Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 536 Ghost Stream

Chapter 536 - ghost stream

Long Chen knew nothing about the Martial Dao Realm.

Long Chen knew that he was not really far from the Martial Dao Realm. This was because he had something important, and that was the dianyin bead. He didn't know how long he'd been unconscious, but it would probably only be a day or two. On the day that the nine suns coexist, he can use the dianyin bead to directly advance into the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage. Furthermore, even Tongtian Pill s do not need to undergo crazy growth in order to become stronger.

However, there was also a prerequisite. He had to get out of those hidden injuries caused by the third blood sacrifice as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if he used dianyin bead, those hidden injuries would continue to exist. Every internal injury was like a blade that was stuck in Long Chen's body. If he did not remove it, it would sooner or later bring about fatal damage to Long Chen.

However, Long Yue should have a way.

He managed to escape death this time, but he encountered a n.o.ble. Only then would Long Chen have the qualifications to become a Ranker once again. He would seize this opportunity.

"Long Chen, I want to ask you something. Just tell me about the Duke of Qing Li and Liu Yiyi and your experiences after meeting them. Jiang Wuya pursed his lips, and looked at Long Chen with a profound gaze.

With regards to this man, Long Chen did not know what to say. It was easy to see that he had followed Long Yue, probably because he liked her, and had even liked her for a long time. He could be considered a man obsessed with love. However, why did he seem to have a relationship with the Qing Li King in the Ancient Devil Region, and why was he still left with Liu Yiyi as his daughter?

Seeing Jiang Wuya like this, he didn't seem like someone who would abandon his wife and children. The complicated story of their relationship, Long Chen didn't know of, so it wasn't appropriate for him to make wild judgments. Instead, he felt that Qing Li King was not bad, and this Jiang Wuya seemed to be pretty good as well.

Thus, he told them all of his experiences. As long as it involved something that was his secret, he would choose to skip over it. For example, regarding the Mystical Emperor Seal, the six of them went to the Ancient Devil Region mainly for the Mystical Emperor Seal. Why would Long Chen tell them that the Mystical Emperor Seal was in his hands?

If Five Great Emperors Seal combined as one, then she would be able to obtain the ultimate treasure, the Royal Tier Battle Skills's Five Emperors Seal. Even the Royal Tier Battle Skills would be taken from the top Holy Dynasty s of the Realm of Myriad Kingdoms, needless to say, the Holy Martial Empire. Evidently, the six of them had been searching for the Emperor Seal lately.

Jiang Wuya mainly studied the life of the Qing Li King and Liu Yiyi from his experiences. After hearing everything, his eyes became moist, but he quickly wiped it off and said to Long Chen: "Thank you."

"The debt of grat.i.tude you all owe to me is as heavy as a mountain. I should be the one thanking you instead." Long Chen said solemnly.

Jiang Wuya laughed helplessly. Suddenly, his expression became serious and asked: "Long Chen, do you want to marry Yi Yi as your wife?"

Long Chen was a bit helpless. As Liu Yiyi was Liu Yiyi's father, he was naturally concerned about his own daughter, so Long Chen said: "My life isn't in your hands.

"Since it's like this, Ancient Devil Region, I won't allow you to return. Without my permission, you are not allowed to take even a single step! " Jiang Wuya said in a serious tone.

"Yes." Long Chen nodded, he understood Jiang Wuya's intentions. If he did not love her, he would not allow him to hurt her.

After he finished talking about this, Jiang Wuya did not speak anymore. The Pteropteryx's speed was indeed quite fast, and through Jiang Wuya's true essence, he could only see the clouds outside quickly moving behind him with lightning bolts surrounding them. Not long after, Long Chen felt that the Pteropteryx had started to slow down, and suddenly, the Pteropteryx stopped in midair, let out a low growl, and then disappeared, while Long Chen was carried by Jiang Wuya down.

Below him was a vast forest.

Long Chen estimated that this should be the ghost stream they were staying in.

Here, the surroundings were covered in a thick white fog, which blocked Long Chen's field of vision and made it difficult to see what was in front of them. After the six of them descended above the Forest Boa, they immediately entered the forest, and then headed towards the depths of the mountains.

With the endless fog blocking their way, the place they were living in should be quite a secret place.

This was an endless mountain range. After walking for several kilometers through the fog, Long Chen finally saw the light in front of him. In the middle of a very deep mountain, there was actually a paradise on earth.

Not far from Long Chen's feet was a lake of tranquil water. The lake was not big, but it was abnormally clear, and the little fishes and shrimps in the lake could be clearly seen. There were a few sika deer drinking water by the lake, and this was a pure wild beast, and was not a demon beast.

Not far from the lake, several elegant wooden houses could be seen. Long Chen counted a total of six, which just happened to fit the six of them.

"How is it, little brother, is our home beautiful?" Lan Ling'er said complacently as she moved closer to Long Chen. Her sparkling eyes flowed with light, lively and beautiful.

