Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 182

"Then it\'s my turn to \'faint to the ground\'."

Allen flicked his hand and several red lights were emitted directly.

"Armor protection!" almost instantly, these Aurors cast this spell.

The red light hit directly, but the heart sank directly at the moment of contact. As elite wizards, these people fight against black wizards all year round. This spell is the most used and has been perfected by them. This is this. Although they live the sleeping spell, the armor protection also becomes shaky.

"Come on! Suppress him and don\'t let him do it again." seeing this, Auror, the leader, shouted loudly.

"-- fainted to the ground!"

The wizard raised his staff and shouted, and six red lights flew to Allen.

Sleeping spell can make people or animals fall into a deep sleep instantly. Allen\'s research found that this spell has a worse effect on animals or people with larger body size and higher physical quality. These Aurors fought with black wizards all year round. They were skilled in the manipulation of this spell. Several red lights directly sealed Allen\'s hiding space.

Allen smiled and pointed to one of Aurors: "change shape and shadow."

There was a twist in the space. Allen and the Auror had exchanged positions. The red light of the sleeping spell hit his body instantly. The armor guard spell was broken only once, and the next five red lights all disappeared into his body.

The Auror rolled his eyes and fell directly from the air.

"Tut Tut, what a pity. This tall man fell down. It is estimated that he will stay in the hospital for the first half of the year," Alan said gloating.

"Jimmy!" exclaimed the other Aurors, looking at Allen with unprecedented dignity. Shape shifting and shadow changing was improved by Allen according to the phantom development of the world. Based on the rules of the world, this spell can only be used in the world.

Seeing that Allen could use this spell, several Aurors didn\'t dare to output it with all their strength. They were worried that one didn\'t pay attention and hurt the friendly army by mistake.

"It\'s boring. This is the Auror blowing the sky? None of them can fight." Alan looked at the embarrassed wizards with his mouth curled and sneered.

He has fought with wizards in the world for several times, and Allen is fully familiar with their fighting style. These wizards do not use detection, blockade, control, weakening or gain. They move by flying blankets or brooms. The only weapon is the magic wand.

When fighting, two people shoot at each other. The weaker one resists hard by the armor curse, and the stronger one avoids in advance. This style looks like the instant vision of the police and bandits in the previous Hong Kong and Taiwan films.

When you shoot, I\'ll shoot. It depends on who\'s good at shooting. Coupled with the flying broom, the movement speed expands a lot. After he is completely familiar with their operation, Alan doesn\'t intend to continue playing.

"-- gravity!"

A force appeared out of thin air and shrouded the Aurors flying on broomsticks. Their originally agile speed suddenly decreased, and then red lights came in a flash, breaking the armor spell, and the next one directly hit their bodies.

These aurogans couldn\'t react. They were all hit. Their body stagnated and fell directly from mid air.

After solving these flies, Allen moved his muscles and bones, grabbed several fire dragons, and then a light rose, and the man had disappeared.

"Recently, dragon thieves have frequently attacked the world\'s major fire dragon reserves, and the major reserves have been besieged, chased and intercepted, but without any results. On the contrary, the Dragon thieves have been successful repeatedly. There are even some rumors that the Dragon thieves are not alone, they are a group of premeditated and planned teams! The fire dragon reserves all over the world are in their shadow Shivering, Merlin, who can tell me that those Aurors eat dry food? They have nothing to do with a dragon thief who fights with black wizards all the year round, and they exaggerate the strength of these people. They actually say that it was done by themselves. Oh, my God, it\'s really kidding. I think even Merlin can\'t be so strong. These people have no choice to shirk their responsibility It\'s time for dough. "- Daily Prophet.


After being surrounded by Auror and then hanged by Allen, these unconvinced Aurors have prepared more people to ambush Allen. But if the fight can be won only by more people, what magic can I learn? Naive!

The fate of these people can be imagined. When they were in Norway, they were perceived in advance by Allen. After a large-scale silence, the world directly calmed down. After Allen left, there were a group of wizards sleeping peacefully. The sleep quality of these people was too poor. Allen helped them sleep. Don\'t thank me. I\'m a good man.

After successive failures, these people still didn\'t give up, but finally after more than 100 people were killed, these people turned a blind eye to Allen\'s arrest of the fire dragon. Allen thought that these people were preparing a plot. As a result, these reserves directly ignored Allen, and even Allen swaggered in and pretended not to see it.

Alan, who was ignored, looked boring and grabbed several fire dragons and left directly. After Alan left, the Wizards in the Reserve took a long breath and finally sent the devil away.

The green dragon of Wales, the black dragon of the khhidiri islands, the Hungarian tree bee dragon, oh, by the way, it is said that this kind of dragon is used to roast chestnuts. It tastes very good. The backbone dragon of Norway, the longhorn dragon of Romania, the short nose dragon of Switzerland, the iron belly of Ukraine, the Fireball Dragon of Catalonia, Spain and the long kiss dragon of Portugal. Huaxia fire dragon has made several dragons and beasts of all kinds in the world.

After seeing the harvest, Allen nodded with satisfaction, and then came to the wizard world of rotten country. This time, he was going to buy something here. There are many magical plants in the world. Allen didn\'t have time to collect them all over the world. As the most advanced and powerful wizard country in the world, there are also the most complete things here.

Diagon Alley, the magic plant store, bought one of all the plant seeds and several books about magic plants. He turned around and left. There are many wonderful regulations in the wizard world. It\'s better to prohibit the large-scale use of Muggle items. Allen thinks these people are really antique. Things like mobile phones are much faster than magic mirror flying powder, They don\'t use it.

There is also money. It is the 21st century and metal money is still used. They only need to do a little to upgrade the financial system. Shaking his head, Allen went directly to the inverted Lane next to him. There are a lot of contraband here. Many things that he didn\'t have in Diagon lane can be found with some thought. He ordered a phoenix egg in a store, and Allen left with his things.