Endless Road of Corpse


Two months and six days ago.

My first reaction was — — "Is that person not dead?", but then I thought about Zhou Lingwu's brother, Zhou Lingwen, who had half his neck torn off at the bottom of the carriage.

Fortunately, this black-clothed man seemed to have sustained some injuries in his leg. He walked with a limp that made him run faster and faster, causing San Mao and the Daoist Priest to shake him far behind, but Mao Tou's two short legs were simply too slow. He yelled and stumbled forward like a ball, but he was getting closer and closer to the black-clothed man.

"F * ck!" San Mao had already ran to my side, but when he turned his head to look at Mao Tou's situation, he cursed and turned back, grabbing Mao Tou, he placed him on his shoulder and ran back.

After being dragged by Mao Tou, the black-clothed person grew closer to us. At this moment, I saw that this person's face was a kind of green-gray color, his eyes were also greyish-white, and there were no eyes that could be seen at all. His throat was letting out" gege "sounds, and he didn't seem like a normal person at all.

We received San Mao and Mao Tou, turned around and continued to sprint, at this time, Zhou Lingwu who was in front of us had already disappeared completely.

I thought we'd find the exit along the nearest tunnel, but we've been running for a long time, and the tunnel seems endless, without ends or turns. Even though the black clothed person behind us is running very slowly, as long as we relax for a moment and stop to catch our breath, we will still be able to hear the creepy moans that are getting closer and closer.

San Mao obviously didn't have enough strength left to carry Mao Tou, as he began to fall behind slowly. On the other hand, the Taoist priest was even more exhausted, and shouted at me several times that I couldn't take it anymore, gasping for air while holding onto the wall, we had no choice but to stop and wait for him.

While we were in great pain, my flashlight suddenly shone upon something, reflecting a white light. I thought it was the light coming from the exit, but before I could rejoice, the white light suddenly moved!

I looked carefully and saw that it was actually two people wearing white gowns. Just as I was about to shout for help, I realised that these two people also had their hands stretched out in front of their body as they ran forward. Their positions were exactly the same as the black-clothed men chasing us!

I shouted, and then San Mao also saw the two people in front of him, and shouted: "Use your spear!"

I was stunned for a moment. Then I remembered that there was still a Type 95 assault rifle hanging behind me. I quickly grabbed the rifle from behind my back, raised the gun, took a random aim and pulled the trigger.

However, there was no reaction. The trigger could not be pressed down at all!

"Pull the bolt!" "Relax!" San Mao shouted as he put Mao Tou down, and also picked up his own gun to aim and shoot.

When I heard him shout, I immediately reacted. Remembering the last time San Mao took me to target, I pulled the safety off the gun, released the safety, then aimed at the two white clothed people's chests and pulled the trigger.

"Da Da Da Da …!" The sound of intense gunfire in the sealed tunnel was deafening. A tremendous force came from the gun, and the butt of the gun slammed into my shoulder, causing the muzzle to jump up violently. There was a loud clang, and I saw a line of sparks come out of the pipe at the top of the tunnel. And almost all my bullets hit the ceiling!

The two men in white didn't even stop their steps as they continued running forward in a comical manner.

Just then, San Mao's gun also rang out, "Bang bang bang … "Bang, bang, bang …" Two stable three-shot shots accurately hit the white-clothed person's chest, the huge impact from the bullets sent them flying and they fell backwards.

"Yay!" I cheered, but the echoes of my cheers had yet to dissipate when the two white-clothed men flipped up from the ground as if they had just fallen!

The man in white was now only a dozen meters away from us. His ash-green skin, pale eyes, and the howls coming from his throat were exactly the same as those coming from the man in black.

"Oh my god! Yet another dumpling! " Mao Tou screamed in fear.

"Run, run, run!" I threw the bulletless gun onto the ground and picked up Mao Tou to carry on my shoulder, but the moment I turned around, I saw the black clothed man stepping out from the darkness.

"Over there!" San Mao shouted as he pointed to a path at the side. Although I did not want to run back into the maze-like passage, under the circumstances, we had no choice but to grit our teeth and run in.

I was already out of breath from running just now, and now I even added Mao Tou, although Mao Tou was small, he was still at least 50 to 60 jin in weight. After running just a few steps, I felt like my calves had started to tighten, and I knew that I was about to cramp up.

At this time, we were all in order, San Mao was the last to shoot at the few living dead, and Taoist Priest was the fastest to run, leading the way.

At first I thought he knew the way and had a plan, but after a few minutes, I thought something was wrong.

"Stop!" "Stop!" I shouted at the Taoist, who ran a few more steps before stopping and turning around, his face livid, his eyes unfocused and frightened, and I knew he didn't know the way at all but was too scared to choose.

Just as I wanted to scold him, I heard a few gunshots. San Mao cheered.

"I got it!" Head smacking! Hit them in the head and they'll be dead! "

I turned my head to see that San Mao was happily waving the rifle in his hands. Behind him, the two white robed men who were in hot pursuit earlier, only one was left, and the other one had fallen onto the ground.

San Mao immediately turned his gun back and aimed at the remaining man in white. After aiming for a while, he pulled the trigger, but the rifle only released a "Ka Ta" sound.

"F * ck!" "Run!" San Mao cursed loudly, turned and ran!

I secretly sighed in my heart and reached out my hand to grab Mao Tou, but Mao Tou waved his hand and rejected it.

"Right now, you're running as fast as I am. It's better if I run by myself!"

I nodded to him, patted the Taoist on the shoulder, and ran ahead.

But now that I had lost all sense of direction, I had to use the same stupid method I had used when I was alone and lost. I walked one path after the other until I found the edge of the maze.

Fortunately, we were not far from the edge, and in less than a minute of running, I came to the intersection. I randomly chose a direction and ran forward, and after running for some time, I saw a mark on the left wall. I used my flashlight to look at it and found that it was an arrow.

"We're back!" San Mao gasped from behind me.