Enchanting Wife: Slave's Cold Husband


Xi Ling watched as Wu Xi's car sped away. His headache started again. Frowning, he got into the car and drove in the direction of the hospital. In the room, the old doctor read the results for a moment, then put them down and turned to look at the Mausoleum.

Xi Ling suddenly had a bad premonition. He frowned and said, "What are you looking at? I'm here to see a doctor, not for you to see a vase. Just tell me what you want. I can bear it very well.

"You have a malignant brain tumor." He paused. "It's still late."

Ziling felt as if his head had exploded in that split-second. Everything went blank.

"Is there any hope?" The ruffian look on Xi Ling's face disappeared.

"Young man, I don't want to lie to you. Your tumor has already spread, and it basically has no cure. Even if you do surgery, there is only a 5% chance —" The old doctor was very sympathetic.

"How much time do we have if we don't receive treatment?" Xi Ling's voice did not fluctuate.

"Three months at most. Plus, the tumor is beginning to press down on your optic nerve. Your eyes can go blind at any time." He paused for a moment. "From the results of the examination, it's very likely that your hearing is not safe either."

Xi Ling smirked. He suddenly wanted to laugh, but when he reached his mouth, he fiercely cursed, "Fuck you!"

"You —" The old doctor started to speak, but then stopped.

"Xi Ling stood up and prepared to leave." "You what? I will live a carefree life. I definitely won't die in a hospital with nothing to show for it." After saying that, he walked out with large strides.

The wind blew outside. Xi Ling stopped and looked at the blue sky. For the first time, his beautiful peach blossom eyes revealed sorrow and confusion. God, what was this? Was this retribution for evil? He had done so many evil deeds since he was young, was he going to be punished now?

"Hahahahahahaha!" Immediately, Xi Ling faced the sky and laughed out loud. His laughter was filled with bitterness. Everyone who passed by looked at this abnormally good-looking man with a strange expression. Xi Ling smiled. He felt that his eyes were hurting so he quietly closed them.

God, what do you think this is, a TV show? In the end, the male lead was terminally ill. But — you know, he promised the idiot woman he'd be with her every New Year's Eve, promised she'd die before she did, how could he joke with him like that? And — he had not yet received the love of an idiot woman. This was the only thing he wanted in his life.

If not, then why did he come to this world? Why did he have to meet and fall in love with an idiot woman? He would rather never have loved — then he would not be so attached to life. Idiot woman, he didn't have much time left. How could he make this idiotic woman completely fall in love with him? What should he do?

After leaving the hospital, Xi Ling did not immediately meet up with the villa, but instead, for the first time ever, went to a bar. The sky had already turned completely dark. The bar was lit up and the deafening noise oppressed everyone inside. Xi Ling sat on the sofa in the corner. There were two sexy ladies on his left and right, but their eyes were filled with sadness from the fall of his peach blossom.

Idiot woman, would she be jealous if she saw him hugging another woman now, or — would she smile indifferently?

The woman on the right had sent her entire body up. She had never seen a man who was so good-looking. She wished that he could stick on her like glue. Xi Ling grabbed the woman and heavily kissed her. His tongue and tongue wanted to entangle with each other, but Xi Ling instantly left. The woman thought that Xiling was repulsive and interesting, so she stuck to it again. Xi Ling stood up and left the bar without a word.

When Su Nuo woke up in a daze, Xi Ling had just returned.

"Why did you come back so late? Right, where's my pizza?" Su Nuo stretched out her hands and asked the people in the West Tomb.

Xi Ling looked at Su Nuo unhappily.

Su Nuo was a bit uncomfortable. "If you didn't buy it, then forget it. I'm going to cook." As he spoke, he prepared to leave. Xi Ling suddenly pulled Su Nuo back, pressing her down on the sofa and kissing her without a care in the world. Su Nuo was stunned for a moment. After coming into close proximity with him, she could smell the fragrance of other women's perfume. The Western Tomb sucked ferociously, not letting go of even a single corner of it. It was as if it wished to devour Su Nuo whole and then take her away.

"Why do you smell perfume?" Su Nuo stayed until Xiling left her lips and hugged her tightly.

Xi Ling smirked as he stood up to look at Su Nuo. His charming face was filled with a wicked look.

"I thought you wouldn't want to continue, but luckily you would be jealous." He sounded like a scoundrel, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little sad.

Su Nuo was stunned. "Did something happen?"

Xi Ling had never been a person who indulged himself as he wished. Life was very regular, not to mention living with Su Nuo.

"It's nothing. I just missed you so much when I went out today." Xi Ling buried his face deep into Su Nuo's neck, inhaling the scent that belonged solely to Su Nuo. Idiot woman, he, Xi Ling, had never been a good person and was also very selfish. Idiot woman was the only thing he wanted in his life, so he would not be like in the TV series, giving his beloved woman to someone else and even making her forget him.

He wanted to use the rest of his time to let this idiot woman completely and thoroughly fall in love with him. In the future, if he didn't have him, she would only love him — one. He did not want the stupid woman to see his blind appearance. He did not want the stupid woman to see him vomiting and vomiting, and in the end, he did not want her to be unable to even take care of himself, let alone see pity in the eyes of the stupid woman.

Idiot woman, all he wanted in this life was her love. So don't blame him for it.

Late at night. The bedroom was quiet. The pale, cold moonlight poured into the room and fell on the two of them. Su Nuo slept comfortably in Xi Ling's embrace, occasionally smacking her lips.

Xi Ling just looked at it like this, his eyes full of greed, as if he wanted to carve all of this into his heart and never forget it.

"Idiot woman, I want you to love me." He seemed to be whispering.

