Dream Breaks One Day


The sky had already begun to turn white. There were people selling breakfast on the street, restaurants, and shops, and they were also opening their doors.

This house did not belong to the center of the city nor did it belong to the outskirts of the city, but it was also bustling enough. Zhuang Li felt that this was the capital city, and it was even more dazzling and dazzling than when she was here a few years ago. This bustling city was just like a pearl in the middle of the night in the land of the Great Phoenix, it had a mystical power and a solemn palace. The people who live here live in peace and enjoy their ordinary lives at the feet of the Son of Heaven.

They changed into a carriage. Although it wasn't old, it was still an extremely low profile carriage. Zhuang Li had stayed in the West Cold for a few years, so she naturally had her own eyes and abilities. This kind of horse looked simple, and there were many flowers that were not good enough, but the most important thing was to have the ability to walk thousands of miles in a day. If it was placed in the market, that horse would also be something that was hard to find. The coachman was a young man. Although his clothes were simple, he gave off an extraordinary bearing. From the looks of it, he was also one of the palace guards. Zhuang Li suddenly thought of the Uncle Zheng, and he wondered if he was currently eating breakfast with Li Liangxiao.

When the carriage driver saw the emperor come over, he even reached out to help him up. Only now did he notice that there was actually another woman following behind the emperor. When Zhuang Li walked closer to him, she looked at Zhuang Li seriously. Her expression was rather unsightly, and she turned her head to the side, as if she was extremely unhappy.

"Come up." Zhuang Li raised her head and stretched out a hand towards her.

The coachman rolled his eyes at the beautiful coachman.

"Yun Duan, head towards the Qing Qiao County." Wang Su instructed the coachman, and pulled Zhuang Li back into the carriage.

Yun Duan! It was only then that Zhuang Li seemed to remember something. She sat in the carriage and thought for a long time before realizing that this was the name of the young guard that Wang Su brought along when she first met him on the streets of the capital many years ago.

I almost bumped into him on the street arguing with him …

Zhuang Li thought about it and still wanted to open the carriage curtain to see his appearance.

Zhuang Li opened the curtains, and the entire capital gradually woke up from the sound of sleeping. There was a constant stream of traffic outside, it was as if it was flourishing and flourishing. Because of this, the carriage moved especially slowly.

Zhuang Li thought about how many years ago, it was also Yun Duan who drove the horse carriage and flew along the road with Wang Su.

She didn't even know where she got the courage to roll around like this all those years ago.

Perhaps it was because he had just arrived in this world, and the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger. Now, there were too many scruples and ties, and he had already understood and assimilated the rules of this society. He seemed to be afraid of something.

This was what a person should be like, and the person beside him did not know that he was the crazy girl that he had despised all those years ago.

Yun Duan stopped in front of a breakfast shop. Seemingly familiar with the place, he went to that stall to buy some steamed buns and rations before returning them to the carriage.

Although the Great Phoenix was in flood season, many cities were now submerged in water. Every day, there would be a few people reporting the flood. They rode fine horses, and were worn out by the wind and dust.

After traversing over tens of thousands of rivers and mountains, they finally hurried across the limestone tiles on Beijing Avenue. They were seeking a path to survive from the imperial government.

Before the eyes of the citizens, the world seemed to be eternally prosperous with no disasters and no one came back to plunder. They continued to lead a wonderful life, unaware that the Emperor's desk had been piled with urgent, headache-inducing warnings.

"This is the first time you've left the palace since entering?"

Zhuang Li's heart went cold, and only then did he realize that Eunuch Li would have to send his Imperial Study young eunuch out of the palace every month to gather some things to buy. The people who sent him out would always be different, but it was just that it was never his turn. The emperor was asking about this, he didn't know that Prince Bi had even secretly brought him out of the palace.

Zhuang Li nodded and replied.

The capital is located in the upper reaches of the river, and has never experienced any natural disasters. Thus, it is the same here every year, and it has become even more prosperous, and its population has constantly increased every year. However, the Great Phoenix is not just flourishing, those towns with severe natural disasters every year, or perhaps the cities at the border where the small nations constantly harass the harvesting cities.

He seemed to be speaking to Zhuang Li, but also seemed to be speaking to himself. No matter what, at that moment, Zhuang Li seemed to be able to understand Wang Su's actions. She truly hoped that one day, he would be able to bring the Great Phoenix to such a state. If he wasn't able to do so, his son would be able to inherit his throne, and his son would still have a grandson. His, Wang Su's, bloodline was closely linked to the Great Phoenix.

On the way out of the city gates, the guard checked the command tablet that Yun Duan had given him, then opened the curtain to look at Wang Su and Zhuang Li who were sitting in the carriage, and let them in.

The moment the guard opened the door, Zhuang Li leaned on Wang Su's body affectionately, looking like a newlywed couple.

