Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 617 Dying Counterattack

Chapter 617 - Rebellion before Death

In this nine nether regions, no matter how strong the Wind Cloud Guild was, they were existences similar to dog s.h.i.t to two Long Chen.

He had seen Long Yue yesterday, and today, they might have gone somewhere else, but they should be somewhere nearby. If Long Yue did not succeed, then with so many people chasing after one person, as long as they appeared in Long Chen's field of vision, they would definitely be discovered!

Long Chen and the grey young master moved apart. They maintained a distance of more than a hundred meters, allowing them to see each other, then pushed forward layer by layer, both of them extremely nervous when they heard that Long Yue was being pursued. That whatever Wind Cloud Guild, was a power born of a bandit, so they were not even afraid of the Martial Alliance.

Grey rolling clouds covered the entire horizon, and a desolate cold wind swept through this vast wilderness. It was as if this grey land would never end.

When they ran over here, Long Yue was already exhausted. After half a month had pa.s.sed, most of the time they were chasing and killing her, and she had almost used up all of the True Essence in her body.

Due to falling on the grey ground several times, her clothes were stained with dirt and traces of blood could be seen on her clothes. This was not only her own blood, but the blood of others!

After running all the way, Long Yue only felt dizzy and she fell on the ground accidentally. Her body told her that she really wanted to lie here and rest, but when she thought of the pursuers behind her, she quickly regained her senses.

"No!" You can't stop or you'll really lose your life! " Behind her, the Wind Cloud Society members were still in hot pursuit. In the beginning, it was them who had set their sights on Long Yue. After Long Yue killed their comrade, her initial greed and hatred made it so that as long as they caught up to her, she would definitely end up in a miserable state!

Long Yue never thought that she would actually die in this place, in the hands of these people!

At this moment, she clenched her teeth and quickly got up from the ground. Her originally rosy face was now incomparably pale. The injuries she had suffered at the Martial Emperor's place, coupled with the days of constant running and consumption of true essence, were all on the verge of collapse.

After getting up, she didn't know how long she would be able to walk for. She gritted her teeth as she continued moving forward. The roars and obscene laughter of the people behind her were getting closer and closer.

Hearing these beast-like voices, Long Yue realized that she was actually a little afraid. Her personality had always been so strong, she wasn't even afraid when facing Martial Emperor. But this person from Wind Cloud Guild had stayed in nine nether regions for too long, and had suffered too much from nine nether regions, so he was now no different from a wild beast.

The strength in her body was quickly being exhausted, and it seemed like she could not hold on much longer. The more Long Yue used the remaining True Essence, the more dizzy she felt!

"What do I need to do to escape?" In truth, she was not afraid of death. It was just that in these many days, she did not even manage to find her brother, and was still worried. If both of them died here, then the Long Family would truly be a dead end.

Long Yue's legs once again went soft, and she fell onto the ground. This time, she was stunned for a moment, and did not immediately get up like last time. It was because of this that the people behind her immediately sped up crazily and caught up.

When Long Yue crawled up, and protected herself with their cold eyes, those people had already caught up. They surrounded Long Yue, a total of five middle-aged men, all of them dressed in rags, their hair in a mess, like beggars, their bodies dirty and messy. However, their Profound Spirit Qi was much heavier than Long Yue's, and now they had enough king crystal to replenish them.

Everyone's eyes were fiendish, full of hatred and l.u.s.t. One of the skinnier middle-aged men rushed forward, panting heavily as he stared straight at Long Yue, while revealing a strong desire!

"Long Yue! Originally, I thought that I would be imprisoned in the nine nether regions and thus, I didn't have a chance. Unexpectedly, you actually came in, you once defeated me and now you even killed members of my Wind Cloud a.s.sociation! Today, I, Feng Zhiyun, will fight you for both old and new grudges! "

This man's clothes were slightly better than the others'. He was the boss of the Wind Cloud Society, and with enough king crystal s, he was able to thrive in the nine nether regions. Not many people had obtained king crystal s, and they were not stronger than him.

Long Yue knew, if not for those king crystal, they would not have lived this long. This nine nether regions was truly extremely barren, however, Long Yue later found out that a lot of people were digging holes in the ground, and only later did she find out, that under this nine nether regions, if they were lucky, they could actually dig one or two unburied king crystal!

It was these king crystal that were hidden underground, and these king crystal that were brought here by newbies from time to time. Only these people were able to survive until today.

