Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 546

Floating city slowly stopped at the high altitude near the Fifth Ring tower.

Allen and Alfred said hello, then his body soared into the air, and then appeared in the high air directly through the border shrouding the floating city.

A pair of huge dragon wings stretched out from behind. Allen waved his wings and flew up into the air quickly. The earth under our feet shrinks rapidly, and the mountains in the distance fluctuate. With the continuous increase of height, the horizon has become an arc.

"Bit plane transmission!"


A flash of light flashed, and Allen\'s figure disappeared in an instant.

The dragon\'s body is very adaptable to the astral environment. It is surrounded by dark matter energy. This energy is actually diluted source matter energy, which is more primitive than element energy. If a wizard wants to use it, he must master the transformation of dark matter. The most energy in the astral world is this dark matter energy, and the rest is light energy. If he wants to travel between stars, he must master [energy transformation] This super magic skill.

This super magic technique can convert all kinds of energy into elemental energy. Of course, it can also convert elemental energy into other energy, but there will be energy loss in the process of transformation, which is very practical in the star world.

Allen\'s goal this time is to enter the sealed land through the star world. In the main material plane, the ancient relic area has been occupied by various demonized python. It\'s not easy to enter the sealed land through where. If you are not careful, you may be found, and the guarded Hydra will be more difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, Allen collected a lot of astral material from the space crack in the ancient ruins, leaving a lot of secret marks. Now he is ready to pass through the astral realm and directly enter the land of seal.

In order to cooperate with Allen\'s action, the five ring tower and other wizard organizations have begun a comprehensive counter offensive. This counter offensive is to attract the demonized Python in ancient ruins as much as possible. Create as many opportunities as possible for Allen\'s decapitation.

Allen scattered his mental power and began to perceive those secret Dharma marks, because these secret Dharma marks are not very clear across a spatial barrier.

Gently waving his wings, Allen moves rapidly in the star world. There is no space and no gravity. Allen\'s speed becomes fast in the star world. The giant dragon belongs to magical creatures. They don\'t fly entirely on their wings. The giant dragon has a gifted flying spell.

A star map appears in Allen\'s eyes and marks the surrounding spatial dimensions. Allen moves quickly on the spatial barrier of the wizard world and keeps approaching those secret magic marks.

His perception turns into a huge network and spreads in all directions. There are a large number of spatial nodes in the astral void. Astral mages often rely on these spatial nodes for travel. Allen\'s perception network spreads rapidly and marks out spatial nodes one by one.

"Found it!"

Sensing the fluctuation of the secret seal, Allen showed a happy look in his eyes and suddenly disappeared the next moment.

An aura flashed across, and Allen\'s figure appeared on a space node not far from the mark of the secret method.

Looking at this plane shield, Allen clearly sensed the position of the secret Dharma mark.


"Scan the surrounding plane barrier!"

"Mark the location of the secret seal!"

"Reference material plane coordinates!"

An invisible light wave spread rapidly, a large amount of data crossed Allen\'s eyes, and soon a virtual space figure appeared in Allen\'s eyes.

Mark the secret Dharma marks sensed by Allen one by one and compare them with the material plane!


"Bit plane transmission!"

A portal appeared in front of Allen.

"Eye of reconnaissance!"

With a snap of his fingers, a reconnaissance eye appeared, and then entered the portal under Allen\'s command.

Wizard world, deep in the Rocky Mountains, the ancient relics are close to the central area, where a slight spatial fluctuation appears and then disappears.

More than a dozen reconnaissance eyes appeared here, collected the surrounding scenes, and then passed them to Allen. A large number of pictures kept appearing in Allen\'s mind, presenting the scenes around the secret seal perfectly.

"It seems that the plan is going well!" Allen checked the image passed over for a while. There are not many demonized Python in the figure, and they are still rushing to the outside. Allen calculated that before long, all the demonized Python here will basically evacuate.


Near the Rocky Mountains, many wizard organizations led by the five ring tower have pushed the front to the Rocky Mountains. A large number of demonized Python have been killed, and then skinned and boned into piles of materials.

In a valley, several wizards made a secret search again, walked through the dense woods and carefully entered the valley.

The valley was dark and avoided, and a miasma was shrouded around it. It was not too close. One of the Wizards summoned a snake to sneak in. After waiting for a moment, the snake returned and a light in the wizard\'s hand stimulated it.

"Soul connection!"

The picture in the spirit snake\'s mind instantly appeared in his brain, and a large number of black-and-white pictures appeared. They looked very strange, but they were familiar with it for a long time, and the wizard quickly distinguished what was inside.

