Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 311: Complaint (Yijie+)

"Fourth, what do you want to do? It\'s said that she accidentally fell, and Jin Feng didn\'t mean it. We will recognize you if you deduct her one day\'s work points. If you dare to deduct her for half a year, I will go to your house for dinner!"

Zhang Manyue quit, rushed to Tang Peng\'s front and glared at her, everyone else was afraid of the village chief, but she wasn\'t afraid, Tang Pengzheng had to call her third sister-in-law!

Tang Peng\'s head is about to grow big, and he dares to control the whole village, but Zhang Manyue, the third sister-in-law, who is not stingy, dare not provoke him.

"I didn\'t say that it will be deducted now. What I said is that it will be deducted in the future. Sister-in-law, what are you arguing about?"

"I can\'t guarantee that I won\'t fall in the future. Can you guarantee that I won\'t fall and touch in this life? Anyway, if you dare to deduct the work points of my family\'s Jinfeng, I will go to your house to eat and sleep." Zhang Manyue is not so easy to fool .

Madam Huailin\'s old cousin is very cheap, and she will get angry when she sees it. She can\'t guarantee that she will not throw feces again in the future.

"That\'s right, the ridge road is very slippery, how can I guarantee not to fall." Xu Jinfeng also muttered.

"What are you arguing about? It\'s alright to walk slower in the future. Your fourth uncle is not a small belly. How can you stare at you all day long without falling, no big or small things. If you talk back to your fourth uncle, I will tell your father."

Tang Baishan hurried over with the medicine box on his back, gave Xu Jinfeng a face-to-face reprimand, then looked at Zhang Manyue and scolded, "Is the dinner ready? Cook a few more dishes at night, I want to drink with the fourth and sixth."

"got it!"

Zhang Manyue glared at the old man, and quickly went home to cook. Xu Jinfeng flattened his mouth angrily and went to work.

"Fourth, don\'t have the same knowledge as them. I\'ll scold them when I go back. It\'s getting more and more outrageous." Tang Baishan and Tang Peng were talking nicely.

Tang Xiaonan walked up to Tang Laifu, raised her head and pouted, and said unhappily, "Dad, that bad grandma speaks ill of you, I hate her to death."

"What did you say?" Tang Laifu knew that his daughter was talking about Madam Huailin, and was a little curious about what the old woman could say badly about him.

"She said that my father was lying to Mr. Huang, right, cousin?" Tang Xiaonan dragged the Allied Army, one more person was more convincing.

Chai Yuxiang nodded vigorously, "Yes, she also said that my uncle is stinky and shameless. Teacher Huang doesn\'t like my uncle, and my uncle still haunts Teacher Huang every day, and also says that my aunt is ugly, that my grandfather picks up the dust, and the grandson picks up the dust. of."

"Grandpa, what do you mean by picking up ashes?" Tang Xiaonan asked innocently.

Tang Baishan\'s face was darker than ink, and Tang Laifu wasn\'t much better. He regretted letting go of the dead old woman just now, and his mouth stinks more than feces. Xu Jinfeng splashed too little.

"That woman is farting. Don\'t listen to Xiao Nan, and neither does Yuxiang." Tang Baishan\'s tone was low, and he hated Huang Fengxian\'s family to the core, but he could hold his breath and wait for news from Tang Laijin.

It takes seven inches to hit a snake. It\'s boring to make a little trouble. He has to make the Huang family unable to turn over.

Chai Yuxiang went to hunt hogweed, but Tang Xiaonan refused to leave. She still has a lawsuit to sue.

"Dad, I don\'t want to go to school anymore. What Teacher Huang teaches is wrong."

This school break is really nothing. Even if it wasn\'t for Huang Fengxian to teach, she would have to find a way to drop out of school. In her past life, she was a graduate of a college student. There is no need to waste time in elementary school.

"How did Xiaonan know it was wrong?" Tang Shaozheng asked with interest.

When Tang Xiaonan gave an example just now, he heard half of it, but not the whole.
