Dream Breaks One Day


"Because the day of the empress dowager's death is about to arrive, the Rites Division arranged for people to go to the imperial mausoleum and give the old empress dowager incense of her favorite Buddhist scriptures. They asked if they would like to arrange for people from the Dew Palace to go with them, so I followed old nanny over to give a message to the emperor, naturally willing to go."

"The old empress dowager is the former emperor's birth mother? "The emperor's own grandmother."

The young eunuch lowered her voice, his eyes filled with an incomparably quick-witted light. "It's true that the emperor's grandmother, but she isn't former emperor's biological mother, but ah …" He suppressed his voice even lower and whispered into Zhuang Li's ear.

"Is the empress dowager's favorite grandson, Prince Bi …" She was smiling, her eyes curved into crescent moons. Zhuang Li looked at the little fellow, and realized that she really couldn't underestimate this fellow. She knew more than most of the old nanny s, and many things happened before he was even born. As expected of someone connected to the prince's mansion, Zhuang Li immediately changed into a more amiable look.

"Little pills …"

"My name is Xiao Wanzi, and I'm not some small fry! "You better get your tongue straight..."

"It's all the same …"

"My name is from the King Bi, it's very important, don't speak carelessly!"

"From the Prince Bi?"

"Of course!" As the kid spoke, his face was filled with pride. Zhuang Li thought that since no one would live in the palace, it would not be surprising if someone from the prince's residence was planted within the palace. After all, which palace did not have a maid or eunuch that was sent by the ministers of the imperial court? It was not difficult.

But if a young eunuch came here by chance, he would just be a little kid. Furthermore, he would be at the palace, and if not for the Dew Palace, which people would almost forget after the ceremony, then he would not be able to get the latest news from the palace, and would not be able to walk left and right according to Prince Bi's wishes. Placing a young eunuch in a place like this, although clever, he was still a child in the end. This matter made people feel that it was somewhat strange, and the Prince Bi even gave him a name, it seemed to be very important.

The daughter of one of the ministers had once again entered the palace to be a maid, and the son of one of the factions above the imperial court had become a palace guard. It was like a huge net filled with the network of connections between each city, prefecture, and county, as well as the relationship between the imperial government and the imperial harem.

Compared to the simple love and hate of the West Cold royal family, this was much more complicated.

Although Zhuang Li was also a gossiper, it was likely that the young maids in the palace would definitely chat amongst themselves when they returned to their rooms after serving their masters. However, since she was serving the Emperor in the Imperial Study, he naturally did not have the chance to interact with the gossip in the harem. Eunuch Li was very strict with her discipline and her mouth was very tight, so the eunuchs whom she served in the Imperial Study were all carefully selected by him.

No matter what one saw and heard in Imperial Study, they would be like a deaf mute who would not give any evaluation. They were extremely stiff and only knew how to work.

Eunuch Li being so diligent was naturally one of the reasons why the emperor liked him …

Zhuang Li did not understand so she was too lazy to think about it. Seeing that the emperor was about to go to the morning assembly and that the nanny had replied to the emperor before going back to the Dew Palace, this little brat had to go with him as well. The next time they met, he didn't know when it would be, so she didn't care who he was or what kind of relative she was. She said, "You have some sort of relationship with Prince Bi's residence, right?"

It seemed to speak of the little guy's point of pride, about how much of a relationship he had with the Prince Bi in the palace, and it was not a good thing. He didn't even know if the child was stupid or not, and proudly corrected Zhuang Li.

"I am related to the King Bi!"

At that time, Zhuang Li was too lazy to think about how the relationship between the King Bi Palace and the King Bi Palace was related, so she quickly pulled him.

"You can send a message to King Bi's residence?"

"I can go to King Bi's residence!" He put his head up high in pride

Originally, Zhuang Li had thought that he might be able to send a message of condolences to the King Bi s. But now, it seemed that he could directly enter the King Bi Palace. Although this child looked to be too young to be reliable and she didn't know what to say, Zhuang Li suddenly felt that he could believe it.

"Then help me bring good things to King Bi so that he can rest and recover soon."

"That's it?"

"What else do you want?"

"You won't let me bring anything?" The little fellow looked at Zhuang Li with disdain.

"What can I take away... The King Bi is a big family, what can they lack? "

"You're so grown-up and you don't understand etiquette? King Bi even brought you a bracelet, that's a rare object. I heard that it was a red jade underneath the dead Phoenix, after thousands of years of good fortune, it became like this today, the entire Great Phoenix, it's only this one.

