Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 582 Putting On A Show

Chapter 582 - Deceiving

This little girl, Huangfu Qi would probably spoil her too, but now she was not even fart. Huangfu Fengyun completely disregarded her and directly pounced towards Long Chen, causing a huge wave in the room!

"He doesn't even care about Huangfu Qi's safety. How hateful." Long Chen sighed with emotion. He immediately pulled Huangfu Qi into his embrace, then pushed him back with the tip of his feet. He crashed into a wall and rushed outside!

"Quickly chase, don't let him escape!" Huangfu Yu followed closely behind his father, called for the rest of the people, and rushed towards Long Chen.

At this time, the people outside were trying to guess the situation inside. Unexpectedly, a wall suddenly exploded, and Long Chen ran out with Huangfu Qi.

"Quick, stop this b.a.s.t.a.r.d! He caused Miss Wu Er's death!"

It was unknown who shouted, but everyone who was waiting outside immediately knew, and as a result, they were all filled with righteous indignation as they looked at Long Chen furiously.

Long Chen had just jumped down from the sky, placed Huangfu Qi, whose expression was somewhat panicky, on the ground, and said to her: "Qi Qi, you don't have to worry about me.

Huangfu Qi nodded his head heavily, the Huangfu Fengyun earlier had truly frightened her, she had firmly believed that Long Chen would not do such a thing, so she quickly spread his legs and walked towards where Huangfu Fengchen was.

At this time, Huangfu Fengyun and the others came out from the pavilion, and a large group of people quickly surrounded Long Chen. There were a total of five Earth Martial Stage warriors that came out of the pavilion, and among them were Huangfu Yu, whose face was filled with hatred, and Huangfu Fengyun!

"Long Chen, you beast! I must kill you today so that Wu Er's spirit can be sacrificed in heaven! " Huangfu Yu roared so crazily, his lungs almost popping out.

"All of you, help me hold Little Yu. I'll deal with this beast!" The others step aside to avoid being threatened by the bandits! " Huangfu Fengyun said with an ashen face.

Under his orders, everyone retreated behind Huangfu Fengyun, while the other three first stage Earth Martial Stage Realm warriors immediately grabbed onto Huangfu Yu. Even so, Huangfu Yu still struggled with all his might, staring at Long Chen with eyes that were filled with beasts, constantly releasing heart-tearing and lung-splitting roars!

"His performance is really good. This Huangfu Yu can go and sing a song now." Long Chen laughed somewhat helplessly.

Unless Huangfu Fengchen arrived, the battle today would be unavoidable.

Long Chen was still somewhat looking forward to the second stage of the Earth Martial Stage.

Ever since he absorbed the Primordial Blood Dragon's blood essence, there had been a kind of intense battle-loving factor in Long Chen's bones. To him, this was a rather exciting experience!

"Little Yu, lend me the Golden War G.o.d Gun!" Huangfu Fengyun was a peerless expert, the Golden War G.o.d Gun was originally his, it was just that it had not been used for many years, and it had been pa.s.sed down to Huangfu Yu, hoping that he would be able to earn some rewards. He did not expect that Huangfu Yu had actually gotten the Golden War G.o.d Gun back, and placed it in Long Chen's hands!

"Father, you must kill this beast for me!" Huangfu Yu immediately threw the Golden War G.o.d Gun over and roared.

"Don't worry. If he doesn't die, I will shame the ancestors of the Huangfu clan!" Huangfu Fengyun received the Golden War G.o.d Gun, and after a slight dance, it created golden waves. With a woosh, Huangfu Fengyun turned into a golden whirlwind, pouncing towards Long Chen!

The golden colored spear instantly enveloped Long Chen, and as expected, he was worthy of being called a pract.i.tioner at the second level of the Earth Martial Stage over ten years old. Just this strike of his was more than ten times stronger than Huangfu Yu!

This was a true expert who had experienced many trials and tribulations!

In the battles that Huangfu Fengyun had experienced, he was even more experienced than Huangfu Yu. The battle strength of two people, simply wasn't on the same level!


That golden spear image was something Long Chen could not withstand for a moment, and was directly struck by the spear and sent flying, directly smashing a large tree into pieces. That enormous force directly sent Long Chen flying into the vast lake!

Crash! *

Long Chen fell into the lake, causing a large amount of water to splash around!

"Killed him?" Everyone cheered. In their eyes, Huangfu Fengyun was already a legendary figure in the Huangfu Family. Killing a junior in one move was a very normal thing!

"This Long Chen is truly deranged. Does he think that my Huangfu family is easy to bully?"

"To think that you are interested in my Huangfu Family!" "He's too bold, he doesn't even put our Huangfu Clan in his eyes!"

"He died just like that? Isn't this letting him off too easily? Miss Wu Er's beauty was extremely beautiful, but she did not expect to die in his hands, what a pity! Just do as I say. I can't let this beast die so easily! "

Everyone started to shout.

