Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 301: get back luck

No wonder Grandpa Qi hated her just now. He must think she is a sinister villain, right?

But at the time, she was just out of breath and wanted her uncle to teach Huo Jinzhi a lesson. She had no other intentions. Who asked Huo Jinzhi to sell stills behind her back, and didn\'t treat her as a friend at all.

Shanfeng brought a burst of poetry recitation, it was Tang Xiaonan reading English poetry, and there was also the praise of Mr. Qi, Shen Yuzhu gritted his teeth, hatred in his eyes.

It\'s all because of this stinky girl. Ever since Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi\'s relationship got better, everything went wrong for her. It must be this stinky girl who stole her luck, and she wants to take it back!

Shen Yuzhu sneered and walked up the mountain, she didn\'t want to dig Motherwort, she couldn\'t make any money, she had to think of other ways, the top priority now was to get her luck back, she firmly believed that her luck was taken away by Tang Xiaonan, Otherwise, why is everything going wrong for her during this time?

If... the Tang family is unlucky, then the stinky girl will definitely be unlucky, so luck will come back, right?

Something in Shen Yuzhu\'s heart was about to move, and her eyes were hesitant. She hadn\'t made up her mind yet. Now she\'s just a ten-year-old girl. and hatred in a difficult struggle.

Picking up firewood absentmindedly, Shen Yuzhu unknowingly walked to the hillside where Mr. Qi was grazing the cows. A few cows were grazing leisurely, with their tails twitching. Mr. Qi was teaching Tang Xiaonan to recite a Russian poem, which was written by Pushkin. "To the Sea".

The old man\'s voice was low, and he recited emotionally. Every time he read a sentence, Tang Xiaonan followed and learned a sentence. The old and the young taught attentively and seriously, but he didn\'t notice Shen Yuzhu who was getting closer.

"There are a few places where the pronunciation is not right, pay attention to my tongue..."

The old man corrected Tang Xiaonan\'s mispronunciation. Russian is much more difficult to learn than English. The pronunciation is very awkward, and there are more syllables than English. Fortunately, Tang Xiaonan had a foundation in his previous life, otherwise it would not be easy to learn.

Finally read it correctly, the old man was very pleased and praised, "Xiao Nan is really good, better than what Grandpa studied at the beginning."

"You taught me well, but I\'m also very smart."

Tang Xiaonan patted her ass, and didn\'t forget to praise herself, the old man smiled happily and patted her on the head, "Xiaonan is the smartest student I have ever taught, next time I will ask Jinzhi to find someone There are no original Russian works, Russian literature plays a pivotal role in the history of world literature, there are many great writers, such as Tolstoy, Chekhov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, etc., they are all epoch-making. If Xiaonan is older, you can read their works.”

"Their names are too long to remember."

Tang Xiaonan was dizzy. To be honest, there are indeed many great writers in Russia, but she likes Pushkin, because Pushkin writes poetry, which is short and easy to remember.

If Pushkin wrote novels like Tolstoy, she probably wouldn\'t like it.

"War and Peace", and "Anna Karenina" are so classic, they are almost must-read books for delicate petty bourgeoisie, but Tang Xiaonan is willing to spend time reading other books, which is convenient for fashion at friends\' gatherings, only this one She couldn\'t read the two masterpieces in a daze. The names that were dozens of words were really annoying to her. After reading dozens of pages, she gave up completely.

British and American literature should be enough for her to pretend to be a fake petty bourgeois. It\'s not difficult for her to remember such a long name, she really can\'t bear it.

PS: The author does not mean to belittle Russian literature, but the author probably has a dyslexia, and he gets dizzy when he sees such a long list of names. So far, he has not been able to read the complete works of Tolstoy, which is the author’s greatest regret.
