Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 180: arrested

Chapter 180 Arrested

After the public security comrade made the registration, he followed the party secretary who rushed over to Sun Baoqing\'s house.

Sun Baoqing ran home long after he heard that he had lost those things, but when he got home it was General Tie holding the door. Now he really felt like he was going to explode.

This **** thinks that if the door is closed and the police can\'t find her, she will be safe and sound, but it\'s useless if she doesn\'t steal, as long as they are brought back, even if she is convicted.

She is absconding in fear of crime!

Angrily, he turned around in circles, raised his foot and kicked the big poplar tree in front of the door. He grinned in pain and jumped on one foot for a long time.

This is what they saw when the party secretary and the police arrived. The police also heard that Kong Yuru had returned home before and asked Sun Baoqing to open the door and they wanted to go in and search.

Sun Baoqing said that he did not have a key, and the people in the village looked at him with contempt. No matter whether he was real or not, no one believed him.

He didn\'t have the key to his own door. Anyone who believed him thought he was delaying time.

The grandson is still very powerful, so he took a hammer directly from the eldest son\'s courtyard, and slammed the lock into violence with two strokes.

The police went in and searched for a long time and found nothing. Lu Yichen settled the house and did not let the stone come over. He was afraid that he would be hurt again and let him stay at home.

Luo Qiao brought some food in a basket for Shito to eat first, and went to Sun\'s house herself. She was also curious about what Kong Yuru had taken from Lu Yichen?

When Lu Yichen arrived, the police had nothing to gain and were about to leave. Lu Yichen went straight into the yard, carefully turned around in the yard, and asked someone to take a shovel and dig into the places he pointed.

After digging a few places, I didn\'t find anything. I didn\'t expect that Kong Yuru was really talented, and there was no remote place, but Lu Yichen\'s lost jade pendant was found under the stone pier in the middle of the yard.

The people in the village firmly believed that Kong Yuru must have absconded with money in fear of crime and found a place to hide.

In fact, she was scared, and because she was beaten by Sun Baoqing, she wanted to go to her parents\' house to hide and deal with the wound.

An hour later, in Kong\'s village not far from Qingshan Village, Kong Yuru was taken away by the police in panic. Kong\'s parents almost fainted when they found out that their daughter had stole.

Now, what Kong Yuru did before has also been revealed. He occupied the compensation money from his sister-in-law. He viciously burned his nephew into serious injuries with the noodle soup that had been boiled.

Now, while the adults are not around, they come to rob and steal. This time, Kong Yuru\'s family is also affected, and some people come to the Kong family to scold the old couple for raising a vicious girl.

The two elders of the Kong family couldn\'t bear the blow and they both fell ill, but they didn\'t blame the villagers for scolding them. They didn\'t know what happened before, but they didn\'t see them educating their daughters in the past.

Now it\'s useless to pretend to be sick and sympathetic. The villagers scolded them even more, even Kong Yuru\'s brother and sister-in-law didn\'t dare to walk in front of others. It was a shame.

The two eldest granddaughters of the Kong family were the most affected. They all came to the house to break the marriage. The reason was that the girls of the Kong family were too vicious, and now the brothers and sisters of the Kong family were also angry.

made a special trip to the commune police station, and scolded Kong Yuru that life was better than death, and said that whether she died or lived in the future has nothing to do with the Kong family, and she should never go to the Kong family\'s door again.

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(end of this chapter)