Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 432

Allen is invisible in midair. The scanning function of the chip has reached its maximum and monitors the surrounding situation all the time.

After completing the adult ceremony, the iron warrior said goodbye to the heroine. A huge object was scanned by Allen\'s chip. This is a space warship. The whole warship is invisible. The technology of the iron warrior can be optically invisible. In Allen\'s real vision, he clearly saw the whole warship.

The iron blooded warship is more than five kilometers long, one kilometer high and two kilometers wide. The whole warship looks like a trident. The middle part is the main body of the warship. The appearance of the warship is full of the ethnic style of iron blood soldiers.

In Allen\'s sight, the powerful warship landed slowly on the ice sheet. The hatch opened slowly, and five iron soldiers came out slowly. The first one was more burly and strong, and his equipment was much more gorgeous. Unlike other iron warriors, this is an iron warrior elder.

Iron warrior elders are the oldest and most experienced among iron warriors. They survived a long war. Each of them is a good fighter and equipped with more sophisticated weapons. The back four are adult iron soldiers, and traces can be seen on their masks. This is their mark after killing the enemy, and it is also their glory.

Looking at the remaining iron warrior, he found a telescopic spear, and then followed him to the warship. Alan flashed and followed in.

The spaceship took off again, soon passed through the atmosphere and came back to the universe. Alan followed the iron blood elder to a lounge. When he saw that there was no one else, he instantly activated the spell.


"Dominate mankind!"

Two spiritual lights rose one after another and directly controlled the iron blood elder. Although the iron blood warrior race has developed science and technology and strong flesh, they don\'t know magic, so Alan easily controlled the iron blood elder.

Allen showed up after controlling the iron blood veteran\'s room closed.

"Proficient in language."


After successfully enslaved the iron elder, Allen began to control the warship with the help of the iron elder. Iron blood warriors are divided according to clans. There are many different clans in the whole iron blood warriors, and each iron blood warship is a small clan.

The iron blood elder enslaved by Allen belongs to the zhanren clan. The clan is not large and the number is only thousands. With the help of the iron blood elder, Allen soon enslaved the clan. This iron blood war is completely controlled by Allen.

In the process of Alan\'s enslavement, there was an episode in which the iron warrior who had just completed the rite of passage test was parasitized by an alien. And completed the hatching and became an iron blood alien. This iron blood alien is much stronger than those in the pyramid. It is not only more than three meters tall, but also has greatly improved its strength and speed. Ordinary iron blood soldiers are not their opponents without the help of hot weapons.

Unfortunately, he was discovered by Allen when he just finished hatching and didn\'t show his skills, and then it became a material in Allen\'s laboratory.

After taking full control of the iron blood clan, Allen began to see the iron blood warship.

"Iron blood battleship (Mothership):

The standard displacement is 700 billion tons; it is 5.73 km long, 2.42 km wide and 1.23 km high. It is equipped with three S-class large particle main guns, 36 B-class particle main guns and 500 D-class ion sub guns. It has a large optical stealth device, which can be completely invisible, and is equipped with fire control radar.

Armor: plasma shield, with energy intensity of class A, can withstand five attacks from class s main guns. The warship\'s own armor can withstand seven attacks from main guns. The Mothership is equipped with self explosion device. After all iron blood soldiers die, in order to avoid the warship falling into the hands of others, it will enter self destruction.

The mother ship has auxiliary buildings such as delivery warehouse, reconnaissance ship, manufacturing center, maintenance center, medical center and training center. "

According to the configuration of this Mothership, tens of thousands of people can live in it and easily destroy civilizations of this level like the earth. AI Lu checked the situation of the Mothership and was very satisfied. This cosmic warship is powerful. But Allen\'s favorite is the technical information carried on the mother ship.

After allowing the iron blood veteran to translate the data, Allen began to let the chip download, and a large number of data streams quickly poured into the chip. These scientific and technological data belonging to the iron blood warrior were quickly downloaded.

With this knowledge, Allen began to read all kinds of information about iron warriors. As a race that has entered the universe, iron warriors are undoubtedly powerful, but there are some other races in the universe. Although there were some wars among various races at the beginning of the encounter, they subsided later.

Because they soon realized that the universe was too vast for one race to occupy.

Allen found some interesting things about the earth in the iron warrior\'s database. When the iron warrior found the earth, humans had appeared on the earth.

However, at that time, the earth was not only human, but also another race, that is, the "creator" who created human beings. This powerful civilization guided human development. They took the earth as a test ground and destroyed it after civilization developed to a certain extent.

After that, these "creators" will create humans again. Over and over again, only the iron warriors recorded three times of destruction. However, after the last creation of humans, when humans developed to a certain extent and were ready to destroy them again, these creators had problems themselves.

Their powerful biotechnology has won them the title of creator, but it also makes them more and more unscrupulous. They want to create a perfect biological weapon - alien, ready to take it to the earth and use it as their test ground.

Just because of an accident, the biochemical weapons were out of control. As a result, these powerful creators ate the consequences and were destroyed by the biochemical weapons they invented.

This time, mankind was lucky to escape. After that, mankind in the early stage of civilization encountered another civilization. It is very different that the creator civilization is proficient in powerful biotechnology. This civilization belongs to material civilization. They are iron blood soldiers. Powerful iron blood soldiers are regarded as the same gods as the creator by human beings on earth.

After losing the guidance of the creator, human beings continue to develop under the guidance of iron warriors, and iron warriors regard this as a testing ground for adult rites of their ethnic group. They capture the alien queen created by the creator, parasitize the alien eggs produced by the alien queen in human bodies, cultivate powerful aliens, and then hunt them.