Energy Group

34 Chapter 36 Financial Conference

Section 36 Financial Meeting

Li Cong thinks that he is a decision maker and should give advice in the meeting room. However, he did not expect that he is a family-owned company. Whoever has problems, he has to help as soon as possible. It turns out that today is a financial meeting. My sister wanted to make myself better. Knowing the company\'s financial situation, I deliberately organized an executive meeting with the Personnel Department. It is a pity that Li Cong was not here to give pointers, and he became a critic outright.

"You are not in charge and don’t know that Chai Mi is expensive. You saw that we received 4 billion yuan in payment and how much money we spent. Yesterday we had a meeting and wanted to build roads by ourselves. So I feel that you have to pay for today’s meeting. To participate, you have to know about our wealth and the investment and manpower required for future development. You have to know what we are currently lacking and cannot blindly expand production." Li Conggang took over the tea cups handed over by Zhou Xue. People didn\'t avoid suspicion in front of others, and drank water directly from a glass.

"Haha, sister, you said you said, look at your tone, who of us is the president? You have learned management for a while, don\'t you know that you have to be polite to the boss." Li Cong still wants to continue to take the president Let’s educate my sister on the shelf, but I can see that my sister’s face has changed a little bit, so let’s give the rest of your words back to the turtle, and make a gesture that you said. Everyone in the house wants to laugh, CEO The Lord who didn\'t accept anyone, met his sister and really didn\'t have a temper.

"Well, I\'ll let the numbers tell you. Our company now has 4.196 billion in deposits in the bank. The company has more than 4 million in cash. There are 10 boardrooms and two conversion machines. , Two storage devices, five tank trucks, five Audi a4s, one Audi tt, and 500 employees. All in all, our capital flow is not bad, but don’t be happy, just listen to me. , We are building 30 transforming machines in Zhongyuan Machinery Factory, which is 120 million. It is not that these can be produced immediately. I calculated that every three transforming machines must be equipped with a storage device. Although the storage equipment is to dig a pond on the flat ground and reinforce it with three layers of cement, tiles and steel. The workmanship is very simple, but each storage equipment requires two dedicated water supply lines. These are all money." Li Cong listened to his head, how simple it is. It’s so difficult for him to talk about."Wait, elder sister, how much do you cost for such a storage device." Li Cong immediately knew that he was wrong when he inserted a sentence. My elder sister seemed to feel like a minister since she became the leader. Let yourself cool from head to toe at a glance."We hire very cheap labor and each storage device has to be around 900,000. According to your equipment ration, we need at least ten, which is more than 10 million, and we have 600 employees per month. The wages have to be more than 1 million, and there are more than 10 million in taxes. The building under construction and the distribution center are another 20 million. We also need at least 40 tank trucks to form a small fleet. According to national regulations, two drivers are required. We are far from that many. There are still at least 100 clerk vacancies on the agency side. At least 50 employees are required to participate in the production of 30 machines and each conversion machine. That’s even more. We have to recruit 3,000 to 4,000 workers after all the machines are installed. Have you ever thought about this?" Li was taken aback when he heard that, seeing that he had a lot of money. The big expenses are about one million yuan a month just to pay the workers.

"However, sister, I still have something to tell you. This is a secret agreement. I have ordered at least one energy conversion machine with Sinopec\'s machinery plant in Northeast China." Li Cong cautiously said what he had missed. content.

"Haha, yes, this has increased our pressure even more, so we have to be led by the\'government\'. If you do not agree to the conditions in the city, I am afraid that our machines can only be piled in the factory. It\'s done." Li Yan laughed at herself.

"It\'s okay. I think that all the expenses add up to 500 million are enough. We still have a lot of money, don\'t we." Li Cong refused to change and insisted that he was right.

"You need to know what kind of money you received. It is the advance payment from others. They say it is used as a deposit. You have to change it to advance payment. Now our company has no other conditions. We will have to wait a few months. In order to get all these products ready for others, what should we do if it rains on a cloudy day, or if it’s been overcast for half a month?" This is the crux of the problem. Don’t look at the two major oil companies now fawning on themselves. If I told them for a while, I\'m out of gas here, I\'m afraid they were the first to kill Li Cong.

