Dragon Blooded War God

Chapter 508 Dianyin Bead And Beauty

Chapter 508 - dianyin bead and Beauty

"Jiang City, Chen Feng used his Heaven Stage High Rank's combat skill to exchange with you, but you didn't agree, this is giving face and not taking it, there aren't many people in The King's Hall of Clearing Seep, I presume you want to partic.i.p.ate in that disciple's test? Although Brother Chen Feng is already in the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, he is still in the list for the a.s.sessment. Ying Shaotian laughed coldly.

Even the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage had to undergo an a.s.sessment to compete for the dianyin bead?

Chen Feng had only broken through a few days ago. It was very likely that after the quota had been set, the dianyin bead could be given to someone else even if he did not need it now.

Long Chen was startled. This matter had already exceeded his expectations, he had initially thought that when it came time for Level 7 of the Heavenly Completion Stage, to partic.i.p.ate in the examination, it was already a matter of time before he obtained the dianyin bead.

It could be seen that this person called Chen Feng was definitely going to be his most terrifying opponent at that time.

Of course, to Long Chen, it was just a threat that became bigger, and that did not mean he was afraid. Also, with the Blood Escape technique, even if he gave it to Chen Feng, he would not be able to cultivate it.

With Blood Escape, even people like the Duke of Qingli would not be able to threaten Long Chen, let alone the two disciples in front of him. Therefore, Long Chen raised his head, and spoke with a slightly cold tone of voice: "The thing is mine, and if I don't give it to you, naturally, I'll have my own freedom. But for the two of you, blocking the road is not a good habit, what do you call it? Right, a good dog doesn't block the way."

In their eyes, Long Chen was just a weak newbie. If it was according to Chen Feng's previous style, he would have just directly suppressed and s.n.a.t.c.hed away anything, and would not have shouted at Long Chen like he did today. They did not expect Long Chen to be not only unreasonable, but also unreasonable to such an extent that he directly said those words to them.

Anger began to grow within their hearts. The two of them exchanged a glance and saw the killing intent in each other's eyes. In this Third Demon World, even if Long Chen died, they could push the blame onto the demon beasts. Therefore, Long Chen actually daring to provoke them at this time, was a very unwise choice.

"What? You want to kill me?" At this time, Long Chen didn't have any intention to be afraid of them. He retreated a few steps and chuckled: "Should I call you stupid, or stupid? Ying Shaotian, you clearly know that I have an escape art, but you were unable to kill me the first time.

It was only then that Ying Shaotian realized that Long Chen was right. Long Chen actually dared to treat them like this because he had a reason, and that he could only rely on them because no matter where they were, they would not be able to catch up to Long Chen.

They were clearly much stronger than their opponents, but they just couldn't do anything to their opponents. This made them feel like they were vomiting blood!

Of course, Chen Feng had never seen Long Chen's escaping technique, so he was still in a state of disbelief. Right now, his body was releasing a powerful aura, and with a deep voice he bellowed: "Refusing to toast is simply courting death, Jiang City right? Let me, Chen Feng, witness your escaping technique!"

After he finished speaking, his entire body burst forth with an extremely fast speed, and instantly appeared in front of Long Chen!

"So fast!" No wonder he was so interested in Long Chen's escape art. Of course, his attack power was not bad, since he's an expert of Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage after all. At this moment, when he was punching towards Long Chen, an intense explosion sounded beside Long Chen's ears!

A simple punch was actually as powerful as this!

"Too slow!" Long Chen's face was full of ridicule and his body instantly turned into a ray of blood light, disappearing from their sight. When he appeared again, he was already at the entrance of the pa.s.sageway, and was at least 100 metres away from them!

Chen Feng then turned his head in shock, and looked at Long Chen with eyes full of pa.s.sion!

"This escape technique is not bad, not bad at all!" After repeating it twice, it could be seen how pa.s.sionate he was. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten the humiliation Long Chen had given him, and directly said: "Jiang City, I can use two Heaven Stage High Rank's worth of combat skills to exchange with you, one for two. You definitely profited greatly, how about it?"

"Stop dreaming! Even if you were to use your king level battle skill to exchange with me, it would be impossible!" Long Chen decisively shook his head.

Chen Feng's eyes gradually turned blood-red. He coldly said, "Don't force me. Don't think that you can defy the heavens by only having an escape art. If I want to kill you, there are at least 10 ways!"

"Oh?" Long Chen laughed and said: "It's a pity that I don't have the time to waste on you right now. If you want to beat me up or something, I'll just wait until the day of disciple's a.s.sessment. On that day, I'll give you a surprise, and Ying Shaotian as well."

Long Chen looked at him coldly, and said: "If you want to marry Liu Yiyi, you will still have to pa.s.s my test. So, don't go overboard with your daydreams, you have too much free will, and it's not good for your body, haha."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the reactions of Ying Shaotian and Chen Feng and walked straight into the pa.s.sage, disappearing quickly.

