Enchanting Alchemist

Chapter 489

"The two elders have different opinions. We can understand them. We also respect your ideas." Hua rugo said with a friendly smile.

Her attitude was unexpected, after all, she just gave the impression of being so fierce.

"So you promised to abdicate?" Asked Bai Luli tentatively.

"Don't dream about it." Hua Yuege added lightly: "in view of our respect for the two elders, we decided to give you one more chance."

Everybody listen carefully.

Luo Xuan and Bai Luli look at Hua Ruge warily, waiting for her to speak.

They were sure of it, but they had never seen Hua Ruge's face change from beginning to end, so they felt that she was a little unfathomable.

"The last question, surrender to me or death?" Hua Ruge's words are very light, but in his eyes there is no doubt about his majesty.

As soon as this words fall, the whole scene is quiet.

Almost no one can believe that Hua rugo, a little girl, dare to threaten the two elders of Danyang peak. Even if the first one of Gumo is still there, I'm afraid she dare not challenge the two families.

For a time, we can't tell if Qinghua Ruge is really down-to-earth or insane.

Bai Luli and Luo Xuan were stunned for a moment and then laughed.

Although Hua Ruge's words were threatening enough, they laughed at the thought that Hua Ruge was so young and helpless.

"Hua Ruge, we are not scared. Since you have picked it out, I don't have to hide it. Today, you have to pay if you don't pay. If you don't pay, you have to pay." Luo Xuan's face is sinister.

Bai Luli also said: "yes, if you don't hand over the trigger today, don't want to leave this hall!"

Hua, like a song, nodded clearly, and said indifferently, "choose to die."

Her unexpected calm appearance made people feel that the air was cold.

"Huaru song is inherited from the first one in office. From now on, it will succeed the first one in the 37th term of Danyang peak of Tianfu University. If there is any doubt about the disobedience, kill them!"

Her solemn and cold voice was supported by her own spiritual power, which spread all over the mountain. People inside and outside could hear it clearly.

Hua's eyes, like those of Ge Bi, are fixed at the bottom. On Luo Xuan's white body, he opens like a gift: "this seat allows you to leave your last words." Luo Xuan said angrily, "Hua Ruge, you dare to take over the first seat without permission. Believe it or not, I killed you!"

"The children of the white family are ready." White land is more direct command.

"Obstinate." Hua yuemou said coldly: "Xiao Jin, kill!"


A thundering dragon chanted, the Golden Dragon on Hua Ruge's shoulder suddenly grew larger, and Hao Dalong's pressure made everyone silly.


It's a real dragon!

Luo Xuan and Bai Luli have just exhausted their mental power in alchemy. Now when they see the dragon, their instinct is to turn around and run away.

Joking, even when they met a real dragon in their heyday, they didn't have enough teeth, let alone now.



In a moment, Xiao Jin is behind the two of them, and the two dragon claws are hitting hard at the heart of the two of them.

Danshi is a soul master. How can he withstand the strike of the dragon? His chest is punctured on the spot. He stares at his eyes and turns to his grave.

How can they think that Hua rugo has such a big killing move.


Little golden dragon's claw shakes and throws them to the ground, still showing their dragon power.

The hall is large, but Xiaojin's huge body seems very narrow.

Everyone looked at the majestic Golden Dragon on his head. He was pinching himself. He wanted to make sure that he was dreaming.

They could see the real dragon one day.

The shock was even greater than the killing of two respected elders of Danyang peak.

"Xiaojin, come back." Hua Ruge said.

The golden dragon is also a thundering dragon chant. Considering that Hua Ruge may need it at any time, it does not become smaller, but flies back to Hua Ruge's head, so it is in the sky. A pair of dragon crystals look at the people below.

All of us are so stressed that our hearts are heavy. You have summoned this contractual beast. Who dares to make a mistake.

Luochuan and Baizhi month kneel on the ground at this time, looking at their grandfather's flesh and blood blurred body, even forget to cry.

Now they are haunted by boundless fear. They seem to be swallowed up by black holes. They don't see any light. This feeling makes them despair.

"Come, drag them out and keep company with their grandfather." Hua Ruge said.

The Danes did it in a snap.

Luochuan and Baizhi month have already lost their just look. They stare at Hua Ruge, but they can't even say a complete sentence.

"I have such a good temper. Why bother me?" Hua Ruge watched two people and two corpses being dragged out at the same time, with some emotion.

But that is to say, none of these people here believed.

Good temper?

Curse at every turn!

If you are in a hurry, you will kill!

All of them are good tempered. Are there any bad tempered people in that world?

"If the people of the Bai family and Luo family are willing to surrender, they will not die, but if they are indomitable, don't blame our people for being merciless." Hua is like a light song.

All the Danshi in the temple stood up and echoed: "the first one is kind."

At this moment, Hua Ruge can be regarded as the heart of all.

It's not all about power. Hua Ruge's performance today is enough to convince these people that she is the first.

Standing at the front is to admire the fighting style and the light face.

When Hua Ruge vaguely sees Luo Xuan and Bai Luli being killed, mu Zhanfeng wipes the cold sweat on his forehead. He should be glad that he is standing in the right team.

Mu Qingyan after mu Zhanfeng, seeing Hua Ruge's eyes sweeping over, is still a polite smile, but it has a kind of gentle taste.

"This is the end of the ceremony. Let's go back." Hua Ruge steps off the gilded seat, shakes his robe and prepares to leave.

Dan teachers bow to each other and say in unison, "obey the order of the first seat."

All of them left in order. They never wanted to come back without rules.

The hall was soon empty. Hua Ruge shook his head and said, "it's all soft persimmons, much worse than I thought."

Xiaojin is used to his master's boasting, becoming smaller and falling back to Hua Ruge's shoulder.

Hua Ruge unconsciously took a look at it and thought, "now it's different. There's no one on this peak."

Because gumer has been closed for decades, so there are no academicians, bodyguards and servants on the peak. Now her position is not stable. Maybe someone else is thinking about her, and she can't help but watch.

It's also a bluff to talk about rehearsal.

By this time, she had gone out of the hall and began to think about it.