Long Chen took in a deep breath. Such a peaceful and quiet place was indeed not bad, and was very suitable for resting.

"It is indeed very beautiful." Long Chen said.

"It is indeed very beautiful, but our rooms are all built by ourselves. However, if someone calls me Sister Lan, I am happy to hear it. Perhaps, I am even willing to build a room for someone who is injured." Lan Ling'er chuckled.

"Okay, Ling'er, stop messing around. All of you should help me out. I'll go prepare some spiritual medicine. It is not easy for him to recover from his condition." Long Yue paused for a moment, then looked at Long Chen and said: "Starting tomorrow, I can roughly treat your injuries. "You should stay with them today and familiarize yourself with this place."

"Thank you everyone!" Long Chen nodded, his eyes filled with grat.i.tude.

Following that, Long Yue went to prepare the spirit medicines, and Chi Ying should be among them to contact his a.s.sa.s.sin organization's Scarlet Soul, to see if there were any other information. As for the others, they quickly helped Long Chen to build a simple and crude wooden house, and with it, Long Chen at least had a quiet place to cultivate.

Looking at the surroundings, Long Chen felt as if he was in a dream.

It could be seen that the six of them had a very good relationship with each other. They were truly worthy of being brothers and sisters.

In order to celebrate Long Chen's arrival, they decided to hold a bonfire party. What Long Chen admired was that Jian Chen and Lei Zhen's culinary skills were both excellent, Jian Chen was good at making delicacies, and Lei Zhen was good at roasting meat.

Under their warm welcome, Long Chen quickly let go of his hands and feet.

The cultivation that he had always believed was only slaughter and bitter cultivation. It was not enough for Long Chen to see another realm in them, and that was freedom and will. That was why they started a conflict with the control of the Martial Alliance. However, since they were all together, it was actually quite nice for them to rely on their sword arts and the martial arts world.

Very quickly, Long Chen started to get familiar with them. He was the youngest, so when he called out to others, he brought up a brother. Of course, Lan Ling'er was Sister Lan. After all, she had always been the youngest, and now there was finally another Long Chen.

The six of them had sworn brothers before, but Long Chen was just temporarily staying here.

"Long Chen, in your life, there will always be calamities and dangers. However, as long as you have a few brothers and sisters who can fight together with you, we are very satisfied, don't you think?" After drinking a little, Jiang Wuya laughed.

The others all agreed.

"Training and killing are both boring. How can I make myself not boring?" "It's the old rule, acting like a genius. Since you're new here today, we'll let you go and let you perform in the end. If you don't perform well, Sister Lan won't forgive you!" After drinking a bit, Lan Ling'er's face flushed red, making her look extremely beautiful.

"Ling'er, don't make things difficult for them. Let's begin." Third brother, in order to celebrate Long Chen's arrival here, how about we have a Qin Xiao concert first? " Jiang Wuya laughed.

"Of course." The white-haired Jian Chen revealed a rare trace of a smile.

Very quickly, Jiang Wuya was sitting under the moonlight, holding his zither, while Jian Chen was standing, playing the role of the Xiao Clan Elder. In this regard, the two of them were both absolute masters, causing Long Chen and the others to enjoy listening to them.

When it reached the middle stages, it immediately turned into a high pitch, as if it was a battlefield of ten thousand people. But then, Chi Ying casually picked a leaf from the tree, and said: "I will also go!"

Then, under Long Chen's astonished gaze, he actually used a leaf to play a beautiful tune.

"Such wonderful music, how can there be no dancing?" Long Chen laughed lightly and walked to the front of Long Chen. His body quickly began to dance to the music, Long Chen had been in the popinjay world of White Yang Town for a long time, and had seen many kinds of beautiful dancing moves, but right now, Lan Ling'er was like a blue b.u.t.terfly in the middle of a huge wave, swaying gently and dancing gracefully. Her dancing movements were absolutely the most beautiful that Long Chen had ever seen.

"Everyone is talented? Long Chen thought somewhat helplessly, and at this time, Lei Zhen suddenly laughed out loud and rushed into the field, laughing: "You guys are all here, how can you all miss the Warring Clan dance of my Northern Warring Clan!"

After he finished speaking, his body quickly moved. This so called Warring Clan Dance was extremely violent, with wide opening and closing motions, but it was filled with a wild nature and unyielding beauty. In addition to Lei Zhen's wild appearance, there was also a high-spirited music that was filled with excitement.

In the end, all summer came to an end.

The five of them looked at the dumbstruck Long Chen, and Lan Ling'er said: "Little brother, you watched our talents for free, what about yours? "If you don't pa.s.s, Sister Lan will skin you naked and then let you freeze in the lake for three days and three nights."

The others were also gloating with laughter.

Long Chen could see their true faces clearly now. In general, the dragon race were a group of tyrants who were strong but were not much different from playful children.

However, Long Chen really liked it here.