"What are you yelling for? He's not dead yet!" One of the Earth Martial Stage Ranker told them.

After hitting Long Chen into the water, Huangfu Fengyun flew into the air and directly landed on the surface of the lake. His feet were half a meter away from the water's surface, so he asked Yue Yang about standing!

"Get out here!" The Golden War G.o.d Gun slashed on the water surface, and with a loud explosion, the surface of the lake violently trembled. The originally calm lake water was actually split into two halves and swept to the side, where the Golden War G.o.d Gun had struck, even the muddy bottom of the lake was revealed!

At this time, everyone could see Long Chen, who was at the bottom of the lake, quickly scuttling forward and standing in front of Huangfu Fengyun. However, the current Long Chen looked completely different, his body was completely covered in blood-red dragon scales, and sharp bone spikes covered his entire body, especially his pair of sharp claws, which were on average five centimeters long. It was as if ten sharp blood-red blade blades had extended out from Long Chen's strong and thick fingers, filled with a soul-stirring deterrence force!

It could be said that the most terrifying part of Long Chen's body was this pair of claws!

This kind of appearance of Long Chen greatly surprised those who originally thought that he was already dead.

"This Long Chen, is not only fine, why does he feel so much stronger than before?" Everyone thought to themselves.

Long Chen understood that he would definitely not be a match for Huangfu Fengyun if he did not undergo the Dragon Soul Transformation.

The blood-red colored fire of Golden Crow was covered in a thin layer. In Long Chen's body, the flames and true essence had completely merged together, becoming as perfect as they could get!

Such a combination was simply rare!

At this time, Long Chen had also made him frown. Waving the Golden War G.o.d Gun in his hand, Huangfu Fengyun coldly laughed: "Such insignificant skill, acting like a ghost!"

With a whistle, on the surface of the lake, Huangfu Fengyun flew through the air. The Golden War G.o.d Gun in his hands turned into a golden illusion, rushing towards Long Chen!

At this time, the lake surface had gradually calmed down. In mid air, Long Chen was still not proficient in fighting, so he was stepping on the lake surface, of course, this did not affect his fighting strength!

Huangfu Fengyun's speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, his Golden War G.o.d Gun was lashed towards Long Chen.

The golden figure was like a snake, sweeping towards Long Chen's neck. Everyone was fantasizing, that Long Chen's head had been struck and sent flying, but what they saw instead …


Intense sparks exploded out. The Golden War G.o.d Gun had struck Long Chen's arm, and Long Chen immediately used his arm to block the Golden War G.o.d Gun. The Golden War G.o.d Gun that originally sent him flying, was actually unable to move at all!

"Do you only have this little strength left? Huangfu Fengyun, you seem to be old? " Long Chen laughed out loud. He changed his hand gesture, and directly pushed away Huangfu Fengyun's Golden War G.o.d Gun with his arm. At the same time, his other hand, instantly dug towards Huangfu Fengyun's heart!

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you're courting death!" Huangfu Fengyun's heart was incomparably shocked. When Long Chen attacked him, he left with a "shua" sound. This time, it was Long Chen who chased after him!

"A dignified Huangfu Fengyun, he actually ran away?" Long Chen mocked.

It was not that Huangfu Fengyun wanted to escape, rather, whether it was Long Chen's attack or defense, they had all reached a level that was heaven opposing. At this moment, Huangfu Fengyun's heart was already filled with shock!

"This kid is really extraordinary." It should be true that he helped Jian Chen to defeat the Sikong Sword Saint before, but I cannot be careless this time.

That was why Huangfu Fengyun was so cautious!

It could be seen that Long Chen was more adept at close combat than him, so he needed to put some distance between them in order for the Golden War G.o.d Gun to have a chance to unleash its full potential!

With Huangfu Fengyun's strength, he could easily do this!


The Golden War G.o.d Gun's crazy dance easily pushed Long Chen away!

"Is that enough?" Long Chen sneered. There was only one way he could deal with Huangfu Fengyun, and that was to forcefully attack!


Everyone started to clamor, because they saw Long Chen's claws suddenly ignited with scarlet flames, and within the flames, there were actually countless blood-red divine dragon simulacrum. They were moving about, revolving, and releasing dragon roars that came from the ancient times!

fire of Golden Crow, when paired with Soulcatcher claw, would have this effect!


Long Chen laughed and turned into a blood red shadow, rushing towards his opponent!

"Soulcatcher claw!" Many experts recognized the name of this battle skill!

In Long Chen's hands, the Soulcatcher claw had displayed a different flavor!

"How can an insignificant skill be on par with my Huangfu overlord spear technique!" Huangfu Fengyun laughed out wildly, the Golden War G.o.d Gun in his hand danced wildly, and released a ray of piercing sunlight!

The blazing sun was right behind Long Chen. The Golden War G.o.d Gun moved, suddenly transforming into a long pillar of light, containing the endless spear shadows as it charged explosively towards Long Chen!