Endless Road of Corpse


The snow in Jiangnan was not like the snow in the north. As soon as the snow stopped and the sun rose, the snow would begin to melt. However, when it melted, it was colder than when it was snowing.

I still felt cold all over, especially under my feet, which were numb and numb from the cold.

Finger-sized icicles hung down from the eaves of the house. The melted snow dripped down along the icicles and splashed onto the ground, creating neat rows of small holes on the concrete floor.

"This weather is so cold!" "In the past, I would usually wear two pieces of clothing for the winter, but this bastard wants to wrap five pieces of underpants around her, it's still too damn cold!" San Mao curled up his body, both of his hands were inside his sleeves as he stamped his feet, a cigarette was in his mouth, and as he spoke, white mist was continuously spewing out from his mouth.

"Hey!" That was in the past years! In previous years, your unit had air-conditioning, and your home had heating. When you went out, you even drove. Of course, two sets of clothes could get you through the winter! " The monkey also shrank back his neck and ran in place, rubbing his hands together. His hands were black, and there were cuts and bruises everywhere, now frostbitten, red and swollen, like carrots that had just been pulled out of the ground.

I thought about the air conditioner, the heating, the car that the monkey was talking about... It had only been half a year, but these things were already very far away, as if they had never appeared before.

"Why don't you say it …" San Mao suddenly took a deep drag from the cigarette in his mouth. The cigarette was bright red, and with a creak, it shrunk down by a large margin. "This kind of weather, before, I must have turned on the air-conditioning at home, and slept soundly while hugging the little girl!"

"Tsk tsk!" The monkey's eyes glowed with the green glow of a wild cat called Spring outside the window at midnight.

"Why don't you go and find the young bullies of the Martial Arts Sect?" I said as I glanced at Lv, who was standing guard by the gate, and puffed on my fingers.

"Hey! Mouse... "Forget about it, he's as thin as a hemp and stinks." The monkey stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his nose, as if he had really smelled something bad.

"You think you don't stink?" I writhed like a snake, tickling my underwear against my skin, and the smell of my body rose hot from my collar.

"Sigh!" I really want to take a hot bath! " The monkey rubbed his neck with his hands.

That's right, it's best to have a sauna and rub it properly. This dirty one is already at a higher level. In the past, when I was reading martial arts novels, I couldn't understand how to make a pill just by rubbing it. Now, not to mention a pill, I can even make two plates out of the Four Xi pills …" San Mao also reached his hands out from his collar to scratch his back.

"After showering, find a girl to pinch my feet, tsk tsk …" Just as I was looking forward to it, I suddenly saw Lv waving at us from the side of the door. We reacted immediately, something must have happened, so we immediately shut our mouths. San Mao picked up his 95 style assault rifle, while I pulled out the 92 type handgun that I got from the secret room last time. Monkey pulled out a lance, and the three of them swiftly rushed towards the main door.

"What's wrong?" I ran to the door and asked Lv in a low voice.

Lv pointed to the observation hole on the door, indicating that I should take a look myself. I put one eye close to the hole and looked out. I saw that there were three people hurrying over from the long street opposite our back door!

"What's going on?" San Mao whispered into my ear.

"Someone is coming!" Without taking my eyes from the observation hole, I watched as the three of them got closer and closer until I could see their faces. Two women and one man. The man was a middle-aged man in his fifties with a cylindrical object on his back and a large box in his hands. The two women looked to be in their mid-twenties, but they were empty-handed.

Looking at the three of them, I had a feeling that something was wrong. It wasn't until they were close to the door that I realized what was happening. It turned out that the three of them were all clean, unlike the people of this era, especially the two girls, who, unlike most women nowadays, purposely made themselves ugly in order to avoid those who harbored malicious intentions. They all had neat ponytails, and their faces were white and clean, free of dirt and dirt. The man's hair was long, but clean and fluffy. Their clothes were also clean and tidy, like a white-collar worker who just got off work.

However, the expressions on the three of them were abnormally panicked. As they ran forward, they kept on looking back, as if there were people chasing after them.

"Who is it?" San Mao whispered into my ear.

I shook my head. Although the appearances of the three of them made me curious, that was all. Although our backyard is quite remote, there would still be people passing by from time to time. We don't want trouble, and we don't want trouble with us.

"Uncle Wu …" I can't run anymore! " The three of them had just reached our door when one of the younger girls stopped, hands on her hips, gasping for breath.

When the middle-aged man and the other girl heard this, they could only stop. The two of them were also extremely tired. As they panted, they looked back in panic. The three of them just stood there in front of our door, seemingly not wanting to run anymore.

"Go away quickly... "Hurry up and go..." I anxiously muttered to myself. Although we had piled up a lot of building trash outside the door, leaving only a single path for one person to crawl along, making it hard to be discovered, it was clear that these three people were being chased. If they were caught at our entrance and fought with each other, the probability of the base being exposed would greatly increase.

But that's what happens in the world. The more you don't want it to happen, the more it has to happen. The few of them looked around and actually saw the pile of construction trash that was stuffed in front of our entrance. The three of them moved away the few pieces of glass and steel tiles at the same time as they pushed and squeezed their way in.

In a panic, the three of them followed our path all the way to the door. One of them slammed against the door, blocking the view.

I retracted my head, thinking that if it was a TV show, the three of you would definitely not live past the second episode! He didn't even know to re-cover the obstacles when he came in.

San Mao and the rest, who knew that someone had entered from the sound of the door, became anxious. A few of them made random gestures, but they did not know what they wanted to say to each other.

Then, faintly, I heard the roar of a motorcycle engine in the distance.