Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 196

The fire dragon egg is still in the incubation period. Allen has checked that the egg will hatch soon. Allen is still full of expectations for the new species he has created.

Soon three days passed. On that day, Allen was planting the demonized plants collected from the Harry Potter World in the ecological park. Tallinn suddenly informed Allen.

"Master! The life characteristics of fire dragon eggs are very active. They are expected to be born soon."

"It seems that the fire dragon will also be born."

"Well, Alex, you\'re playing by yourself. I\'ll bring you a little partner." he touched its little head and let him play by himself. Alan turned and left the ecological park.

After a month in the element pool, the element siphon appeared again. When the element energy dissipated, a little guy broke his shell. The little guy was just born, about the same size as a wild dog. He was covered with silver scales and looked like a lizard.

Looking forward to the little guy, the Dragon silk didn\'t care about its owner, turned and ate the eggshell.

"What\'s the matter? With the blood of the white dragon among the five colored dragons, did you not get the Dragon inheritance?" Allen looked at it with some uncertainty.

Whether it\'s the records of dragons in the five ring tower or the books in tibis world, dragons will shout their real names when they are born and then inherit them. Some subspecies with rich blood will also be inherited. Although this little guy is not a pure blood dragon, he has implanted white dragon blood, and his blood is also very rich. Now he has nothing.

Is it because of the influence of fire dragon blood or other reasons? After looking at the little guy who is still destroying the eggshell, Allen snapped his fingers and a piece of fresh beef appeared on the platform.

The little guy who had just solved the eggshell jumped directly on it and began to bite hard. He watched the two sharp teeth tear the beef easily and then swallow it quickly.

Soon, the beef twice the size of its body had been eaten by it. After eliminating the food, the next guy directly fell asleep on the stone platform.

After looking at the sleeping dragon, Allen ordered taling to keep watching, and then left the element pool directly.

"Chip! Extract all books related to dragons!"

"Extraction completed!"

"Screen out questions about Dragon inheritance!"

"After filtering, whether to implant or not."


After a large amount of information poured in, Allen closed his eyes and began to climb over, and soon found the answer.

Dragon creatures will call their real names at birth. In most cases, dragon subspecies with thin blood will not obtain inheritance knowledge, and only some with rich blood will obtain partial inheritance.

"The eggs produced by the pure blood dragon family sometimes degenerate in wisdom. In this case, the young dragon\'s wisdom is equivalent to a beast and will not inherit the dragon\'s knowledge. Generally, these young dragons who fail to inherit the dragon family\'s wisdom will be expelled from the nest, and some evil dragons will directly kill these young dragons with developmental defects." - Asgard, the habits of five color dragons.

Seeing this, Allen finally understood the state of the young dragon. It is likely that the young dragon is a dragon with degraded wisdom, and the proportion of this kind of wisdom degraded dragon is the highest among the white dragons, because the white dragon is the largest among all dragons.

Looking at this stupid dragon, Alan had a big head and was finally born. He was actually a brain cripple... And this heartless thing was gnawing hard with a marble column. The marble was attached with runes and became very hard. It was not damaged after gnawing for a long time. He kicked the brain crippled dragon with no response. It was really a brain crippled young dragon. How happy it was.

After working hard for so long, I thought I could shake the dragon body and kill all sides after birth. As a result, a brain cripple came out of the dragon body. Alan said MMP was stuck in his throat.

If you want to directly destroy humanity, you have to come again. You are worried that the next one will still be brain crippled. Allen studied the birth rate of white dragon\'s mentally retarded, which is as high as 30%. As for those Asian dragons who are directly beasts, Allen has a liver ache at the thought of spending so much.

Continue to raise it. With this IQ, I saw the energetic brain crippled dragon biting everywhere in the house. At most, it is a erha. Even if it has good talent, the growth space is very limited. If you want to reduce the loss, you can only see if there is a remedy.

Directly open the books stored on the chip, Allen began to screen the data to the urine of the arcane masters. They can\'t help studying the creature dragon. Maybe there is a solution.

A large number of books and materials are classified and screened in the chip. As expected, there are solutions, and there are more than one way. The best way is to find a Dragon God and let the Dragon God give it a blessing. It can not only cure the brain disability, but also greatly increase the potential and benefits. However, in the world of wizards, you can go there to find the Dragon God, even if you have, When the Dragon God sees the brain crippled dragon you made, it is most likely that a breath of dragon breath will burn you to ashes. Kill you who desecrates the dragon\'s blood.

The second way is to make a wish. This spell can achieve all wishes, but please note that its realization may deviate from your understanding,.

Wishing, after casting this magic, as long as the caster loudly says "I wish," the subsequent words will become a real event. However, the requirements of this magic are so harsh that it will reduce the user\'s life by five years, and he can\'t use magic for a period of time when he is weak.

Of course, these are not the worst. The worst thing is that no one knows how this magic will work. Once some arcane masters made a wish to live forever. As a result, they were sent to an unknown place to sleep after pretending to be dead - but he was not dead.

Some wizards wish to get the treasure. When they open their eyes, they either find themselves buried in the ore vein or face the angry dragon - similarly, they do have a lot of treasure in their few lives. It did fulfill your wish.

What\'s more, after wishing to kill the enemy, a meteorite fell down and killed the two people together... After countless ancestors explored in the dark, they finally found a limited number of ways to make a safe wish, but the small number is pitiful. This magic has become a famous top waste wood magic and is widely spread - few people use it.

Allen looked at it and turned his eyes. After chip reasoning research, this spell can also be expressed in rigorous language, but his life is reduced by five years and he can\'t use spells. The side effects are too great, so he was directly crossed.