Dream Life

19 Episode 17: Liddy's Thoughts

My old buddy, Govan Lockhart, sent me a letter around late July.

Honestly, I don\'t really remember the contents.

Sure, it said, "I want you to mentor my grandson, so I want you to contact me once," because I was happier to hear from Govi.

I have spent the last few years in my native Sartooth - home to a large number of elves, the kingdom of the woods to the north. Yes, it was a drag.

I\'ve been bad with people for a long time.

Good when I was in there. I never felt so alienated because I had a father or mother. Of course, it\'s normal in the elves, but I didn\'t have many friends of my generation. Still, all the adults around me were gentle and had more pleasant memories.

When I was ten years old, I knew I had the talent to use four attributes, and that changed.

Your father, your mother, and the elders inside wanted to put me in the School of Magic. I\'ve always wanted to be in here, but when I was thirteen, I was taken to college.

Before I left, my mother said, "I have a lot of kids in college. It\'ll be fun because we can have a lot of friends," she said, deciding to go to the crying college.

But the college wasn\'t what your mother said it was.

No one speaks to me.

No, some people called, but I don\'t know what to say, but I didn\'t like the sight of me. Yes, I felt it when I saw a goblin near the inside, because it reminded me of that disgust.

I thought a friend of the same sex could do it, but he couldn\'t get me to hang out with him for a reason when he called from me. I thought everyone hated me.

After all, I couldn\'t make friends that looked like friends during the five years I was in college.

The college was exempt from the enrollment fee because it was admitted as a chief, but because I was on a scholarship, I had to give it back.

I could have served somewhere, but everywhere I went, I had that look around me.

Then I headed to Periclitle, the city of adventurers, to be an adventurer and give my money back.

Nobody worked with me here either. In the end, I gave up asking for a solo, and I got a simple herb collection or something.

Maybe three months later, when autumn deepened, I met Govi in the woods.

When I first met him, he was being chased by five wild dogs. The sword was painted bright red, so I think I knocked down a few, but it looked like it was a bigger herd than I thought, and his body was scratched.

The more red the leather armor was, the more blood was shed from all over it.

He accidentally jumped in where I was picking mushrooms to be medicated in a bush of trees.

to have me, he gave me a bewildered look for a moment,

"Sorry! I didn\'t think there were people out there!" I\'ve been apologizing.

And before I say anything,

"I\'ll stop here! Run to that gap!," he shouted, with a rough breath, confronting the wild dog to shelter me.

I\'m stuck.

"I\'ll cover you with magic! If I give you a signal, you\'re right to move!" He was screaming.

I don\'t really remember why I wanted to save him then. But I didn\'t make the wrong choice then.

When I covered with wind magic, he immediately fought back with it.

The two of us defeated five wild dogs, and the moment he was horrified, he fell.

I don\'t remember much about that time, but it looks like I hung up my healing magic and lent him my shoulder and went back to the city.

Then I started combing with him. Two months later, Baldur, my other companion, joined us.

Baldur was a large person nearly 2m long and used a large Halvard.

He\'s twenty-five, seven years older than us. He was in a mercenary regiment at Fortis - the mercenary country - but he said he got solo because of some trouble. Looks like I had an affair with Govi at the tavern, and I just joined my crew.

Speed type Govi, power type Baldur, and me with a bow and a magical ranged attack. The names of the three of us were instantly discovered all over Periclitle.

And four years later, Govi married a daughter named Belinda.

His house is a civilian, but a family of squires who serve nobility for generations.

Saying a word that he was to marry his fiancée, whom his parents had decided to marry, he went back to his hometown only in January.

And in a month, as promised, he came back.

But somehow my relationship with him started to get giddy. Bal - Baldur\'s nickname - got me in between, so I managed to do it, but dissolution was only a matter of time.

And Bal\'s dead.

It was nobody\'s mistake. I shouldn\'t have even been alarmed.

At the end of the battle, a flow arrow that flew from nowhere just pierced his neck. That\'s all, he\'s gone.

I don\'t really remember what happened after that.

I think I said terrible things to Govi, but I didn\'t remember what I said. He looked lonely and returned to his hometown.

And I\'m alone again.

I never worked with anyone, I never wanted to. I did the request by myself and let myself go when it flowed.

I heard rumors of the wind that Govi handled it and became a knight.

And talk about him moving into the territory.

Five years after he moved to the territory, the plague was raging in the village of Rasmore, his territory.

I was worried sick about him and headed to Rasmore Village.

And when I got to the village, his wife Belinda was dead.

I was relieved. Because I was worried about what to look like to his wife.

Yes, I\'m a terrible woman. Govi and I were neither lovers nor anything. He was my closest companion, but for a moment I was delighted that the man\'s beloved had died.

I told him to work as a healer to stop the plague, and I kept under him.

Two years.

I left the village on the occasion of Matt\'s marriage, saying I shouldn\'t stay like this.

For a few years, I was inside, but my heart wasn\'t healed. Sure, your father, your mother, she\'s still fine, and I\'ve known her for a long time.

Still, I didn\'t think the inside was where I was. Yes, Govi and Bal, only the five years that my three spent together, the time they found their place.

I got a letter from him when I started to think it was a good idea to stay quiet inside.

At first I was also angry that my mind was finally going to sort out. But my heart jumped when I heard there was someone who needed me more than that.

I jumped right out of the inside without thinking.