When Zhuang Li understood that sshe was going to bring her to the disaster area, he already understood what she was going to do. She was going to serve the emperor on a horse carriage to cover his identity.

However, on the way, Yun Duan opened the curtain and handed them some food and water. It was obvious that he was born in the army, and although they knew Wang Su's identity, they did not serve him. It was likely that the two of them had cooperated like this for many years, and had a tacit understanding. All the way until dusk, Zhuang Li had already dozed off a few times on the carriage. After waking up a few times, she had already leaned against Wang Su's body, but Wang Su did not sleep or push her away.

A hint of sweetness rose from Little Jiu Jiu Jiu's heart … Even though he knew that he was just putting on an act.

The lodging in the evening was a very small inn. After stopping the carriage, Yun Duan went to find a shop to book a room. When Zhuang Li walked into the store, he just happened to hear Yun Duan talking with the owner.

"Boss, do you still have three rooms?"

The three rooms were naturally for each person.

Although he didn't have to walk, he still felt exhausted from the bumpy journey. After going to his room to put down his clothes and bag, he went down to the hall to eat, the majority of the silver bills were on Yun Duan. That fellow gave a large amount of silver to Zhuang Li. His cultivation was much better than mine, so naturally, he placed the most of the silver here in front of me as his safest …

He was secretly rolling his eyes at Zhuang Li again, which obviously meant that he was displeased with Zhuang Li for being such a burden. However, Zhuang Li had also deteriorated at such a young age. She rolled his eyes and said, "I'm a person brought here by the emperor, what are you going to do with me? If you have the ability, get the emperor to throw me out …"

After eating some simple food downstairs, there were a lot more dishes here. It seemed that this place was not affected by the disaster, Zhuang Li intentionally grabbed the bowl and went to the shop owner to chat about some common dishes. The point was to ask about the affected areas.

"Boss, what's delicious around here?" Have business been doing well recently? I can see that you have quite a lot of rooms here. It seems that business isn't good … Have you ever heard of the disaster along the river? Have you seen a group of people fleeing? " Since she had already followed the emperor out, then this self-proclaimed commissary for the investigation of the people's livelihood would naturally be responsible for it … The owner had a middle-aged man's impression of Zhuang Li, and although Zhuang Li had not washed up and was currently in a disheveled state after running for an entire day, the owner was still especially enthusiastic the moment he laid eyes on him.

"Has the girl ever been married? Who are those two people? What do you do for a living? Where do you live? Later on, she said, "Do you have any dishes that taste good? I'll give them to you to eat. Are you afraid of the dark tonight …"

Zhuang Li could only laugh awkwardly. Did the boss fancy her?

However, the owner still refused to budge on her words. "Little girl, those two companions of yours don't seem to be good people." Don't go the wrong way. If you have any difficulties, why don't you stay in my shop? "If you keep moving forward, you'll end up in the disaster area. Those who lack clothes and food will freeze you to death, wouldn't that be a pity …"

Zhuang Li was speechless. If she was allowed to, she almost wanted to cover the owner's mouth that was in trouble …

The two people with me don't look like good people... You mean to say that the Great Phoenix Emperor is a trafficker … Isn't this courting death …?

"You want us to tear down your shop? Or take your own bones. " As the ice-cold voice rang out, Zhuang Li was so shocked that she nearly knelt down and shouted for His Majesty to calm his anger …

If Eunuch Li were here, he would probably scold himself to death when he saw this scene …

When the guard, Yun Duan, heard Wang Su's unhappy words, he immediately jumped out and grabbed the sword at his waist and placed it on the man's neck.

The owner of the inn had initially thought that nothing was wrong even after being threatened by Wang Su. He only looked like a weak scholar. Being able to say a few words was his only ability … However, he didn't expect the little brother beside him to pull out his blade with just one sentence … He was so scared that he almost fell flat on the ground. Trembling, she begged for mercy, "Hero, Hero, spare me …" Then, he looked at Zhuang Li as if he was begging for help …

It took a lot of effort for Zhuang Li to restrain herself from kneeling down as she shouted for the emperor to calm down. Long live the emperor, listen to me, your majesty … The Eunuch Li did not teach him how to deal with such a situation … She wasn't in the palace, she was outside. She was here to cover for the emperor. She couldn't kneel, and she couldn't lose her life … I never expected that the emperor would be so easily angered … After a few seconds, she recovered, trying to figure out how to deal with the current situation. After thinking of a foolproof plan, she ran over to look at Wang Su. It seemed to take her 120% of courage to make a certain decision, and then, he suddenly threw himself at Wang Su.

"Husband …" It's all my fault... "Don't be angry …"

She could clearly feel her heart beating faster because she was too afraid … The body that he pounced on should also be surprised by his own insanity. His entire body stiffened for a moment …