Entertainment Industry's Gourmet Food Service

Chapter 106:

In addition, it is the thing of Yin family. The last time Yin Wanxi went to find Shaoqing’s things, he said a lot of strange things, he has not yet liquidated.

At this time, Yin Wanzhen, who is far away from S City, still doesn\'t know that he has been stared at by the son-in-law. He also decided to go to the door to recognize his relatives and control his real information. He has already determined that Mo Shaoqing is his son!

Then he reacted again and sneered: "I forgot, there is a bunch of time bombs at home! Let them solve them first, then go to my son."

Mo Shaoqing took a total of one month\'s play and went to the beginning of August to completely rest, because the stomach is completely obscured.

His daily work is to sleep every day, sleep, wake up naturally, eat, drink, and raise himself. Have time to interact with Weibo and fans.

Although he is not in the circle now, he is everywhere.

For example, "The emperor, who has been searching hot, you are so funny!" "Because the whole story is hilarious and humorous, basically there will always be rumors about the crew\'s news.

At the same time, this red point is the multiple sense of cp, which means that in addition to him and the heroine queen, there are many fans who have other strange cp.

He and Han Xirong played the Queen\'s cp called "Emperor cp", like this cp is the original party, he and You Tianyi played the murderer Huo Xiujie "outside cp" like their two cp fans claim to be " "Yijie Party", he and Regent Wang Xiaohong\'s cp is called "Wang Zhongwang cp", and it is even more exaggerated that he and the personal **** Xiaolanzi are actually composed of cp, it is simply the whole people can group him with cp The rhythm.

Because he has the best relationship with You Tian, ​​so when he releases the store dynamics, he usually @他一下, so one after the other, "outside cp" has become the hottest, "Yijie Party" quickly occupied the two male stars In the blog message area, every day, shouting sweet and dead.

Mo Shaoqing said that you can\'t see me and Aite has other people, such as the already bombarded Lingsen 昊 boss?

Next, the launch of the two ads is not a small shock to the entertainment industry.

After all, Mo Shaoqing only debuted for more than a year, and actually received so many endorsements of quality, and faintly embarked on the trend of internationalization, which makes fans not excited!

Fans have said that they have followed the love of beans, and they are waking up in shock every day! At the same time, more of the surprises brought about by the progress of the idol, so how much more shocking come back?

Of course not bad!

In order to give fans more benefits, Mo Shaoqing decided to open a live broadcast in early September, and by the way publicized the new store.

Reza, who got the news, refused because the company assigned her a boy\'s group and was preparing to debut. The whole person was busy with the explosion.

Of course, if Resha knows the content of Mo Shaoqing’s live broadcast, I am sure that the whole person will collapse. I am working hard to create the image of the male **** to you. And said that this must not be the artist I brought out!

Mo Shaoqing thought, then I will try it myself, not on the line!

But what is better for live broadcast?

Mo Shaoqing thought for a long time, his body is too heavy to be sure to stand up, so he had to sit and sit and do something?

He collected a circle on the live website and found that most of the artist live broadcasts are questions to answer fans, or chat with fans, and the star with a bigger coffee bar will not choose the live broadcast method. The rest of the network red The live broadcast of singing and live broadcasts in the anchor is the most, isn\'t it the old one to open the restaurant?

After doing the work, Mo Shaoqing went downstairs to the kitchen, and then took a mullet from the space and handed it to He Aunt to clean up the internal organs.

"Mr. Mo, if you want to eat me up late, tell me directly, how can you let yourself cook?" He Ayi looked at Mo Shaoqing\'s stomach.

Mo Shaoqing took the fish and smiled. "When you are not there, it is my own meal. Ans is also very fond of eating. Now that I am inconvenient, I will let you help me today." !"

"What is this, you say, I will do it!"

"That\'s it, help me soak these sauerkraut!" Mo Shaoqing did not intend to support, after all, he stood for a while, and felt the pressure on his waist.

Have to work hard! Just do it with a bang!

Mo Shaoqing walked to the chopping board, three times and two times, cut the fish head, shaved the fish from the back, and separated the flesh.

Put a few pieces of **** and garlic in the boiling water, put the fish bones in the water and wash them, then put them into the pot to cook the fish soup.

On the other hand, He A\'s hands and feet washed the sauerkraut and sour radish, and soaked in water.

Mo Shaoqing put the cut fish into a bowl, pour in salt, sugar, raw and cooking wine, and egg white.

After preheating the pot, pour in the oil, sauté a little onion **** and garlic foam, then pour the sour sauerkraut into the pot and stir-fry. After the saute is softened, put them in the pot of the freshly cooked fish soup. The fish fillets slide into the pot one by one, and immediately after cooking, the pan is prevented from aging.