More than 1,000 km (Kimmel) from the inside to the village of Rasmore here. I rushed through that without a month. Yeah, literally, I ran. It\'s a woman\'s solo journey, so if it\'s true, I\'ll mix it up with some caravan, but this time I switched horses three times and went here.

I really missed it when I got here on August 20th.

The village landscape had not changed at all. fields stretching out into the hills, livestock eating grass in the long haul. I even missed the heat in the middle of summer. It was a little harsh on me coming from Cool Sartooth though.

And when I crept through the gates of this mansion, the first thing I thought of was Govi. That\'s all I cared about was how he would welcome me.

But when I got to the mansion, something very strange greeted me.

At first I wondered if there was a use of God. Because I could see the spirits flying around.

When I got off the horse, it was the little boy there.

A human boy with a very adorable face, with golden melted clean hair, deep, clear pale eyes like autumn blue skies.

Around him were spirits of eight attributes dancing around him.

That\'s when I thought. That this child is a child loved by the Spirit, by all spirits.

I wanted to look closely, approached without thinking, kneeling in front of him.

And I couldn\'t help but stare at how beautiful a human child is.

It\'s not just about appearance. If it\'s just the way you look, there are more beautiful kids than this one. But I could see the spirits. I had something else in my eyes.

A beautiful stage made by seven colors of light and occasional shadows. There is a beautiful creature at its center, which can only be described as the use of God.

Stared for a while, and I finally got back to me, too. And I noticed how the boy stood in front of me.

His eyes, staring at me, were wide open and limping with no expression.

At first I thought you were wary of me. But I soon realized it wasn\'t the same.

Maybe he looked at me and felt something, too. Yeah, maybe I just wanted to think so.

There was no word between them, and the time flowed quietly.

When he managed to call from behind me, he ran into the mansion.

I was beginning to be attracted to him so much that I wanted to be with him for a moment longer.

Govi came out and was a little hoggy when he hugged me like he used to.

It was no different than it used to be, and it showed me that there was a place for me here.

I heard about Govi that night, and I had myself thinking I was such a fool and I still thought I was.

The story that God gave me the talent to use all attributes was immediately convincing. But because I didn\'t really think that his little body had a soul as old as Govi\'s.

But as soon as I talked to him, I knew.

It has a much more adult heart than I do. Yes, more mature adult minds than Govi.

I didn\'t ask him about his past then, but he was a gentleman. And I have a sense of humor.

I might have gotten that look, and if I hadn\'t listened to that child, it would have engulfed me like a father.

Then I was to take a magic class.

His friends, the children at the Mansion known as the Zach group (Zach Cartel), were also supposed to take classes together.

I got a pretty hostile glance from the two girls, but I was having fun.

I was always childish in there - I\'m aware of being childish myself - and Govi, Walt and Molly - Walt\'s wife, the maid chief - care about me.

It was the first time I had actually dealt with a child.

As he proceeded with his classes imitating his college teacher, Zach noticed or was grinning bitterly. But I didn\'t care, I taught the four of them what I knew.

That was all I was floating about by my teacher.

Because I realized that the younger girl, Sharon, had a magical talent.

That\'s not as much loved by the Spirit as Zach, but I thought he had a lot of talent.

But she doesn\'t have a future as a magician. Zach would let me go to college, but it\'s hard for Sharon to go to college.

I was able to go to the college from the same poor inside because it was the royal policy of Sartooth. I think it was difficult just because of the financial power inside. Still, I was also plagued by a small amount of debt, scholarship.

I wish I lived in this village permanently, but maybe I can\'t.

I\'m a long-lived elf. who have ten times the life span of a human being.

If we stay here, we have to nurse Govi and then keep nursing the people we know.

I don\'t think I can stand it.

Govi thinks he\'ll be alive for another twenty years. But beyond that?

I find it hard for people and elves to live together.

I put forward conclusions about Sharon, but if you\'re alone while I\'m here, it\'s fine.

Maybe it\'s Zach\'s influence, but both a boy named Dan and a girl named Mel said he remembers swordsmanship at a rate that\'s not normally conceivable.

Then it might be too early for Sharon to get the magic out of the crowd.

In fact, Zach was able to use his magic in just ten days.

It took me over six months to start my magic training and become available, even for me to say genius and use four attributes.

Just ten days. No, I remember the spell and I succeeded for the second time.

When I talk about this in college, the professors decide to laugh at me.

Even if you can understand the theory of magic, feel magic, and manipulate more magic, you won\'t get the technology to tell the Spirit overnight. That this is common sense.

If I hadn\'t seen him, I might have laughed the same way. But he did it right in front of me and showed it to me. Then Sharon might defeat common sense in the same way.

I wonder what Zach\'s going to do after he\'s enrolled in college?

You might want to go to Doctus with him, or you might want to wait here for him to come home.

I have about nine more years.

You just have to come to a conclusion by then.

There is no need to rush.

And beyond that...

But it\'s really good to be here.

I didn\'t think seeing that guy would give me so much hope.

I accidentally hugged you earlier. Give me that little body.

Yes, I couldn\'t stop myself.

Same goes for drinking before he came.

I was afraid to see you in person, yeah, because I wanted to be honest with the power of alcohol.

I would laugh if I told people this too.

I can\'t believe a good old elf woman started loving human children.

But you can laugh at me. If you can stay with me, if you can find my place.

Tomorrow I will begin my magic training in earnest.

In that case, you have to ghost your heart and lead him. But let me slow down today and dream about the future. Yes, have a good dream...