Dream Breaks One Day


Zhuang Li was shocked, but then she felt happy. She immediately told the vet to take care of him, and she felt like a child. It was hard to say which horse in the army they were carrying.

However, the vet just chuckled and said, "Hehehe …"

"Your highness, your horse is pregnant, but it has nothing to do with the army."

Zhuang Li was suspicious, but the doctor continued to explain.

"The horses in the army are all carefully groomed by the Royal stables, and their morals and mannerisms are strictly cultivated. Furthermore, in order for the horses to be able to serve the Royal Family, they were all fanned out while they were in the stables. This is probably the same logic as the eunuchs in the Great Phoenix Dynasty. "Therefore, it's absolutely impossible for a princess' horse to be pregnant in the army."

The horses were always jumping up and down right under Zhuang Li's nose, and they were always cooped up in the horse shed with the other horses in the army when they were resting.

Zhuang Li thought of the crazy young stallion that the big fellow had sat on when she left for the Violet Sky Mountain in Yinghua City. Without scalp numbness... Most likely, it would be that little wild horse … "She reached out her hand to support her head, wondering what kind of weirdo this horse could give birth to …

As the saying goes. Three cats, four pigs, five lambs, six lambs, one horse, one horse, one horse... Two months longer than a human pregnancy. Although it was said that it could still ride as soon as it was born, Zhuang Li didn't want it to. She just wanted it to be taken care of and slowly followed the team to the back, saying that when she returned to Fanbo City, he wouldn't let it leave the house.

Qing You was ecstatic, she said that she would not jump, and would only stay in the city to eat and fat every day, maybe she would cause a difficult labor.

However, Zhuang Li did not care, the king was anxious to get news of the western border, they were travelling day and night, and had only rested for a few hours every day. Just as they were about to reach their destination in a day, Xi Cuo's letters came back from the Fanbo City.

Xi Cuo took off the bamboo tube that contained the letter from the leg of the sculpture, and then carefully took out the rolled up paper from the tube. After reading it, he suddenly frowned, and called the convoy to stop where they were and rest.

Zhuang Li naturally found it strange, she came out of the carriage and took the note from Xi Cuo's hand. On it were a few simple words:

Reply immediately!

"What does that mean? We have already left for more than a month. Right now, we are about to reach the border, yet you want us to return immediately? "

Zhuang Li did not understand its meaning. Going back now, was naturally to not see the calamity at the border and the situation within the army, and the city behind was West Cold's most important border defense line. If she went back now, all the work she had done before would naturally be for naught.

"This letter is indeed the father's notebook. My carving is also not something that others can easily confuse." Xi Cuo said.

"Did something happen?" Zhuang Li asked.

Although it was inevitable to make such a conjecture in such a situation, what else could happen in the palace? Eldest Prince passed away. The authority of the Third Prince's troops had been lost. Naturally, the city guards with a few hundred men couldn't cause any trouble. Ge Ya was also taking care of the king in the palace, taking care of all big and small affairs. She had even more authority than the concubines in the harem, so what else could happen to the entire palace that was managed by her?

Xi Cuo frowned, he only thought for a moment, then stood up and reorganized the group, and started his return journey.

"If it wasn't for the matters within the West Cold, there's only one possibility." He bit his teeth and spat out a few words

"There must be a problem between Mongolia in the north and the Great Phoenix in the east." He told Qing You and Qing You to sit in the carriage, and that they should return to the Fanbo City within ten days at the fastest speed possible.

The speed of the travel was obviously faster than before. The carriage was shaking severely, and Zhuang Li also felt uneasy in her heart. It was as if there was a fog in front of her, so no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't see clearly. Just like that, she dozed off in the carriage. When she woke up, it was already the beginning of the moon. Her body was covered with a thick blanket, and she was still hurrying on her journey.

Seeing that she had woken up, Qing You took out a water bag and gave it to her, saying that there were some pills to recuperate one's spirit inside. From the time they received the letter, the convoy had only rested once, burying the pots and cooking the rice. Princess Xi Cuo had entered the horse carriage to visit Zhuang Li once, and seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he immediately ordered Qing You to cover her with the blanket, preventing the cold air from entering the horse carriage.

The night and day was only about four to six hours. The soldiers were exhausted, but they did not dare to slack off. Zhuang Li was afraid that something big was going on, she opened the curtain and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew in at night, causing her to shiver. When she looked out the window, she could only see the guards holding torches, the silence was such that only the sounds of horse hooves could be heard, and there seemed to be some kind of trouble brewing under the quiet land.

At this time, they had already reached the Aroma Swallowing City, and this was the closest thing to the borders of the Great Phoenix. Back then, when Zhuang Li had been sold from the Great Phoenix City to the West Cold, this was also the same way as the road into the West Cold, and they had travelled for an unknown number of days and nights without realizing it, so the entire group was already exhausted. I had to stop and rest for a day.