Looking coldly at Feng Zhiyun, the corner of Long Yue's mouth revealed a cold smile, and said: "You are already a long dead person, yet you are still alive and breathing in this nine nether regions. Those who came here were just a bunch of pitiful people. Even though you have overpowered them, you are still nothing more than a pitiful person! "

Long Yue's taunt had poked a hole in Feng Zhiyun's sore spot. Indeed, no matter how mighty he was in the nine nether regions, in the eyes of outsiders, he was nothing more than a joke.

This ridicule made Feng Zhiyun even more furious!

"Good!" Good! But I, Feng Zhiyun, like to bully pitiful people, so what? You fell into my hands today, so don't expect me to let you go! I have not tasted a woman for ten years, especially a girl like you, who is blessed by the heavens, she is simply a woman of the highest quality! I never thought that I, Feng Zhiyun, would be able to play with such a woman in my lifetime! This life was worth it! After I finish playing with you, I'll still let my brothers have a good time! Furthermore, I will not let you die so easily. As long as I can live, I will use you as a tool to vent my thirst! "

"Boss, mighty!" Upon hearing Feng Zhiyun's words, the other four members of Wind Cloud Guild also revealed surprised and excited expressions. How could they not drool over such a beautiful woman!

Good brothers had to be shared between each other.

Long Yue, however, was not scared by him. She sneered and shook her head, saying: "No matter what, in my heart, you will always be a defeated opponent, a trash."

Long Yue was not afraid of them, who could stop her if she committed suicide? She only felt that it was a pity that she couldn't find her brother.

Being surrounded by Long Yue like this, Feng Zhiyun's heart was filled with anger. He roared, and without wasting any more words with Long Yue, he roared: "Attack! Together, we have already wasted two king crystal s for this woman.

"Yes, boss!" Those four warriors all revealed greedy expressions on their faces as they pounced towards Long Yue's alluring and alluring body. After so many years, their attacks had become completely disorderly.

Long Yue's current primeval essence was no longer enough for her, so of course it included Dragonsoul Transformation. However, even without the Dragon Soul Transformation, she still had a foundation at the third level of the Earth Martial Stage.

"Soulcatcher claw!" Relying only on his physical strength and the little remaining Innate True Origin, Long Yue was prepared to fight them one more time. Killing one was one, killing a pair was one only!

The truly fighting spirit of Long Yue was even more terrifying than what they had imagined. The Soulcatcher claw was originally a very fierce attack, and with Long Yue's crazy attacks that did not care about her life, the few Wind Cloud Guild warriors that had not fought for a long time were not her opponents, and were forced to retreat step by step by Long Yue!

"Die!" "Five Dragons Breaking Heaven!" Long Yue had originally wanted to get close to Feng Zhiyun, and was the last to get rid of her, but she never expected that Feng Zhiyun did not even take action, and only used a few of his subordinates to surround Long Yue!

Even if it were his subordinates, as long as they had enough king crystal s, they would be able to seriously injure Long Yue, who had exhausted all of her primeval essence. At the same time, he would also be able to guarantee her safety.

Feng Zhiyun was right, it was best that Long Yue used up the last of his strength to counterattack. She used the last bit of her strength to unleash the Five Dragons Sky Breaking Dragon Claw, and the five blood-red divine dragon claw marks, four of them attacked the four Storm a.s.sociation martial artists separately. Long Yue's desperate attack was not something the four of them who could defend against at the first stage of the Earth Martial Stage.

"No!" Feng Zhiyun used all of his strength and blocked the attack of Long Yue's final claw. He had still underestimated the power of Long Chen, which was why he ended up losing four of his subordinates!

Of course, Long Yue gave it her all. After killing the last four people, she weakly fell onto the ground, unable to continue fighting against Feng Zhiyun anymore. All the power in her body quickly left her, and her body was weak as her consciousness quickly disappeared.

The only thing that could be heard was Feng Zhiyun's enraged roar! His four subordinates were still of great use to him. After being together for more than ten years, they still had a bit of brotherly affection for each other. But now, they were all dead.

After Feng Zhiyun let out a few roars with his red eyes, he suddenly stopped and coldly laughed: "Good! Good! Now that they are dead, then Long Yue will be mine to enjoy. You will belong to me alone, and after they are dead, I will have even more king crystal to use! That's right! "That's right!"