Only Ying Shaotian and Chen Feng were left looking at each other in dismay. Chen Feng was a little stunned as he said: "Brother Ying, if I didn't hear wrongly, this Jiang City means that he will challenge us in the disciple exam?"

A taunting look appeared in Ying Shaotian's eyes as he said, "This guy's head has definitely been kicked by a donkey. This kind of person who's proud even after taking a small advantage definitely doesn't have a long lifespan. He only has a miraculous escape technique, yet thinks he can deal with us?"

Chen Feng also mocked for a while, then said, "Today we are really unlucky to have our heads covered by a stupid dog. However, we can't deal with that stupid dog, so if this gets out, our people will lose a lot of face."

"No worries, no worries. Even if he lost too much, we can just wait for him to teach a lesson in the disciple exam. For example, make him kneel down and kowtow in front of everyone?" Ying Shaotian said with a dark expression.

"Good idea Brother Ying. Even though I have already reached the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, I am still envious of Brother Ying. After all, after going through the disciple examination, Brother Ying will be able to enjoy Liu Yiyi's peerless beauty. " Chen Feng revealed a smile that a man would understand.

"Beauty, even if you look at it head on, it's still just a skeleton made of pink. The woman Brother Chen has played with is at least ten times more than me, right? Which one of them was not an outstanding beauty? I am rather envious of Brother Chen, with your strength, that dianyin bead must be yours. " Ying Shaotian said in envy.

"dianyin bead? I'm already at the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, what's the use of dianyin bead? It would be better if I could exchange with you for that Liu Yiyi. Chen Feng chuckled.

His aura was cold and gloomy, just like a wild leopard. He never imagined that he would have such an evil side to him.

"Brother Chen sure knows how to joke, haha!"

Their laughter lasted for a long time, and at this time, Long Chen had already said his goodbyes to the Aeolus, left the Sevenfold Demon World, and returned to the The King's Hall of Clearing Seep. On the way, Long Chen heard a good news, that Little Waves had successfully reached the sixth level of Heaven Stage, and more importantly, he had successfully absorbed the Nine-wheel Ghost Flame Beast's Nine Ring of Ghost Fire.

Long Chen had already experienced the might of the Nine Wheel Ghost Flame before, and it was indeed very good, especially when the little wolf used the Nine h.e.l.l Devil Ancestral Flame!

"However, that Chen Feng is a member of the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage, so it seems that the disciple exam this time is really mysterious. It seems that I need to learn the devil shadow clone as soon as possible, and I will go find Liu Yiyi right now. "

Thinking about it here, Long Chen just returned to the The King's Hall of Clearing Seep and then went to look for Liu Yiyi.

In the Third Demon World, he had spent a bit of time. To Long Chen, time was the key to victory.

Liu Yiyi had been waiting for Long Chen to appear all along. Seeing Long Chen's appearance, she let out a breath of relief and said: "At this critical moment, where are you going to the Third Demon World? How can there be so many beasts? Aren't you worried about being attacked?"

"Are you concerned about me?" Long Chen looked at her and asked.

"No!" Under his blazing gaze, Liu Yiyi retreated a few steps, her expression somewhat unnatural. She shook her head and said: "Training the devil shadow clone requires a certain amount of conditions. Follow me."

Long Chen only found her fun to play with, and teased her a little. He did not expect this girl to be so timid and shy. He stopped his joke and followed Liu Yiyi towards the back of the palace, quickly arriving in the middle of a barren mountain. Of course, there seemed to be something strange blocking this place, as if ordinary people could not come here.

"This is the back mountain of my The King's Hall of Clearing Seep, the back mountain is surrounded by natural restrictions. Normal people wouldn't be able to enter this place, unless they are warriors who have reached the Ninth Level of the Heavenly Completion Stage." Walking in front of Long Chen, Liu Yiyi did not dare to look at Long Chen, and said softly.

Long Chen stopped in his tracks.

The white figure in front of him, as well as the word "restriction" made him think of that girl. He felt that his throat was a little dry, and his fists were tightly clenched, and that was how he sometimes missed her.

After going through life and death together, he knew that in the end, they had parted ways. Ling Xi's crying face and the empire's deadly punch were played non-stop in Long Chen's mind.

Sensing that Long Chen had stopped in his tracks, Liu Yiyi turned around. Then, he saw Long Chen, who had his head lowered and looked somewhat sinister, his body emitting a thick baleful aura, causing Liu Yiyi to unconsciously take a few steps back.

"Jiang City you …"

This soft call woke Long Chen up.

Jiang City, not Long Chen.

Only now did Long Chen remember his status within the Ancient Devil Region. He suppressed the waves in his heart, smiled at Liu Yiyi, and said, "I'm fine, let's continue walking."

"Oh," Liu Yiyi nodded and woodenly turned around.