Zhuang Li was also exhausted from staying in the carriage, so she brought Qing You down to take a walk around the city.

Xi Cuo planned to rest at Aroma Swallowing City for the night, and continue his journey tomorrow morning. He estimated that he would reach the Fanbo City in two days.

Ever since she received the news of him returning to the city, she had been feeling uneasy, always feeling that something was going to happen. She just hoped that if she could think of more, she could relax the string she had been straining on.

Xi Cuo was busy going to the master of Aroma Swallowing City Palace to understand the recent situation outside the walls, which was beneficial for his judgement and judgement on the current situation.

This was Zhuang Li's second time entering the Aroma Swallowing City, but back then, she was more afraid of the unknown so she didn't have the chance to look at this city carefully.

"Miss, that year at Aroma Swallowing City's slave market, I ran too slowly, and was caught the moment I left my tent."

"Pear Blossom said that back then, she was the first to be sold to this Aroma Swallowing City's flower pavilion to learn the zither and train dancing skills. If she's here, she can show us around. I wanted to turn around, but I didn't know where to go. "

Most of the houses in Aroma Swallowing City had pagoda-like towers, while most of the women on the streets wore veils, causing the streets to be bustling with activity.

Many people headed towards the same direction. Zhuang Li reached out to grab an old man.

"Where are you all in a hurry to go?"

"The slave trading ground, ah. I heard that another batch of Great Phoenix products have arrived. Let's go watch the show!"

Zhuang Li took a deep breath, "How many people are going to the Great Phoenix Capture?"

The old man looked at Zhuang Li as if he was looking at an outsider, as though saying, "Why don't you even know this?"

"Naturally more. In recent years, there have been more and more of them. Previously, Eldest Prince was opposed to supporting them in secret, but later on, all of the people of Mingli City supported it. Although the Second Prince was the ruler and had said that they needed to control it, how could they change the system after so many years? Furthermore, when they capture someone and bring them back, there will be people buying immediately. This business will naturally become more and more popular. "

It was as if's mind had exploded. If the citizens of the borders of the Great Phoenix were already burning with passion a few years ago, then how could these criminals with West Cold be so easy to obtain? What was the current situation around the borders of the Great Phoenix?

Then what about Wang Su? Didn't he already discover the secret passage to the West Cold of the Great Phoenix? Wasn't it to reorganize the border so that the people could live and work in peace? Did he not get the chance to return to the Great Phoenix?

Zhuang Li suddenly felt a chill on her back, and involuntarily pulled Qing You's hand close to her. She did not understand what kind of undercurrents were behind the peaceful exterior of Da Feng and her West Cold.

In the last ten years, its national power had recovered, and it had become a strong and powerful force. Even the small nearby countries would present gifts to it every year, but on the surface, it was still being suppressed by the Great Phoenix, paying tribute to the Great Phoenix.

The royal family of the Great Phoenix was content with the fun. Although the central city was flourishing, the towns on the border were in an unspeakable state.

Zhuang Li had naturally seen the people's cold feelings from the capital all the way to the border seven years ago. This time, the King told Xi Cuo to return. If it was because of the border, then it was because Da Feng made a move …

She no longer had any thoughts of strolling around and returned to the City Lord's Mansion. Lying on the bed was indeed more comfortable than lying in a bumpy carriage all day long.

Qing You came back and brought back a lot of food, such as oily rice and mutton that was roasted until it was fragrant. It was almost forgotten that it was winter.

"If Xi Cuo is done, tell me and I'll go see him." She finished giving instructions to Qing You and ate a few mouthfuls of rice. Finally, she became tired from the long journey and fell asleep on her bed.

It was already dusk when she woke up. Zhuang Li thought about whether or not Xi Cuo was still in discussion with the City Lord, so she pushed open the door and entered.

"Miss, Your Highness Xi Cuo has just returned."

There was a small courtyard separating Zhuang Li's room and her room. There was a small pond in the middle of the room, which had already turned to ice, and there was a incense stand in the corridor, but no one knew what kind of incense was lit inside. The cigarette was light white, and it smelled warm and sweet.

"Why are you here? You still have to hurry on your journey due to the cold weather tomorrow, you better hurry and rest. If there's anything, send Qing You over to tell me. " As Xi Cuo pulled her into the house, he quickly had the servants start a fire in the furnace. As expected of a city that devoured incense, the fragrance Xi Cuo used was also very different from Zhuang Li's. It was the fragrance of a plant, light and persistent.

"Xi Cuo, I just suddenly thought that the king making you rush back to the Fanbo City this time, is it related to Great Phoenix?"