Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 303: move the rabbit's nest

Tang Xiaonan shook her arms and felt a little warmer on her body, comforting herself. Shen Yuzhu is only ten years old now.

"What\'s up?"

Chai Yuxiang came down with a big basket of pig grass on her back. Seeing Tang Xiaonan standing alone in a daze, she came over and touched her forehead. The temperature was normal, and she felt relieved.

"It\'s nothing, I met Shen Yuzhu just now, she told me and I ignored her."

Tang Xiaonan wanted to go up and get her own backpack, but Chai Yuxiang stopped her, "I\'ve already carried the rabbit\'s food home."

"Then I\'ll carry it."

Tang Xiaonan was embarrassed, she was an adult anyway, so she couldn\'t bully the little girl.

"You can\'t move on your back, go, auntie has already cooked."

Chai Yuxiang lifted the basket on her back to prevent Tang Xiaonan from carrying her back, and led her to walk. After a few steps, she said, "Don\'t pay attention to Shen Yuzhu, this person is very bad, and he eavesdropped on us just now."

Tang Xiaonan was taken aback, "Just when we were pulling weeds? Where is she?"

"The bottom of the **** was sneaking a cat. I found you after you left. She also said that anyone from Shan Gong can come up. Humph, she\'s as shameless as her fox girl."

Chai Yuxiang\'s cheeks are bulging. Shen Yuzhu\'s mother and daughter are now the people she hates the most in Mopan Mountain, no one.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, they were talking about rabbits just now, Shen Yuzhu must have heard it all, and thinking about Shen Yuzhu\'s gloomy eyes just now, Tang Xiaonan felt even more uneasy.

"Cousin, will Shen Yuzhu report us for raising rabbits?"

Chai Yuxiang was stunned for a few seconds, then came to her senses and said hesitantly: "I guess not. Where can she report it? It\'s far from the town."

"Besides, no one cares about it now. Isn\'t it not allowed to raise chickens in the city? My mother and neighbors have raised them, so it\'s fine." Chai Yuxiang didn\'t care too much, just a few rabbits. No business!

Tang Xiaonan also felt relieved. She must have thought too much. No matter how bad Shen Yuzhu was, she wouldn\'t be boring enough to do this kind of thing. Shen Yuzhu in the book is a powerful woman. ?

But for safety\'s sake, Tang Xiaonan decided to move the rabbit\'s nest. It was too boring to keep it in the chicken sty. After dinner, she called Tang Aijun and moved the rabbit to the back. The pig sty and thatched hut were behind it, and she built it with bricks and stones. The rabbit\'s nest is covered with something, so it can\'t be seen at first glance, and there is a path behind the house leading to the back mountain. If something happens, run up the mountain.

"No one will come to investigate. Many people in the village have exceeded the standard. Those who are full will report." Tang Aijun disagreed, feeling that Tang Xiaonan was unfounded.

However, although his mouth was broken, his hands didn\'t stop. Tang Xiaonan could do whatever he wanted. The rabbit\'s new nest was beautifully built, and the six rabbits were very satisfied with their new home.

The kitchen is just behind the house, Zhang Manyue was washing dishes and cooking pig food, sticking out his head and shouting, "Aijun got this bucket of pig food to feed!"

A bucket full of steaming pig food. This year, Zhang Manyue caught an extra piglet and raised two in total. Tang Laijin is going to marry a wife, and his four grandchildren are going to school. Congratulations, money is everywhere.

Zhang Manyue wanted to save more money while she was still able to work in the past few years. Apart from raising one more pig, the old rural lady couldn\'t think of any other way to make money. In addition, she raised more chickens and ducks, and she could sell more eggs. money.
