Emperor! Can You See Stats!?

80 # Now

With a gloomy voice, the inside of the stadium began to burst with black smoke. The fog spreads quickly and envelops the noble stone of the emperor.

Earl Carlos, leading the proximal knight, was so surprised that he quickly blocked the Emperor\'s way and opened up a solid barrier.

“Your Majesty! Are you all right? ”


“ ……!? ”

A heavy shock hits his wall. At the same time as the fog spread, a group of turbans began to surround the noble seat.

They each twist their crescent and attack the noble stone guarded by the proximal knights.

What about this black mist and that outfit? ’

One thought passed through the heads of the nobles, including the Marquis of Carlos.

The Kingdom of Calera! ’

‘Shahar\'s tragedy……. ’

The nobles quickly started to flee beside the proximal knights, sniffing around in vain.

“Those crazy Cultists of Calira! ”

“You must be crazy to raid the capital! ”

The Kalira Kingdom in the Southern Desert was safe, even though it was the only country facing the Empire now. The reason was actually hypothetical......

“Unlike pigs in the Eastern Desert, we do not associate with pagans. ”

Although the continent was not entirely devoid of cult religions, there was a reason that almost everyone believed in the three generations.

It is the very existence of [sexual strength]!

The Church of War literally had the power to fight. Needless to say, the Church of Healing was actually the most commonly encountered by healers, and the Church of Wisdom was one of the three.

Only priests and knights blessed by the Church were able to convert the Force to sacred power.

However, Cali was the kingdom that exiled the pagans for religious reasons without this power.

Cali believed in her own social affairs, but she had no history, so of course, the other churches did not recognize her.

The only problem is, half of the Southern Desert is aligned with the Kingdom of Kalira. The leaders of the Kalira Kingdom were so-called religious fundamentalists.

Unlike the kingdoms of the eastern desert who traded early with the empire and accumulated wealth for trade, they had been at odds with the empire from the beginning.

The most famous of these events was Shahar\'s tragedy 30 years ago.

At that time, Shahar, a major city at the heart of Southern trade, turned into a ruin where no one lives.

Few survivors testified at the time that black smoke had enveloped the city and that its inhabitants had been brutally slaughtered by warriors in the desert attacking from all over.

Since this incident, the Empire has tried to destroy a vast army in the south, but it was too difficult to catch the majority of nomads moving around in the desert.

In the end, the southern front, which is located in the desert, has become one of the Empire\'s headaches with the northern front recently resolved.

"The Black Smoke and the Temple!" ’

These two were symbolic of the Calera Empire\'s terrorism.

Of course, the black smoke was not because they were given any power, but just a deceptive snow screen. But Carlos, who had the superhuman senses, felt something strange.

‘This act is not just a trick, as I\'ve heard. It\'s numbing the unmanned senses. ’

And everyone was surprised and couldn\'t distinguish, but if you look closely, it was more of a dark black mist than smoke.

‘I\'m worried about the damage of the knights and nobles. ’

He\'s guarding us like an iron rod, Emperor, so not one problem will be found in the bay. However, I couldn\'t help but worry about the damage due to the number of attacks from this fog.

"I\'d like to run right now, but who will escort the Emperor? ’

However, the concern was surprisingly straightforward.

“Out of my way!"


A man flies away, simply cutting off a warrior in front of him.

No matter how fast it was, the only one who noticed he was moving was Carlos.

“Your Majesty! ”

“I\'ll deal with the squatters down here. ”

He is a coldly spitting duchess, but frankly, he is furious like an active volcano because of the results of the melee and Yurius\' provocation. It was this raid with oil on it.

‘I\'d like to help you slap the emperor\'s head, but I can\'t...\' ’

If anything happened to the Emperor here, who would be most suspicious? The Grand Duke himself. It was the nobles of the Grand Duke who led him there that occupied the majority of these nobles.

In other words, the Duke had to do his best to protect the Emperor if he did not want to preserve his power and overthrow his sins.

How much will happen to him? When he thinks about getting angry properly, the situation changes at once.


His sword is lightly raised and aimed at the raiders rushing towards the nobles. Tens of meters was enough, but it didn\'t matter to him at all.




This is a true sword. This is a different dimension from the clumsy attacks that Dmitri demonstrated. Every time his sword is pointed at him. A large wind hole pierces through the attackers\' bodies, allowing an adult fist to pass through them.

The force\'s defenses, shields, and obstacles have no use. The Grand Duke\'s sword was pointed at a pillar of iron or armor. It was simply smashed and blood spurted out.

The Grand Duke was slaughtered and watched calmly.

‘I think we\'ve eliminated most of them, but I\'m not sure why these scumbags are attacking the Emperor. ’

* * *


A dark mist envelops Yurius\' vision as he makes his way down to the arena.

What about this fog? ’


[The Dark Veil is being influenced.] Decreases sensation and mental strength.]

[Quest Additional information about \'Forgotten Divine Cult’ will be available.]

[Contained Items: Dark Astronomy, Heimdall Cult]

Yurius looks really annoyed for a moment.

‘I don\'t know what they\'ve had against me all my life. ’

This fog is blocking my vision and numbing my senses, but I can see through the fog well enough at the level of Yurius.

‘The fog started from the noble seat, but it must be after me. ’


A dark object flew towards him before he could finish his thought.

Yurius quickly opened the distance and dodged the object. Its identity was an iron mace that emitted a subtle black light. Seeing that, he makes a curious face.

Speed and vigor suggest that the weapon the Force injects is correct, but is there any chance it glows in black? ’

Weapons typically enhanced by force are blue in color. However, if there were exceptions, it was the red mural, the power of the supernatural Biggie or the martian church paladin.

However, they were wielding dark black weapons that were neither red nor suspicious.

