Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 602 Grand Corpse Method

Chapter 602 - Great Zombie Law

Compared to the first battle, the second battle was even more exciting. Mo Xiaolang quickly ended the battle, and the second battle was the most critical one, because the victor of this battle directly determined the outcome of both sides. It also determined the fate of countless people!

Amidst the crowd's nervous gazes, Jiang Wuya's Ancient Devil Fist Scripture was a middle king level battle skill, and was indeed stronger than the opponent's by a level. Therefore, this punch, directly sent the opponent flying, and with the power of Devil Swallowing the world, Jiang Kun spat out a mouthful of blood and fell onto the ground, rolling for a few rounds!

He won just like that?

Warring Clan and the Dragon Clan were stunned at the moment. Very quickly, it turned into absolute surprise, did this mean that the planned war of annihilation would not have to fight anymore?

Wasn't today's final victory too early?

When the others were preparing to cheer, he stared fixedly at Jiang Kun. At this time, just as Jiang Wuya was about to add a trick up for Jiang Kun to get in case something unexpected happened, he suddenly jumped and got up from the ground!

Blood was still flowing out from the corner of his mouth, but Jiang Kun seemed to have no idea about it at all. In his eyes, there was only a beastly glint.

Injured, he could actually get up so quickly?

The originally excited mood disappeared without a trace as Jiang Kun crawled back up once again. The current Jiang Kun had a sinister expression, looking somewhat strange. Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what the situation was.

"I don't want to die, but I can't lose! You forced my hand! " Jiang Kun lowered his head, and suddenly said with a gloomy smile.

On Long Chen's side, no one understood what he meant, but everyone's hearts were taut. Especially Jiang Wuya, who, seeing that victory was in sight, suddenly went berserk. He did not dare be careless at all!

Without stopping, Jiang Wuya continued to dash towards Jiang Kun. The fist in his hand turned into a heavy demon shadow, shrouding towards Jiang Kun!

That devilish devouring move from before, had already defeated Jiang Kun once, and Jiang Wuya believed that he could do it twice, or three times!

However, when Jiang Wuya took action, Jiang Kun let out a furious roar, and then, everyone could see that his body had actually undergone a huge change!


His body, which originally did not have much flesh, was rapidly shrinking. Soon, all that was left of him was skin and bones. Waves of green smoke were emitted from his body, and the stench of rotting corpses could be felt in the air!


Jiang Kun raised his head. The current him did not have a single bit of flesh on his face, his two eyeb.a.l.l.s were swaying, and he looked like a skeleton wrapped in human skin! With a green face and fierce teeth, it was truly terrifying!

"What's going on!?" Seeing Jiang Kun suddenly become like this, Long Chen did not expect this at all. He only knew that when Yang Ningfeng asked Jiang Kun to make a move, Jiang Kun should definitely be difficult to deal with!

As expected, just as Jiang Kun was about to lose, his body underwent such a change!

"Great Zombie Technique!" Right at this moment, Lan Ling'er suddenly exclaimed. Her knowledge was actually a bit greater than others, and when she saw Jiang Kun's appearance, she instantly exclaimed out loud!

Everyone turned to look at Lan Ling'er and asked: "Great Zombie Technique? What's the use of it? "

Lan Ling'er's eyes revealed fear and worry, and said: "Great zombie technique, this is a lost technique long time ago in the Holy Martial Empire, it is a kind of evil technique, using the great zombie technique, it can burn the essence of the flesh and blood in the body, transforming it into strength, used in a desperate attack, after using the great zombie technique, one can increase their attack power by at least five times, but the result is, death!"

Attack strength increased five times?

Jiang Kun's attack power was originally only slightly weaker than Jiang Wuya's, but now, his attack power had increased five times, how could Jiang Wuya endure it?

At this time, facing Jiang Kun who was like a zombie, Jiang Wuya did not retreat, although he had heard Lan Ling'er's a.n.a.lysis, but the future of Warring Clan was in his hands, how could he retreat?

"Five times" Jiang Wuya clenched his teeth, and thought to himself: "Five times of strength, this Jiang Kun is enough to kill me, I can only give it my all! Even if I die, I can't lose! "

He knew the consequences of losing. Once he lost, the tens of thousands of lives in the Warring Clan would be lost in vain because of him. Jiang Wuya's heart was under great pressure!

"We can't lose! We absolutely can't lose!" He clenched his fists and reminded himself that he was only one step away from victory, and he was even more unwilling to retreat!

"Second Brother, admit defeat!" Hearing Lan Ling'er's words, Lei Zhen had a rough estimate in his heart. He could feel the strong aura exploding out of Jiang Kun's body, it was a terrifying existence that was almost comparable to the third stage of the Earth Martial Stage, how could Jiang Wuya withstand it?

Lei Zhen was ready to fight to the death.

Ten days ago, he was already prepared to fight to the death!

"I'll try again." Jiang Wuya's calm voice came from the front.


