Dream Breaks One Day


When Zhuang Li woke up, she saw his mother. Although she was surprised, she immediately accepted the reality of the current situation. She had already been lying in the hospital for four whole months. Although she hadn't received any heavy injuries, she had just been in a coma, relying on her blood to maintain her life. This made her appear extremely thin.

The mother in front of him was also very thin, almost a full circle thinner than before. She couldn't help but feel pain in her heart, as if a needle had pierced her.

"Mom …" She shouted, but the business was exceptionally hoarse. Despite the fact that her hand was still in the IV drip, she threw herself into her mother's embrace.

His mother was crying tears of joy. As she sobbed, she held her child in her arms, unable to say anything for a long time.

Since Zhuang Li had already woken up and her body was no longer in a critical condition, she could return home to recuperate. Hearing that she had already been discharged, quite a few of her classmates and good friends came to visit him, with Duan Weilan taking the lead. Almost every day, they would run back to Zhuang Li's house after work. It was as if the two of them had never seen each other in their lives. Although she often visited Zhuang Li when she was in the hospital, it was just that Zhuang Li did not have the means to chat with her at that time …

"You don't know how annoying my boss is …" From the looks of it, she had already accumulated too many grievances and grudges, but she just did not find a suitable person to complain about. Now that Zhuang Li had woken up, she would definitely display all of the points that she had accumulated over the years to her.

Even though Zhuang Li felt tired from time to time and should normally rest well, how could she sleep well with Duan Weilan by her side?

She kept talking about herself, talking about her emotions. She even danced about for a bit, making Zhuang Li feel especially old. She even had the urge to have her mother close the door and send him off …

Zhuang Li had been lying in bed for almost the entire winter, and when she woke up, it was already spring.

Their home was an extremely old-fashioned residential area. It was narrow, small and old, but Zhuang Li had lived here her entire life.

The small courtyard only had neighbors living there for over ten years, and the kitchen window was directly facing the courtyard.

There were several tall parasol trees in the yard, and my mother was busy in the kitchen, preparing to cut noodles. She rubbed her face, Zhuang Li moved over while leaning on the door frame, watching the woman who had raised him up with much effort.

She almost thought she would never see her again. Thinking of this, he felt that his eyes were moist, feeling that he needed to cherish his life.

"Mom, in a few days I'll go to Duan Weilan's place to work."

"You're the good one, stay home and rest for two more months. Mom can still afford to raise you." The woman lifted her head and glanced at her stubborn daughter. Although her family wasn't rich, and she couldn't even be considered a well-off family, she still had to give her daughter the best protection. She always blamed herself for not giving the child a better life. If Zhuang Li had been able to live a better life, perhaps she would not have suffered so much …

"Mom …" I'm a good foot player, okay... "I can jump and run, what's there to worry about. I have to go out to exercise, so I can recover faster …"

"You're a good person, yet you haven't woken up even after so long. I still want to live a little longer, don't scare me …" "Be good at home and stay home obediently …"

"Don't worry, Duan Weilan is a manager right now, I'll go to her department and work under her protection, I won't be bullied …"

She watched her mother knead the dough, then reached out and plucked a small golden fish. She pinched a small golden fish and used her tail to pick the leaves from the parasol tree that stuck out of the window to rub them on. Laughed by my mother

"Do you think you're still a child …"

She looked at her daughter, who was already so slim, and thought of the difficulties she had gone through to raise her. It wasn't hard to raise a child. She just wanted to make life better for her. She always felt sorry for her …

She had followed him since childhood without wearing any new clothes. In her class, she had always been bullied by her classmates. She had never carried a new schoolbag on her back, as she had always used things to make up for her previous mistakes …

However, although they were living in poverty, the two mothers were exceptionally happy as well.

When spring came, they would take their canteens and go on a spring tour. The two of them would eat the same orange on the riverbank.

She was afraid that she was sad, so she didn't remarry, didn't want to have children, and sometimes felt that their lives had already been blessed by the world. Even though she was living a poor life, the happiness and happiness that that little kid had brought her was overwhelming …

Zhuang Li reached out and hugged her from his mother's back, locking her small worries into her embrace. She giggled, as if she had returned back to her childhood. She reached out and put the little goldfish she made on the windowsill in front of his mother.

"Don't throw it away, it's called Wang Qingrou …"

The mother looked at her daughter, who was still very childish, and could do nothing but sigh and tell her that spring was still cold and to wear more clothes. The child, however, seemed to be showing off that he had changed into a spring outfit as if he were physically strong.