"Call the nest, call the nest!"

"This is area D 167.48. A large number of demonized pythons have been found in this area."

"Request fire support, request fire support!"

"Bird\'s nest, copy!"

"Please confirm the coordinates again! Please confirm the coordinates again!"

"Coordinates: D area 167.48, D area 167.48 request fire support."

"Coordinates confirmed, Zone D 167.48."

"Please leave the area as soon as possible. Fire attack will be carried out in 30 seconds. Please leave the area as soon as possible and fire attack will be carried out in 30 seconds."

After reporting the group coordinates, several people looked at each other, then performed flying skills one by one and quickly left the area. Shortly after they left, a purple torrent cut through the sky.


When the huge explosion came, the valley was razed to the ground in an instant, strong element fluctuations came, a huge mushroom cloud rose in an instant, and the rock trees demonized the python, which dissipated in an instant under this powerful attack. The air wave generated by the explosion quickly spread around, sweeping everything around.

"Too powerful." several wizards stood in mid air and looked at the place where they had just hit. They didn\'t return to their senses for a long time. This kind of power is like destroying heaven and earth, which makes people unable to rise the idea of resistance.

"With this big killer, those demons don\'t talk at all."

"The five ring tower is too powerful." although it is not the first time to see the power of this weapon, these wizards are still shocked. As a wizard, he was conquered by this powerful magical creation at the moment of seeing the floating city for the first time.

Subsequently, the five ring tower began to attack with all its strength. The originally precarious front line was instantly stable. The demonized Python was destroyed one after another, and the demonized Python groups on the front line were destroyed one after another.

The Fifth Ring tower dispatched the floating city, and the war was directly reversed by it. Even against the demon legion, this kind of big killer is not empty, not to mention these demonized python.

Once the number of demonized Python reaches a certain level, the super power particle magic guide gun in the floating city will fire instantly. The purple element energy crosses the sky and can empty a large number of snakes in an instant.

The number, the greatest advantage of enchanting python, has completely lost its function at this time. If not for the huge energy consumption of the floating city, the five ring towers can even be pushed all the way to the ancient ruins. However, even if the Fifth Ring tower has tried to reduce energy consumption, the energy stored in the floating city is close to the warning value.

The floating city doesn\'t move fast in the material plane and can\'t catch up with the Hydra at all. That\'s why the five ring tower didn\'t hang the Hydra with this big killing device at the beginning. Moreover, the life of the floating city is limited. If you want to kill the Hydra with it, unless the Hydra dies and runs to the attack range of the floating city.

The five ring tower is not too forced, but constantly eliminate the demonized Python group and let the demonized Python in the sealed land come out.

Other wizard organizations around have been stunned by the strength of the Fifth Ring tower. They didn\'t expect that the Fifth Ring tower actually built this legendary thing. After seeing the power of the floating city, they were even more frightened. They had no way to resist this kind of big killer, unless they also built a floating city, Just according to their technical knowledge reserves of barely manufacturing floating towers, it is impossible to build floating cities.

Wizard organizations such as Goethe college, black crow college and emerald tower, who originally wanted to say goodbye to the Fifth Ring tower, were honest one by one after seeing the killer mace of the Fifth Ring tower. That expression was like telling others that I was a good baby

As for the wizard alliance and the northern witches, they also looked at the floating city with bright eyes. When they were shocked, they also secretly determined to build their floating city as soon as possible.

Different from other wizard organizations, they have just traded the design of the element furnace with Allen. As long as they understand the above technology, they can try to make it. It is believed that the wizard alliance and the floating city of northern witches will be built soon.

At that time, the wizard world with four floating cities will not be afraid of the abyss invasion. Even if the abyss will force a large number of demon lords and demon legions to come here, they will be annihilated by many floating cities.

Allen waited for some time. After most of the demonized Python in the sealed land left, he finally began to take action.

"Bit plane transmission!"


An aura flashed across, and Allen\'s figure had appeared in the place of the seal.

"Danger alert!"

"Danger alert!"

"Scan malicious targets!... the danger level is the highest!... it is recommended that the owner evacuate!"

"Scan evil Aura!"

"Scan to the toxin field!"

"Scan into fear!"

"The target creature is scanned as hate level! It has Hydra blood!"

As Allen appeared here, he easily felt the evil smell around him. When he looked up, Hydra, which was like a hill in the distance, was coiled together to rest, but Allen obviously felt that his breath was slowly rising.