Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 491

Hua rugo listened to her words, thought for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "yes, does he want me to celebrate the new year on it?"

"Someone sent it?" Su Nianxia's eyes lit up a raging fire of gossip. Seeing that Hua Ruge didn't answer, he began to guess: "is it your highness Zhan Wang?"

Hua Ruge nodded, "eat it."

Su Nianxia looked at these zero esophagus with bright eyes: "I can eat the snacks sent by his highness Zhan Wang, but I can't say that I'm the public enemy of mainland girls."

"No exaggeration, I'm not living well." Hua Yuege said, turn out a roast chicken, tear off the wings and eat it.

There is no air in the storage space, and the food will not go bad. After a few days, she can eat at ease.

"The problem is that no one dares to be your enemy." Su Nianxia said and pulled off another chicken leg.

Huaruge left behind no deeds on the mainland is not fierce, believe that the normal point of the girl, as long as listen to one of them quietly give up the king of war.

Hua Ruge was very aggrieved and said, "I'm a good man. They all made me angry. Now they blame me for being unfair."

"It's not fair." Su Nianxia took two big bites and added vaguely: "but who let those people die can't clarify it for you. You can carry this pot."

“……” Hua ran song.

You might as well not say it.

"Sister rugo, take out the wine and let's have a drink." Su Nianxia said greedily, "I haven't drunk since you left. Even if I go to binger's, we don't feel happy without you."

Hua Ruge slapped his head and said, "how can I forget that he's not around? Drink. I'll be drunk today."

She said that she took out two small jars of wine. She liked the wine except for the bustle. She always carried it on her back in the space. Even if there were a hundred and ten people to drink it, it was enough.

Su Nianxia took a sip and narrowed her eyes. "It's really good wine."

"I don't know whose collection it is." Hua, like a song, said proudly.

The two touched the jar, and Hua Ruge took another sip and said, "I'm still at ease when I have wine and meat."

She said it, and then she fell silent. Then she opened a altar and put it under the steps of the hall. She looked forward to the other side.

I will not forget your entrustment.

Master, rest in peace.

Su Nianxia threw the chicken leg bone casually, then turned out a hoof and said, "you have to have friends to talk with."

Hua Ruge nodded with approval.

"Sister Ruge, I really like to play with you. It's also strange. You are my rival." Su Nianxia shook her head.

Hua Ruge was stunned. After confirming that Su Nianxia was sober, he said, "I'll explain to you that you may find it inexplicable. In fact, I don't understand why he wants to marry me. It's because the chance of feeling is very small."

"You don't know him, I know." Su Nianxia took a sip of wine and said with a wry smile, "after your accident, he went to Xiao bing'er's place. I saw that he lost a circle, and the whole person's spirit and spirit were very poor."

"If he didn't really care about you, he wouldn't do that."

Hua Ruge narrowed her eyes when hearing the words, and saw Daewoo's irrational troop when she attacked Daejeon. After her accident, Daewoo attacked Dongxia's army crazily.

At that time, she didn't think about it, but if it's for her, it seems that all the irrationalities have made sense.

But how could it be?

Even if juntianxia once moved her a little, but after she refused, with juntianxia's mind and brain, she would never let go, let alone do these stupid things.

Su Nianxia said that she was sad, and she didn't eat slowly, as if her sadness didn't affect her appetite.

"Summer summer, I didn't know that would happen." Hua Ruge said with guilt.

Su Nianxia shook her head and said, "sister rugo, you are so excellent. I am a man and I like you. It's not your fault."

That's right, but Hua Ruge is also upset.

"I shouldn't have said it, but I just said it casually." Su Nianxia said, adding: "besides, if I don't have the ability to make him like me, it's no fate. If he doesn't like you, he will like others. It's the same for me."

She said it vaguely because she was eating all the time and looked optimistic.

"You really don't have a long mind." Hua said with a laugh.

Su Nianxia smiled and said, "no more wine."

"You're a good drinker." Hua rugo said and gave her another jar of wine.

"Better than you." Su Nianxia then clapped open the mud seal and continued to drink.

Hua is like a singer.

Most people drink better than her.

They were drinking. A man came up the stairs. He didn't slow down for a while.

Hua Ruge looks at Mu Qingyan in a white brocade dress. He looks at the snacks and the two people who have no image. He is a little stunned.

"Miss mu." Hua Ruge didn't get up and asked casually, "what's the matter with going back?"

Mu Qingyan's dark eyes returned to focus and said, "send grandpa back. I think the first place may need my help, so I'll take a look."

Her concern is reasonable. Hua Ruge didn't know anyone soon after she entered Tianfu college, but she had a lot of things to take care of when she set up a mountain.

When it comes to finding academicians, if there is no one to select them, the people who come in are complex and troublesome in the future.

She can think of these, is really for Hua Ruge plan.

Hua Yuehui smiled and said, "thank you very much, but I'll talk about it later. First, sit down and have a drink."

"Drinking?" Mu Qingyan's cold face shows a moment of hesitation.

Hua rugo took out a jar of wine and put it in her direction and said, "taste it. There are also delicious snacks."

Mu Qingyan did not refuse to walk, but also learned their appearance to sit on the fur, but it was obviously a little uncomfortable.

She is not the only one. Girls who have received etiquette education since their childhood in another big family will not adapt very quickly.

Hua Ruge took a sip of the wine and said with a smile, "don't drink it. Eat some cakes."

She said to open a bag of cakes and put it in front of her.

Mu Qingyan nodded.

"Mu's family is deep and righteous. Go back and thank mu for me." Hua is like singing and saying.

If she kills three elders in a day, I don't think these Danshi dare let her become the first one.

After all, there is such a ferocious leader that everyone is worried about his head.

"The first one is polite. The Mu family is willing to give in and recognize the current affairs." "Mu Qingyan said, and said:" later proved that my Mu family's choice is right

She had no doubt that her family did not agree. At that time, the three elders would die in the hall.

Although this seems too cruel, Hua Ruge will definitely do so.