Dual Cultivate to become True God

3 I am CURSED?! And Treatmen

"You are cursed."

Those three simple words just now took all of the expectation and replaced it with melancholy.

Yue Wu You was stunned. "Curse, what are you talking about?! I feel just fine! There's nothing wrong with me!" At the start, he was calm but ended hysterically shouting. "I DONT BELIEVE YOU!"

"M-master, please calm down, let us expla..." Yin'er tried to soothe him but was sharply cut off.

"I. DONT. BELIEVE. YOU!" Yue Wu You lost all reasoning and was preparing to shut their mouths.

"Sister, right now Master is emotionally unstable, and he won't listen to us," Shen continued, "But we must stop him no matter what or he will die from the curse."

"Un." Agreed Yin'er with worry written all over her face.

Yue Wu You who lost all of his reasoning tried to manipulate Qi, but the unbearable pain came once again. [This pain again...Aaargh...There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. Me!!!] Actually he already knew something was wrong with him but he didn't want to admit it, hence the state he is now in.

"Sister, quick!" Shouted Yin'er and started circulating star power. And at the same time, Shen started gathering her Qi.

The reason they each use different energies is pretty simple, as they were "born" like twins, they each inherited different powers. While Shen can use qi, she cannot control star power. Yin'er it's the exact opposite.

"Sister I am ready whenever you are!" Yin'er shouted and started making hand signs.

"Un." Shen agreed and started incantation,

"We seek the moon and envy the stars! We are users of the greatest magic moon and star gods possess, so shall we command star-moon magic. Let us seal the world! Let us seal the heavens!"

Then they shouted in unison, "Great Seal of Immortal Moon Star!"

Bright silver radiance enveloped Yue Wu You, then it changed shape into two ropes that bound him. Those chains are not to bind his body, but his soul power, and seal the dantian and his meridians. So although those chains looked like they are sealing him too tight, they were quite comfortable.

As soon as he was sealed, the scorching pain faded away and Yue Wu You slowly calmed down. "Shen, Yin'er what have you two done?" Asked Yue Wu You in a weak voice. Just now he was tormented by pain and lost all his reasoning, so he did not remember. "And what happened to me?"

"We sealed your meridians and dantian," answered Shen and then Yin'er continued, "Master you lost yourself in pain and despair and tried to attack us, so although we sealed you, we did it for your own good."

Yue Wu You was shocked. [I attacked them. I see, there must be some kind of curse on me...] He was unwilling to admit it, but there was no other way. He reluctantly asked. "Can you tell me with what curse have I been afflicted?"

Girls let out a heaved sigh of relief and then explained, "You have been afflicted by Divine Life Locking Seal, Master."

Yue Wu You was confused, "Divine Life Locking Seal?" And looked in Shen's position to seek for the explanation.

Shen started to explain, "Divine Yin Locking Seal is one of the most vicious curses for males. Its effects are quite simple, but consequences are something that nobody can bear. The purpose of this seal is to "lock" Yin energy outside the host's body, so you cant absorb Yin energy from nature."

"But I am male, so sealing Yin energy shouldn't pose threat to me, right?" Confused, Yue Wu You asked.

"Logically speaking yes, but sealing Yin energy is only secondary effect. The curse itself makes the host's body spend impossible amounts of yin energy and if your body doesn't have enough Yin energy, the curse will start to absorb your life essence," Shen paused for a moment," until you die, Master."

"That's not all," said Yin'er, "The pain you were feeling while ago was also one of the consequences. The curse also forbids the user to circulate any kind of energy within the victim's body."

Yue Wu You was stupefied for a moment, but then quickly asked with expectation, "So know that you sealed me, is curse cured, too?"

Shen shook her had and said with a sad voice, "Unfortunately, it's not that easy. We only postponed the symptoms and if Master stays like this, Master will die within a month."

"Is there any medicine that can cure me?" quickly asked Yue Wu You,

"No, there is no medicine that can cure the curse completely," answered Yin'er.

"No, no, no, how is that possible, no I don't want to die, I haven't taken revenge yet, no, no..." Yue Wu You started to fall in despair again.

Shen launched to him and hugged him tightly, "MASTER, Master you must calm down. While it's true that there is no medicine for the curse, there is "method" that can fully cure you."

Yue Wu You asked hesitatingly, "R-Really?"

"Yes, yes it's true", answered Shen swiftly, then shot an angry glance on Yin'er, "Yin'er just can't explain."

Yin'er hung her head feeling downhearted, "I am sorry, I should have explained it more clearly," said Yin'er with tears in her eyes.

Yue Wu You panicked, "Okay, okay I forgive you, please don't cry."

"R-Really? Master, you forgave me?" asked Yin'er.

"Un." Yue Wu You nodded.

"Thank you, Master." Yin'er laughed and also hugged him.

"So can you guys, tell me what is the "method" that can cure me?" inquired Yue Wu You in anticipation. He did not expect, that as soon as he asked, both girls hung their heads down with blood red flushed cheeks.

"Shen, Yin'er whats the problem, you can't tell me?" puzzled Yue Wu You could only ask.

"We can, it's just..."

"It's just... what?" asked Yue Wu You and did not know whether laugh or cry at actions of the twins.

"Aaaaargh," burst out Yin'er, "YOU NEED TO DUAL CULTIVATE!!!"