Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 166: Xu Jinfeng, who is very majestic

Tang Laifu was picking dung, and the dung that had been composted for a winter was the best fertilizer. It had to be carried to the ground by load. Xu Jinfeng was also picking dung. She was very strong, and she did all the work of men, and she was able to earn full work.

"Dad, someone bullied me, my hand hurts..."

Tang Xiaonan brewed her feelings, she cried when she saw Tang Laifu, and raised her hand pitifully.

"Who did it? You\'re dead, third child!"

Tang Laifu saw the black purple circle on his daughter Bai Nennen\'s wrist, and immediately turned black and cursed at Tang Aijun.

Useless things, if you can\'t protect your sister at school, you know how to eat them.

"It was Mr. Huang who pinched and broke my hand. Brother Gu took it."

Tang Xiaonan complained aggrievedly, tears welling up, Xu Jinfeng just came over with an empty burden, and when she heard that her hand was broken, she scared the boss to pick it up, and threw the pole and rushed over.

"Which teacher Huang did?"

A stench rushed into his nose. It was too high. Tang Xiaonan held his breath and whispered, "It\'s Teacher Huang from the village. Her son Shen Yuhai stole my meat, and Teacher Huang also punished me!"

Xu Jinfeng knew who it was as soon as she heard it, her face turned ashen, "Shen Yuhai stole your meat?"

"Well, he stole my meat and spat, so I beat him."

"It\'s a good fight, you can\'t beat him to death, a little bastard, is that Biaozi surnamed Huang?" Xu Jinfeng asked viciously.

"No, sister Shen Yuhai trained me. Teacher Huang also trained me when she came back. She also dragged me to the outside for a penalty stand. Uuuu... my hand is broken, it hurts... Mommy... I don\'t want to go to school anymore, teacher Huang. bad guy..."

Tang Xiaonan screamed, raising his right hand high, and a scary circle of green marks on his wrist. In fact, it\'s not a big problem. The child\'s meat is tender, and Tang Xiaonan\'s meat is even more tender.

But in Xu Jinfeng\'s eyes, it was her daughter\'s hand that broke the stinky watch, and it was the stinky watch who wanted to seduce her man. Xu Jinfeng, who had never used his brains, had a conspiracy theory this time.

She abused her little **** the first day of school. It must have been aimed at her. The stinky watch is trying to give her Xu Jinfeng a slap in the face!

"My mother killed this watch!"

Xu Jinfeng rolled up his sleeves and left, while Tang Laifu chased after him and shouted, "Let\'s ask first and then talk about it!"

"I\'m also asking a fart, that stinky cousin made Xiao Nan\'s hands like that, and you still want to cover her up? Tang Laifu, are you still a man? Xiao Nan is your own. You don\'t even want a daughter for that cousin?"

Xu Jinfeng scolded, she used to save face for Tang Laifu when she was outside, and she listened to what Tang Laifu said, but today new hatred and old hatred suddenly burst out. No surname Xu!

"What nonsense are you talking about in front of your children, go home first!"

Tang Laifu\'s face was covered with dark clouds, which was especially scary. The other villagers who were working did not dare to come over to persuade him. They pointed and pointed from a distance, waiting to watch the excitement.

"I bah... What nonsense my mother said, Tang Laifu, you are determined to protect your old friend, right? Well, I don\'t expect you to stand up for Xiao Nan, but don\'t stop me, I have to kill that stinky girl today. Biaozi, who dares to stop the old lady, the old lady will chop him!"

Xu Jinfeng grabbed the shovel on the ground, and slammed it into the mud. Half of the shovel went into the soil.

Some people saw that the situation was not good, and secretly ran back to report to Huang Fengxian. Xu Jinfeng is a shrew who really dares to use a knife. How can Huang Fengxian\'s small physique be able to do it, Xu Jinfeng will definitely be swallowed by Xu Jinfeng!

