Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 324: illegitimate child

Tang Xiaonan is white and tender, and especially likes to attract mosquitoes. Even if she wears long clothes and trousers, mosquitoes can **** her blood through her clothes. Although the mosquitoes in the mountains are not big, they are very poisonous. She must be fully armed when she goes out at night. Otherwise, it will definitely bite more than a dozen bags, which is extremely itchy.

Tang Aijun carried Tang Xiaonan on his back and walked very fast. Tang Xiaonan kept waving mugwort leaves.

"Third brother, wait a minute."

Tang Xiaonan patted Tang Aijun\'s head and told him to stop. She saw Shen Yuhai, and she was facing her sideways. When she looked at her suddenly, she felt that Shen Yuhai\'s profile looked like a person. It was very similar. It must be someone she knew. .

"Third brother, look, who does Shen Yuhai look like?" Tang Xiaonan asked in a low voice.

Tang Aijun didn\'t even look at it, and said disapprovingly, "It\'s either like Shen Lixia or a fox, what\'s so good about it."

Tang Xiaonan patted it hard, and said angrily, "You can see it later!"

Tang Aijun touched the back of his head and looked carefully, but found something, "Hey, this little **** doesn\'t look like Shen Lixia, neither like a fox, nor like Huang Huailin."

Unlike his parents, nor his uncle, Shen Yuhai\'s appearance is indeed a bit weird, but Tang Aijun still didn\'t care, "Maybe it\'s like Shen Lixia\'s, I\'m like a grandma."

Tang Xiaonan stared at Shen Yuhai, didn\'t hear Tang Aijun\'s words, just now she was inspired again, and she remembered it when she thought about it. A name suddenly flashed in her mind, Tang Xiaonan\'s eyes lit up, she knew who she was like.

When he was happy, his hands became stronger. He forgot that he was pulling Tang Aijun\'s hair. Tang Aijun sighed in pain, and was reluctant to scold his sister, so he rubbed his scalp.

"Third brother, I know which one he looks like. Like brother Gu, look at his nose and eyes, are they exactly the same?"

Tang Xiaonan was very excited. After confirming that it was Gu Yunchuan, she looked more and more alike, especially her profile face, eyes and nose were very similar to Gu Yunchuan, but the same eyebrows and eyes were on Gu Yunchuan, like Young Master Yu, who grew up on Shen Yuhai, but became A disgusting rascal.

Tang Aijun looked over in puzzlement, how could he be like Gu Yunchuan? It\'s absolutely impossible, Xiaonan won\'t be short-sighted, right?

But he fixed his eyes a few times, and his expression became more and more surprised. It looked quite similar, but—

"Actually, he is more like Gu Yunchuan and his father. Not only his eyes, nose, but also his mouth are like Gu Songtao. It\'s strange, how could Shen Yuhai look like Gu Songtao?"

Tang Aijun was talking to himself, but he couldn\'t figure it out. He was only eleven years old, and his mind was simple.

If nothing else, Shen Yuhai should be the illegitimate son of Huang Fengxian and Gu Songtao. No wonder Shen Lixia hates his son and only likes his daughter, while Huang Fengxian is just the opposite and only treasures his son.

This woman is really daring, she blatantly puts a cuckold on Shen Lixia and makes him a ready-made father, but Shen Lixia is not good either, these two scumbags and women are cheap, and they are made by nature.

The brothers and sisters met Huo Jinzhi on the way, carrying a **** down the mountain, and just after work, there were two fat hares hanging on the hoe, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, which he killed with a hoe.

"Brother Huo."

Tang Xiaonan called her from afar. She has fully adapted to her identity as a six-year-old little baby, and she enjoys being cute in it.

Huo Jinzhi smiled, "I\'m about to give you rabbits."

"I\'ll give you the pig liver, I just killed it today."

Tang Aijun shoved the basket and took the fattest rabbit from under the hoe. He was not polite at all.