The next day. Su Nuo was still sleeping soundly, as if something was rampaging on her body. He slowly opened his eyes. It was Xi Ling's face that suddenly enlarged.

"You-" Su Nuo's face suddenly turned red. One by one, Xi Ling's kisses fell down, from his earlobes to his neck and then to his chest — "You — didn't you say you'd wait for me to volunteer?" Su Nuo's face turned redder and redder. Xi Ling blinked and innocently looked at Su Nuo. "I asked you. You said yes."

Su Nuo was stunned. The Western Tomb had always been unreasonable, yet now, it was pretending to be innocent.

"That — that doesn't count." He stuttered.

"Why not?" Xi Ling continued to innocently ask, but after he finished asking, he immediately covered Su Nuo's lips, and then deepened the kiss.

It was gentle, like water. It was as if he would pester her until the end of time. Su Nuo's head slowly became confused and started to bubble with a hint of sweetness. Perhaps, it was time! Su Nuo couldn't help but think this way. The movements of Xi Ling became more and more impudent, and the clothes on their bodies became fewer and fewer.

"Are you willing?" Gently, Xi Ling slightly moved away from Su Nuo's lips, but they could still hear each other's breathing clearly.

Su Nuo's eyes were filled with water vapor, and she was a bit lost. She immediately nodded, and the redness on her face suddenly deepened. Xi Ling curled the corner of his mouth, his face filled with an evil, rogue look.

Therefore —

When the two of them woke up again, it was already 3 in the afternoon.

"What do you want to eat?" Xi Ling hugged Su Nuo and asked lovingly.

"Hey, did you change your personality and become gentle?" Su Nuo wanted to tease Xi Ling, but he was very pleased with Xi Ling's gentleness.

"Yeah, don't you want me to?" For the first time ever, the Western Tomb did not refute his words, but it was even more gentle.

Su Nuo turned around and looked at Xiling. "I think it would be best for you to do this for the rest of your life."

Xi Ling's eyelids drooped down in an instant without leaving any trace of recovery. Idiot woman, what a pity — he would never be with her again.

"Then let's live forever." The West Tomb was bewitching in its promise. Su Nuo smiled back at him. " Idiot woman, is there anything you really want to do? " He wanted to do it with her, so that the idiotic woman would be able to recall it in the future.

"Something you especially want to do? I don't think so! " Su Nuo thought about it.

"Then when you think of it, tell me." Xi Ling kissed Su Nuo on the forehead. "Sleep for a while longer, I'll go cook for you." With that, Xi Ling stood up and prepared to leave. Suño suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Xi Ling curiously asked.

"Did something happen?" Su Nuo looked worriedly at Xi Ling.

"Hey, idiot woman, something bad happened when I was being gentle to you. That's how you look at me." Xi Ling had a very unhappy look on his face.

"Hehe--" Su Nuo laughed dryly. "Then quickly go and cook. I'm so hungry." As he spoke, he pushed his way to the West Tomb.

"Alright, I'll go now." Xi Ling stood up and casually put on a set of clothes. Just as he was about to walk out, he felt a wave of disgust. He tightly clenched his fists and walked out step by step. His expression did not change at all.

Su Nuo laid on the bed and watched Xi Ling's back. She breathed a sigh of relief. Leaving Su Nuo's line of sight, Xi Ling ran to the toilet and vomited non-stop. However, after vomiting for a long time, all he found was sour water. After washing his face, Xi Ling looked into the mirror and fell into deep thought. From the looks of it, this illness was more troublesome than he had expected. His plans had to be brought forward, otherwise, this foolish woman would definitely be suspicious.

Shuno rolled around in bed, feeling bored, and got up and went downstairs to look for Xiling. The kitchen was filled with a faint layer of smog, and the fragrance of it assaulted his nostrils.

"It smells so good." Juno came into the kitchen, grinning.

"Of course, why don't you see who did it?" Xi Ling raised his chin, looking very pleased with himself.

"Yes, you are the strongest in the world." Su Nuo replied perfunctorily.

After a while. Xi Ling finished his work quickly. He placed the plate on the table and placed the chopsticks on Su Nuo who was sitting on the chair. "Taste if you like." Su Nuo picked up a large piece of Red Braised Meat and squinted her eyes. "Wow! It's so delicious!" The smile on Xi Ling's face was very strong, but the sadness in his eyes could not be removed.

"Not bad, your cooking skills are improving." Su Nuo said as she ate.

"Idiot woman, have you forgotten something?" Xi Ling stretched out his hands and placed them in front of Su Nuo.

"What?" Su Nuo pretended to be stupid. Of course, she knew that Xi Ling wanted a thousand paper cranes.

"Reward!" The Western Tomb made a flying motion prompt. Juno shook his head.

"Hey, this isn't right. No matter what, you have to give me one." I'll never get it again.

Su Nuo suddenly stood up and gave Xi Ling a big kiss on the cheek. "This is the only reward. Do you want it?"

Xi Ling was stunned for a moment. "Yes, of course, then — let's have another one."

"No, I need to eat." As he spoke, Su Nuo buried her head and began to eat.

At night. After Xi Ling went to Su Nuo to sleep, he sat down in front of the computer and typed on Baidu: "What does a normal date do?" Pah pah - A series of words appeared on the web.

In fact, Xi Ling and Su Nuo really did not meet up because the people from Xi Ling were preparing to chase after Su Nuo. It was just that — now, he had no choice but to plan ahead. Xi Ling curled the corner of his mouth, his mouth full of bitterness.

"Where are we going today?" Suno sat in the car and watched the scenery along the road.