Zhuang Li did not believe that there was a phoenix, but hearing him say it in such a mysterious manner, she was even more sure that the bracelet was expensive and not simple. She didn't have the fortune to bring it with him, so she had to return it no matter what.

When it came to etiquette, there was nothing decent to be had by his side. Although the Emperor often bestowed some fragmented items to the young eunuch beside him, he had never given himself anything. Furthermore, he had also seen the identity of the Prince Bi s, as well as their treasures. Just the things that he had seen before probably didn't even enter the eyes of the servants of the prince's residence, let alone the ones that had entered his eyes …

"Is Prince Bi very sick?"

"I don't know either." It was as if someone had cut off the spiritual energy in the little guy's body. When he mentioned this matter, a layer of water vapor seemed to have covered his eyes. It seemed like the relationship between this child and the Prince Bi was not just average.

"He became sick in the prairie, and his health was even worse after being tossed around by the Mongolian doctors. "I heard that she's still burning even after she got back, and hasn't gotten up even after half a month."

"Did the doctor see it?"

"He went. He said he didn't know what was wrong with him."

Zhuang Li's mind wandered, the fever did not subside. This seemed to be the manifestation of inflammation, as she lived her nomadic life in Mongolia. Could it be that she had been infected by some sort of plague from drinking an unclean water source? That was not good.

After thinking for a while, she finally made up her mind. She dragged the young eunuch to the teahouse behind Imperial Study. There were always so many cabinets of tea leaves that didn't move an inch throughout the year. Previously, when Zhuang Li was familiar with the teahouse, she had gone through all of them, and some of them were poison teas. She thought that since it was the emperor's tea anyway, she should at least make use of it as a gift.

She set up a small stool and looked at the labels on Xiaoyao's drawers. From time to time, she would reach out a hand to pull them open and take a look. He seemed to remember that his mother had said when he was young that some tea leaves had the ability to detoxify poisons.

Using his modern experience, he managed to grab a few of them. Think about it and put a few of them back... Finally, he placed the remaining handful of tea leaves into a small cloth bag.

"This is the greeting gift to Prince Bi. Take it …"

When the young eunuch received it, he looked at Zhuang Li with suspicion, while Zhuang Li tried her best to act as if she knew what she was doing.

They were all teas that could detoxify the poison and clear the lung. It might be helpful. After all, a cup of tea was not enough to kill a person.

Although young eunuch still had a face full of disgust, he immediately took the small cloth bag and put it in his bosom. After tidying up his clothes, he did not look like he had anything in his clothes, and the mature man patted his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter!" "I will pass on your feelings to the prince …"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and skipped out.

"What love!" This is a concern between friends! "

Zhuang Li immediately reacted and crawled out from under the table in the teahouse. Zhuang Li also reacted and squatted down to grab him, but she forgot that the two of them had different heights after all. The moment she squatted, she slammed onto the corner of the table with a 'pa', causing both of her eyes to see stars in pain.

When she tried again, her eyes were still filled with tears from the pain. She blinked and saw that young eunuch had already reached the entrance of the teahouse.

"Do you need me to tell Prince Bi that you are crying because of this?" He blinked like a little demon.

"Come back for me!" Ouch … "Don't spread the word …"

"I still want to say that your sobbing has caused you to stutter?" His eyes rolled back and forth, and he seemed to come to a sudden realization.

"All day long, you have missed your master's illness and have no way to leave the palace. It was not easy for you to meet such an outstanding and elegant Xiao Wanzi. Don't worry, I understand your intentions. Your highness will also understand your intentions. " He jumped out of the teahouse in front of Zhuang Li, leaving Zhuang Li's hand stretched out in midair … Full of regret...

He didn't know how such a crappy child could be raised in this era … Thinking about it, there were actually quite a few prodigies in this era … For example, the Little White that Li Liangxiao raised …

But compared to this little devil. Lil 'White seemed to be more cute and harmless …

Zhuang Li had finally crawled out from under the table, hesitating. In any case, the child was still waiting for the emperor to come over from the Imperial Study, so she went over to grab him and beat him up, telling him not to speak nonsense. The emperor is already from the imperial court, and is currently heading towards the Imperial Study.

Zhuang Li could only swallow her anger and quickly return to the teahouse to prepare some tea …

It was an extremely early morning, the sun outside was still scorching the ground, but the pomegranate seemed to be even more spirited. Zhuang Li could almost smell the sour smell of it cutting open its small fruit. It was extremely refreshing. Occasionally, a little worry would arise that she would be eaten by the early sparrows before she could grow up.