"Also, we are recruiting so many workers again. You can\'t let them all sleep outside. You are not going to recruit local workers. The problem of eating and lodging for thousands of people cannot be solved overnight. Our company planning department gives Your plan is to build our staff dormitory building according to the six-person dormitory model of the university. The construction period should be about one year, about three buildings, but we know that your expansion plan is fast. We will directly build five buildings after the land is down. The initial construction cost is about 14 million yuan. This is just our initial stage. Our expenses are so large. We are using future money to do current things. Once our company has production problems, we will immediately be in debt. "Li Cong finally realized that he was developing too fast. He grew up from nothing and grew up in a few months. If it weren’t for his sister to let himself see the problem, I’m afraid he would continue to expand production. It seems that cooperating with the\'government\' to make loans is an urgent matter.

"Do we need to repair the highway? If we don\'t do it, don\'t we need to invest two billion dollars?" Li Cong tried to save the next large sum of money.

"This road must be repaired. The bottom line of the\'government\' cooperation agreement is, and now our connection with the city is through a two-lane county-level highway. The transportation capacity has reached saturation, reaching 90 round trips per day. You must know that these are all tank trucks. Many narrow places are not adjusted to drive, which seriously affects the operation speed. Now our daily output of several hundred tons is possible. After the expansion of production, the daily output of 10,000 tons is for such a road. It’s absolutely impossible. Of course, you can give up everything here and move to a well-developed area. The cost is small, but it’s very troublesome. I mean, I know you won’t choose the latter one." Li Cong complained in a low voice, knowing that I didn’t choose to say it, isn’t this shabu me, but what my sister said is the truth, from today’s meeting Li Cong also saw that the company’s upcoming executive director position should be My elder sister will take the post, which will be very beneficial to the company\'s future development.

"So sister, what is your plan? Can\'t the company stop developing as long as I know our difficulties? We do have a lot of money to spend, but we will pay these advances as soon as 30 machines are launched. Become our own money. At that time, we will have billions of output value every month. I will accept the advice of management. I promise that there will not be any new projects before the 30 machines are launched. "Li Cong saw the disappointed expressions of everyone here, and felt that it was not enough to continue to be pessimistic like this, and he still had to cheer up appropriately.

"That\'s not bad. We absolutely can\'t have any expenses before the 30 machines are launched. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, we won\'t be able to repay the billions of people. Our plan is very simple. We will talk to the\'government\' immediately. Fully cooperate, do not overdraw our own money, spend bank money, do not sign long-term loan contracts with banks, so that we have sufficient funds and will not worry about paying high interest, there is another problem, banks can’t. The one-time “sex” loan to us will only give us the first-stage loan. According to the planning department’s budget, it is only less than 300 million yuan. I think we will not move this part. After our 30 conversion machines are in place, our roads should be completed as well." I thought there would be some clever tricks, and it was not that we should not let ourselves be fooled, but how could our production method be dangerous, except for the weather. There is no sun in the sky, but this is basically impossible. Li Cong also thinks that he should set up a branch factory in the distance, but he immediately defeated his idea. The theme of the meeting is still not allowed. Spend your own money, if the money spent to establish a branch is an astronomical figure.

This meeting, called the Financial Conference, was finally concluded with Li Cong’s apology and thank you. Li Cong also announced that Li Yan was promoted to the head of the company’s newly established administrative department before the meeting ended. In this way, the company appeared in the first place. For a part-time minister, maybe his nephew has to protest with him again. Originally, there is not much time with his mother. The administration department is again a housekeeping department, so there must be less time in the future.

After leaving the door of the conference room, Li Cong looked at the energy conversion machine in the distance, to the storage equipment a little closer, and then to the door of the company office. There were long lines of tank trucks and the building under construction. It was made with money. If there is no sister to take care of the money bag, I am afraid that all this will become illusory. No wonder some people say that there is a sister who is the greatest blessing of God in this life. Just as Li Cong felt that his sister was so much. When it was so good, I suddenly found that my Audi sports car had started. Who was so courageous and was about to scold him, and found that the older sister I had just praised was sitting in the car, and came to myself in a gesture of goodbye and gasped. nobody.

"President, Minister Li said that your sports car will be exclusively for her in the future. It is your reward for her. This is the key to her a4 she gave you." The bitter-faced secretary of my sister came over and said to herself, Li from that Excited, my sister likes to drive a good car, nothing else, Li Cong sighed and walked towards my sister\'s a4.

"Hey, Mr. Liu? Me, I can\'t hear this voice anymore. I think there should be a headhunting company in the provincial capital, right? I need a large number of clerks. Can you contact me? Go to Beijing. It’s okay. I’m ready. I’ll be there as soon as you give your order. Okay, goodbye." If you have resources, you don’t need to be a fool. If you have such a big backer like PetroChina, you don’t need to hire yourself. Isn’t it a nonsense, headhunting company? Don\'t you dare to pit oil, they don\'t have the guts.