Finally, He Ai scented the onion, ginger, garlic, pepper and dried chili, and simmered on the fish fillet. The pickled fish is ready!

Mo Shaoqing returned to the bedroom with a large bowl of pickled fish.

He first downloaded the current hottest live app, i live broadcast, and then registered the ID for himself, and sent a message on Weibo to start the live broadcast.

It is 9 o\'clock in the evening, and 10 o\'clock is the sleeping time prescribed by Ling Senyu, so the live broadcast time is only one hour.

In the first five minutes, there were really few people. When the fans who received the news flocked, the live room was already full.

The reason is that this live app is very hot. After Mo Shaoqing started to broadcast, it attracted a lot of tourists who just loved to watch and eat. In addition, others were handsome and analyzed the cooking skills, and soon attracted some girls.

Five minutes later, the news spread, the large troops came, and the original number of tourists, the number of people in the room reached 50,000 in an instant.

Audience: "g502630" rewarded "Mo Shaoqing" for an airplane.

Audience: "Momo\'s love pet" rewarded "Mo Shaoqing" for a yacht.

Audience: "Momo\'s wife" rewarded "Mo Shaoqing" with a bouquet of flowers.


Messages like this quickly fill the screen.

What is this? Mo Shaoqing, who played the first live broadcast, remembered it for a while, and this should be the legendary reward! He helped the amount, and he really started to react slowly!

"So you give me a reward?"

"Yes, yes, I am the man who played "Youth, Progress"!"

Mo Shaoqing looked at the message below, and read it out one by one.

There are fans who asked Mo Shaoqing, are you ready to enter the broadcast community?

"I don\'t have this plan for the time being. Thank you for watching. I thought that no one loves to watch me eat!" Mo Shaoqing stunned his face: "I didn\'t expect it, thank you, thank you! No need to reward, Just look at it!"

The message exploded immediately.

"Good Meng QAQ!"

"I don\'t thank you, I will give it to you!"

"I want to go home!"

"Good little brother!"

"Shao Qing didn\'t seem to see you in the entertainment activities recently!" This is a message from the true love powder. It has been brushed several times. Mo Shaoqing wants to see it as if he didn\'t see it. He can only say that he just finished the movie at rest. .

The message area suddenly became a roll to sell.

"Shaoqing, hurry up!"

"It must be busy opening a new store!"

"Momo, come out, [love face]!"

"Yes, yes, I’ve been busy opening a new store recently. Everyone has time to go and see 哟~” At the end, Mo Shaoqing sold a cute.

I don\'t know who brushed it: "Be careful of the body, you must rest more!" Soon the full screen has become the words "seeking rest", "pay attention to seasonal changes" and "pay attention to the body".

Looking at this more straightforward full-screen message, concerned about his body\'s dialogue, Mo Shaoqing said that he was not moved to be fake, silent for a moment, Mo Shaoqing still revealed the next part of the trip.

“Soon, three new stores will open, and there will be movies next year... Thank you for your concern!”

At the end of the live broadcast, Mo Shaoqing still has some intentions. There are still more apps that can be compared with fans on Weibo! Fans are really a cute creature, but also a sweet burden!

Mo Shaoqing, who was full of food and drink, was lying on the bed lazily, preparing to ask He Aunt to come up to clean up the tableware, and the bedroom door was opened.

Mo Shaoqing was too late to collect the chopsticks. The spicy pickled fish tasted in the house, Lingsen’s even a bad cold and stuffy nose, he looked like a smile and looked at Mo Shaoqing: “I am not at home. Just eat this?"

Like a schoolboy who was caught and did not do homework and secretly played games, Mo Shaoqing confessed to the tableware.

"I just ate a little bit and tasted a little fresh." Mo Shaoqing gestured carefully with his fingers.

Lingsen’s concern is not this. “I can eat fish. It seems that the morning sickness reaction is good?”

Mo Shaoqing thought, it seems that this is indeed the case, a large pot of pickled fish is a bit of a feeling of rising belly.

"You!" Lingsen licked his nose and said, "Take you to a place to eliminate food!"

"What place? Garden?"

"No, you can\'t guess, it\'s still early, let\'s go back early."

After finishing Lingsen, he took a coat and put it on Mo Shaoqing. The two drove out of the city.

Seeing that the place is getting more and more remote, Mo Shaoqing is becoming more and more curious. What place is going to come at night, can\'t it be during the day?

Ling Senzhen explained: "You have been suffocating at home recently, I will take you out and walk, get off."

Mo Shaoqing opened the door and climbed out in a difficult way. A cold wind hit and frozen a shackle, and quickly tightened the clothes.

At this time, he discovered that Lingsen took his own place in the middle of a valley surrounded by mountains.

At this moment, I am standing on the field of a field.