Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King's Wife (Phoenix Cry Firmament)

~: 54. Emotional darkness (5)

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"Oh, in fact, the intention of Mujia is already well known," said the innocent, caressing the white whisker, smiling. "Because you were an enemy in the test, and defeated the fifth-order Muting, so Many elders of Qingyunmen want to accept you as a disciple. If you don’t have any medicinal aids in the outside world, you will reach this point. If you go to Qingyunmen, you will improve faster. More importantly, the one that many people use for you. The sword method is very curious, and the Mu family has lost the capital of the marriage. In order to get to the Qingyun Gate, you will have to send you."

Mu Ruyue laughed, and the beautiful face was extraordinarily vivid because of this smile, but her whole person was exposed to the chill of the forest, but it was innocent and not wondering why this little girl could be so cold... ?

"I am not a person who is admired, they can't control me."

After all, the original Mu Ruyue had already gone to Huang Quan because of that collision, and she just accidentally came to the ghost of this continent.

"Reassured, I am here, no one is daring to dare to rob me of the apprentice," innocently stroking the white long beard, the whole person sighed with confidence.

If anyone knows that Mu Ruyue is an innocent apprentice, don't say that she is robbed with her, I am afraid that even the slightest intention is not revealed.

Who is the innocent master? He is not a person who will reason with you, angered him, even if the door of Qingyunmen is not able to get his forgiveness.

This time to find innocent, Mu Ruyue still has some gains, this nine leaves snow lotus is a rare treasure, do not look at him more than a petal than the eight leaves of snow lotus, the effect is turned over several times.

After saying a few words without pain, Mu Ruyue left with a word, but on her way back to the Mu house, she was seen by a manager named Mu Rengui.

Speaking of this, Mu Rengui also went to Huayuan Street to do one thing. He happened to see Mu Ruyue turning into a house. The words on the house were shimmering in the sunlight with dazzling golden light.

Since this time, the enthusiasm sent the Mujia Guards to look around for the whereabouts of Mu Ruyue, but it is unthinkable that she will be seen in the most impossible place.

What is Huayuan Street? The house here can not be bought even if there is money, even the Mujia can not settle in such a clean place.

So when Mu Rengui saw this scene, he hurried back to report to the feelings.

"What do you say?" The singer's slap in the table stood up, and there was a light that couldn't be understood by the scorpion. "Why do you admire the moon?" Is this the reward for her championship?

Today's admiration, I only think of this possibility.

"Come, I am going to see Mu Ruyue."

Breathing deeply, and faintly swearing.

At this moment, Mu Yixue ran out of the inner room, she took the arm of the affection, and the delicate face had a lovely smile: "Hey, I have to go."

My brows were slightly wrinkled, and she swept her eyes on this restless little daughter. She said, "If you want to go, don't make your older sister unhappy. This time we are going to let go and ask her to come back."

Only in this way can we ensure that the people of Mujia and Qingyunmen form a relationship.

"Hey, don't worry, Cher listens to you, and promises not to let it..." Seeing the dissatisfied gaze, Mu Yixue hurriedly closed his mouth, "guarantee not to let the big sister not be happy."