When she came back, she also thought about what had happened in that world, and she thought about it often, so much so that she had to get rid of all the characters in her head. She had to continue living, and she also had to put in new feelings and efforts for her life in order to be able to lead a better life for herself and her mother.

Sometimes, when she looked at the tall buildings that were erected around her, she would think that she had probably just had a dream. She looked at her phone, her computer, the people passing by, the engineering blueprints that Duan Weilan had drawn... She couldn't help but laugh... How could this be possible … It was just a dream …

It was just that this dream had been too profound for her to forget …

She even hoped to find traces of that world among the people around her …

She just wanted to know if those things really happened in the past …

She only felt for those people, for Wang Su, and for Qing You … His heart ached for Li Liangxiao … She hoped that they would all be fine, but she would never have the chance to participate in their ending …

Occasionally at midnight, she would call out the child's name … Warm Wang...

She sat up from the bed, and for a moment, even thought that Wang Su was lying beside her …

Regardless of whether that world was real or not, she had truly given out her feelings. For everyone … Even in her dreams, she had truly cried for them.

Let her die...

Her mother couldn't bear her and had no choice but to let her go to work. In the end, she still carried her school bag and appeared in front of the new company, feeling exceptionally excited.

Everyday, after work, she would quickly finish punching the card and run home, followed by Duan Weilan who went to get food.

She wanted to spend more time with her mother. She had almost lost her once, and she knew too well how to think and feel. His mother was very happy when she saw Zhuang Li and come over. With an extra person who spoke a lot now, it was especially lively.

She had already retired. What she loved to do the most every day was to cook for the two kids and take care of household chores. The small room was especially warm after being tidied up.

This day, when Zhuang Li returned home, she saw her mother rummaging for something under the bed.

"I want to tidy up the things you had when you were young, and pile them up under the bed in such a mess …"

"Oh," said Zhuang Li, but her interest was piqued as she shouted loudly.

"Auntie, Auntie, let me help you …" She rolled up her sleeves and followed her down the bed. Zhuang Li shook her head. She really didn't want to see such an overzealous friend at home, so she decided to stay away from him. She went to the kitchen to see what was there to eat. She picked up the kitchen knife and continued cleaning up.

"Lalalalalala!" Following an extremely happy cheer, Duan Weilan crawled out from under the bed. She held something up high, as if she had discovered a pirate's treasure trove of excitement.

"This is your classmate record from when you were young …"

"…" Zhuang Li could not be bothered with her and was only concerned with the chores in her hands. Duan Weilan had always been especially excited about extremely boring things …

"Aiyo, it's actually someone from the calligraphy class..." I was in the countryside when I was a kid, and my mom only let me go there all day, so I can't write well … " Her pure excuse made Zhuang Li even more lazy to bother with her. In her memory, she had indeed been in a calligraphy class for a period of time.

"Look, your teacher looks so weird …" "Why does it look like my mother's calf …" Zhuang Li was normally disinclined to pay any attention to this kind of inexplicable and completely irrelevant commentary. It was just that the other party had already placed the album right in front of him with exceptional enthusiasm, so she couldn't help but perfunctorily glance at it …

This glance immediately caused Zhuang Li to fix her gaze on the picture …

It was a group photo. The tiny little girl looked like she was about to be submerged within the crowd, but she seemed especially spirited. But the most important thing was that there were many little boys standing beside her, causing Zhuang Li to uncontrollably yell out.

"..." Wang Su... "

The boy was small, his facial features were especially exquisite, and was exactly half a head taller than the little Zhuang Li. Holding Zhuang Li's hand, her smile was exceptionally brilliant...

For a moment, Zhuang Li felt as if time had frozen. She thought about the dream she had when she was in the Great Phoenix Palace, where her life was at stake. She raised her head from the desk and saw that Wang Su, who was sitting opposite her, was writing something down. His writing was especially serious. The sunlight shone in from outside the window, and the light from the Wutong tree leaf casually reflected on his forehead. It swayed slightly, as if the entire world had extended endlessly for this single second …

She thought, if only I could keep looking at you like this … How nice it would be...

His mother also came to join in the fun. Looking at this photo album, he didn't know whether to laugh or to cry …

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. When you were in the hospital bed, I even received a call from your former calligraphy teacher, saying that your classmate wanted to set up a reunion and invited you to join. I naturally rejected it back then. In that situation of yours, it is unknown whether you are dead or alive … Right, it should be next month, right … "Do you want to go?"

Zhuang Li suddenly smiled, giving a particularly brilliant response to her mother.

"Of course I have to go …"