"Could it be because they say it\'s a cult? ’


Yurius starts swinging his sword with power from the beginning. Since the opposing Pokémon blinded their vision in the first place, they can use their abilities as much as they want.

“ ……!? ”

The thugs in the lead rushed to the neck by an invisible sword. However, they make a march without a pause and surround Yurius in an instant.

"These guys seem a little different from the assassins back then, don\'t they? ’

The assassins who had raided him before were unusual, but they smelled of knights trained in some traditional way. No matter how different the levels were, it was quite difficult for these people to beat up all of them in a short time, even superhumans, if they fought in groups.

What do you want me to do? ’

Yurius hesitates for a moment, holding back their attack.

His skills are far more advanced than those of the Northern War, and there is no greater horde to endure.

The problem is, if we wait a little longer, the Knights will come running to save him from the strange thought that he did not return to the stadium.

As the situation unfolded, the casualties of ordinary knights could have been great.

"Wait... Knights? Aha! \'

I finally have an idea in Yurius\' head.


Two freaks bounce back as the explosion erupts. Through that gap, Yurius\' spirit is wiped out in an instant.

“ ……!? ”

Gideon, who was observing from afar, is appalled as Yurius suddenly disappears. It was because the prince had survived much better without an escort.

‘There was a reason that he failed several times. ’

This veil of darkness had the effect of desensitizing the enemy\'s senses, but the members of their cult had the power to increase sexual strength and speed up recovery.

In this situation, the elite paladins of their tribe have been deployed to lay siege to Yurius yet to be captured.

But Yurius, who disappeared, suddenly appeared a few feet away from them.


Gideon, who was leading them in hiding in the corner of the stadium, was in a hurry. I had to catch the First Crown Prince somehow while the crutches of the noblewomen were still drawing time.

He ordered a full sweep of reserve power to track Yurius.

However, Yurius runs out to the outskirts of the stadium, avoiding their pursuit in a narrow, undetected distance.

And finally, where he jumped!

“What\'s going on? ”

“Your Highness? ”

His jump was in the waiting room of the Golden Lion Knights who were still at the stadium.


At the same time, the door in the waiting room breaks down and the gangsters in black jump in. And we run to the knights to get Yurius.

“What the hell? ”

The Knights of the Golden Lion Knights are terrified and draw their swords. For the gangsters, it seemed obvious that Yurius had fled to ask the knights for escort.

Get it, get it!



Suddenly, the waiting room turned into a rubble. Surprisingly, the Knights of the Golden Lion have been pushed out of the empire.

It was also due to the abilities of the gangsters, but the biggest problem was that the executive knights were heavily injured in the previous match and the overall power was so degraded they couldn\'t help it.

There\'s another group of people in there.

“Your Majesty! Are you all right? ”

It was the elite of the Heines and his knights. They joined the fight.

Yurius smiles.

“Just in time. Please work with the Golden Lion Knights to defeat them. ”

The Golden Lion Knights and the monsters had already been hit by each other for their fun. Yurius has not been much help to them as he makes his way through the rebellious crowd.

However, his reaction is different now that his knights are here. Yurius begins to move swiftly to protect his knights, stopping the monsters.

“Damn it... Tell the paladins to retreat quickly!" ”

Gideon is forced to pull back with tears in his eyes. The High Priestesses were a force their tribe raised with great care.

It would not matter if you could catch the Crown Prince, but it would be wise to preserve the power once the way around Yurius has been eliminated from the Knights.

The priests who are secretly unfolding the fog have already begun to withdraw quickly.

As the fog lifted, the noble pills were no exception to the Grand Duke.) Thanks to me, I was finishing cleaning up the situation.

The emperor looked confused.

There\'s very little collateral damage, is there? ’

This time, Gideon lured many warriors from the Kaleira Kingdom, but most of them were nothing but crumbs.

Several nobles were badly injured, but there were no deaths except for that, and there were no attacks, especially on the public spectator\'s side of the fog.

“Anyway, the Grand Duke did a great job. I\'ll reward you for this... Huh? ”

“ ……. ”

The emperor had seen him for decades, but it was the first time the cold duke had made that face. The Grand Duke stared at the stadium, trembling without overcoming his anger.

The emperor naturally turned his head to follow his gaze.

“ ……!? ”

“Call a therapist, please. We\'ve got a lot of casualties! ”

Yurius looks urgent and asks for first aid. But the injuries...

In a minute.

“So it was a simultaneous raid against me and Yurius? ”

The emperor nods his head and receives a report. Yurius was with him, of course.

“My life would have been in danger if it hadn\'t been for the proper support of the Golden Lion Knights. ”

Here, Yurius bows before the Grand Duke with an aggressive look.

“I\'m so sorry, Grand Duke Wilhelm. The situation was so urgent that I pushed them crazy that the Golden Lion Knights and them hit first. ”

At this moment, the Grand Duke felt the blood rising upside down.

‘The first prince is really……. ’

“I\'m glad it helped. So I\'ll be going now. ”

The Grand Duke barely answered and left the nobleman\'s seat. His Golden Lion Knights have suffered a tremendous blow this time.

Dozens of ordinary knights were killed and executives were seriously injured. The problem there is that his apprentice, Dmitri, has sustained irreversible injuries.

However, when the athletic event was overheated, it was not uncommon for an accident like this to occur. If Dmitri was a famous knight, he could protest, but no matter how powerful he was, he could not infer the royal family because of one common knight.

"Prince 1st... I\'ll keep this in mind!" ’

The Grand Duke had no choice but to sharpen his teeth and wait for the next day.

Looking behind him, Yurius smiles inside.

"Now, in the words of the player, ’

Hitting an enemy with it. The result was just like that. An unintended enemy intrusion has brought him even better results.