Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 326: Living conditions skyrocket

Huo Jinzhi doesn\'t know anything about these things, and he doesn\'t want to learn them. He will definitely not stay in Mopanshan for a lifetime, nor can he do farm work for a lifetime. There is no need to waste time learning these.

"Let your grandfather eat with me tomorrow, and have a few cups with Grandpa Qi. Come and eat, and I\'ll buy a pig\'s head." Huo Jinzhi said.

During this time, he knew a lot of him who sold mountain goods, and they had a good relationship. One of the mountain people said that they could provide pig heads, and the price was not expensive. A pig head was only three yuan, and the ears and tongues were all there, so it was a good deal.

"I want to eat pig ears." Tang Xiaonan shouted, and the saliva began to flow again.

Although Tang Laifu slaughtered pigs, he never came back with pig heads, because he likes to eat water and meat. The pig heads are too troublesome to get them. Drink into a plate, oh, it\'s a fairy-like enjoyment!

"It has both pig ears and pig noses. I\'ll eat chamois first today."

Huo Jinzhi pinched Tang Xiaonan\'s face, and he was finally satisfied. If he didn\'t pinch for several days, the fat girl\'s hands were very itchy.

For the sake of pig head meat, Tang Xiaonan couldn\'t hold back her anger.

Su Wanrou brought out the dishes, a large pot of braised chamois, and two bowls of stir-fried green vegetables. Although the dishes were simple, the weight was solid. Tang Aijun didn\'t need to say hello. He went to the kitchen to serve the rice by himself. Without it, the living conditions skyrocketed. Tang Aijun unceremoniously filled a large bowl, and then a small bowl for Tang Xiaonan.

"Eat less and eat more vegetables, and finish all the vegetables."

Su Wanrou greeted with a smile. She only had a small bowl of rice. Now that she has enough oil and water, she is beginning to be seventy percent full again. It is a habit formed since childhood that you can only eat half full of delicious food. Don\'t be greedy. eat.

Tang Aijun directly expressed in action that he took a large piece of meat and ate it. If you want to say what Su Wanrou has improved the most during this time, it has to be her cooking skills. Huo Jinzhi bought a lot of seasonings, and Su Wanrou has more room to play. , the taste is naturally better.


Tang Aijun finished eating a piece of meat in three bites, and then sandwiched another piece. Su Wanrou and Mr. Qi both chewed slowly and ate very gently. In terms of eating habits, the two of them were similar. They both liked sweets and only 70% full .

Tang Xiaonan also ate two pieces of meat and stopped eating it. The muntjac meat is a bit like beef. It is leaner and less fat, but it has a smell of taint. Wild animals have a smell of taint, no matter how clean they are.

"Don\'t eat?"

Huo Jinzhi looked at Tang Xiaonan, and suddenly found that the fat girl\'s chin was a little sharper, not as round as before. The three chins had also become double chins, and the naked eye was visibly thinner, and her brows could not help wrinkling.

Tang Xiaopang won\'t get sick, right? He eats so little. Could it be that he has a bad stomach?

"I am full."

Tang Xiaonan gave Tang Aijun only a few mouthfuls of food. Anyway, her third brother didn\'t dislike it. She was really full, so two big pieces of meat were enough. In the future, the stupid and fat fate will still not be changed.

Huo Jinzhi\'s brows tightened, and he reached out and touched Tang Xiaonan\'s forehead. The temperature was normal and he was in good spirits. He should not be sick. Maybe his mother\'s dishes didn\'t taste good.

"Don\'t just focus on eating, can your sister eat so much?"

Huo Jinzhi vigorously stabbed Tang Aijun, who was eating meat, this guy is too heartless.

"Xiao Nan has been eating so much, and making a cup of malted milk at night is enough."

Tang Aijun disagreed, he was used to it and continued to eat meat.