His body first disappeared, then appeared again. One move devoured the world, while the other carried the power of the heaven and earth, as he charged towards Jiang Kun once again. A black vortex turned into a fist imprint, smashing towards Jiang Kun!


The skinny Jiang Kun actually let out a beast-like roar. When he opened his mouth, the tongue inside had already rotted away, and only green pus could be seen.

Once his strength was depleted, he would definitely die!

However, it would depend on whether Jiang Wuya could hold on until then!

With a roar, he faced Jiang Wuya's attack, and Jiang Kun immediately extended out his fist, directly colliding with Jiang Wuya's fist!

Ka ka!

Jiang Wuya screamed in pain and immediately flew back.

At this time, not only was Jiang Kun's speed fast, his strength was also powerful to the point where it was difficult for Jiang Wuya to handle. His enormous strength had directly broken the bones in Jiang Wuya's arm, and a large portion of it had already shattered.

With just one attack, Jiang Wuya had lost the fighting strength of one of his arms!

"Second Brother, admit defeat!" This time, not only did Lei Zhen say those words anxiously, the other people's faces also changed drastically, causing Jiang Wuya to quickly admit defeat.

The current Jiang Kun was not someone Jiang Wuya could deal with!

"NO!" In his current state, there's no way he'll be able to hold on for long. I just need to hold on for a little longer, and we'll win! " Jiang Wuya stabilized his body, on his arm, although there was some pain, Jiang Wuya did not even frown!

He endured!

Drops of blood dripped from his arm.

He lowered his head, and looked coldly at Jiang Kun who was looking at him with contempt.

"With this method, even if you defeat me, what do you have to be proud of?" Jiang Wuya's face revealed a mocking smile.

Jiang Kun did not know how to speak, but Yang Ningfeng did mention him. Yang Ningfeng laughed and said, "You can all use demonic beasts to make the bet, why can't I let Jiang Kun use the Great Zombie Technique? Haha, since we only value the result, today's result is Martial Alliance's victory! "

"It's still too early to say all these!" Jiang Wuya said coldly.

In the process of his speech, Jiang Kun had already attacked him. Jiang Wuya already knew that in terms of fighting strength, he was definitely not Jiang Kun's opponent, so all he could do was drag things out!

But how long?

Not only did Jiang Kun's attack power increase, his skeleton like body, his speed was also freakishly fast! He chased after Jiang Wuya, who was fleeing for his life. However, that enormous difference in speed caused Jiang Kun to instantly close in on Jiang Wuya!

"Ga Ga!" "Go to h.e.l.l!" A light punch struck towards Jiang Wuya's back!

Jiang Wuya was shocked, he could only turn around and use both his arms to resist. The current Jiang Kun was simply too strong, and this punch was able to directly send Jiang Wuya flying.

Clap clap!

Several bone cracking sounds were heard as Jiang Wuya rolled on the ground for a few rounds. Both of his arms were now badly mutilated, and it could be seen that his two arms were temporarily crippled.

"Second Brother!" Everyone released exclamations of surprise, they immediately rushed forward and surrounded Jiang Wuya. Jiang Wuya's face was pale, but he was still able to support himself, struggling to stand up, and shouted at everyone: "All of you quickly scram, we have not fought yet!"

Although he was severely injured, Jiang Wuya still did not give up.


On top of him, Long Chen directly cut his neck with the back of his hand. Jiang Wuya's eyes widened, and then he fainted and fell into Long Chen's embrace. Long Chen gave a meaningful glance to the crowd, and they immediately pushed him away, bringing him down with them.

"Roar!" Jiang Kun roared, and rushed towards Jiang Wuya who was in the middle of the group of people.

"What's going on with all of you? Is it against the rules? " Yang Ningfeng shouted.

Long Chen stood out from the crowd and said: "In this second round, we have already conceded. So, if Jiang Kun comes back, don't blame us for being impolite! "

"Why aren't you being courteous anymore?" Earlier, Sword King of the Yellow Springs who was sent out to fight was killed by Long Chen, so if Yang Ningfeng did not kill Jiang Wuya, it would be difficult to quell the hatred in his heart. Taking advantage of the moment when Jiang Kun had gone mad and had difficulty controlling the situation, Yang Ningfeng reckoned that when Jiang Kun was rushing towards the crowd, he did not say anything to stop him!

"You're courting death!" "Little Wolf!" Long Chen frowned. Just as he was speaking, the little wolf had already made its preparations. It shot out his Nine h.e.l.l Devil Ancestral Fire, forming a huge fireball and enveloping everyone within!

This way, if Jiang Kun wanted to attack Jiang Wuya, he would have to pa.s.s through this fireball!


Everyone only felt their surroundings turn dark, and then they fell into a cold state of jealousy. Right at this moment, they heard sizzling sounds as Jiang Kun, whose entire body was entangled by the netherworld Devil Ancestral Fire, had already charged in!