet flow, so that it is enough to be sprayed by the domestic media. This year is not enough, all the holidays must be used. ""

"The first is the endorsement. I have already said it yesterday. Next, I will help you to pay attention to other good endorsements and good works. After these are formal, I will apply to the company to help you open a personal studio. Then you will be your own boss in the future!"

"Second, the birthday you are about to arrive, the company will help you to have a small fan meeting... There are some TV drama awards ceremony, yes, you didn’t participate in this year’s annual meeting..." Sai has a deep meaning.

Mo Shaoqing coughed a little, a little embarrassed, he thought that Renesas should have known that during the New Year\'s Eve, he was "ghosted" with Ans!

In the end, Reesa summed up: "These you all have to participate... Shaoqing, remember, you are really a real entertainment person now, not just a ticketing nature, you know?"

"Yes, madam," Mo Shaoqing learned to take a ceremony on TV.

Reza is not amused, "Oh, let\'s move, go straight to the second phase of "Desert Island Survival", gogogo!"

“Refueling and refueling!” The staff said in unison.

Mo Shaoqing looked at so many people to serve themselves, and my heart also ignited a raging fight.

At the end of the meeting, Mo Shaoqing was ready to go home to pack things up. Hey, an annual vacation, just a few days, it seems that this is the sorrow of being an artist! The family reunion is just a few days!

What makes Mo Shaoqing even more depressed is that he called back home and found that no one responded at home.

When the parents were in the room, Mo Shaoqing found that the door was not closed.

He gently pushed open the door, hehe - Mom really is not in the room.

When he was about to leave, he thought of the picture of the mother looking for something today and took back the hand that was about to close the door.

Mo Shaoqing came to the bed and began to look for it little by little. He thought that as long as it was not a needle, it should be found!

But after a long time of turning, but nothing was found, did the mother have found it?

Just as Mo Shaoqing decided to leave, he suddenly felt a pain in his soles. "Hey - what?"

His conditional reflexes jumped off the ground and found a shiny thing on the legs of the dresser.

Mo Shaoqing stepped forward and picked up something, but found it was a sapphire ring.

The body is surrounded by a retro rattan wall, inlaid with a drop of blue in shape, surrounded by a circle of finely broken diamonds, shining in the sun with dazzling luster.

Seeing such a big sapphire ring, Mo Shaoqing\'s first reaction, this must be fake.

Although he does not understand jewelry, but the color is so beautiful, and the large sapphire, certainly worth a lot, although their home is still rich, but it is impossible to afford such a gemstone ring.

If this ring is true, their family has long been rich!

Mo Shaoqing remembered the abnormality of today\'s mother and guessed: "Is this the dear token that my father gave to his mother, and the result was accidentally lost by her mother?"

Mo Shaoqing carefully rubbed the ring and found a small English letter "Y" inside the ring.

Can the mother be called Wei Xia Rong? There is no "Y" in the name?